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I got my aim on the Raven Council

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 03:31
by Kyojíro
Hello everyone, my name is Kyojíro, for those who its hard to pronounce, Kyo will do. I'm a female night elf huntress and I reached the top of my strength already, although I believe I can get a bit stronger after the dark portal have opened.

I'm awake most of the time, I don't feel that the invisible force thats guiding me through this world has other bodies aswell. I believe that I am the only one for him. Oh I know how strange this must sound to you but its true!

The reason I am writing this letter is because I am looking for a place where I can feel safe and where I am surrounded with friends. I spotted a dwarf priest in Stormwind who was checking my armor out, or was he looking at my body... I shall never know, and I asked him if he knew a place like this. He mentionned you.. so thats why.. I think.

As you may read this you may get a first impression that I can be quite the drama queen, thats a lie! Hehe, I may turn a mosquito into an elephant but thats just to make things funnier. The most important thing is that I love to explore dangerous dungeons with other people, Im a real teamplayer. The thing I dont like is to fight for Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley, I prefer to take my bow and pet and go hunt for horde in the deep forrests that are in out beatifull world. I hope to find a place that shares these feelings.

So thats my story, I hope I will make a good first impression, my father always told me that the first impression is the most important thing in the world. I miss him... its been ages since I last visited him in Darnassus. Before I stop writing this letter, because Im starting to get a huge cramp in my hand I just want to say that I really hope that you will allow me a place in your society. I promise you, you wont regret it.

Much love,


((OOC application))

Real life status:

- Name: Tim ((the enchanter :P)) van der Loop
- Age: 19
- Country: The Netherlands

In game status:

- Name: Kyojíro
- Race: Night Elf
- Class: Hunter
- lvl: 60, aiming for lvl 70 in TBC

- Gear: Beaststalker 5/8, the rest other blues
- Weapons: Ice Barbed Spear and Ancient Bone Bow

MC: yes
Onyxia: no, but working on it
BWL: no, but almost done with it
Naxxramas: No

*lvl 60 talent tree*
Lvl 60 talent tree

*lvl 70 talent tree*
Lvl 70 talent tree

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 10:25
by Tseng
Nice RL name..... Not that I'm biased or anything :P