[Social] Ethenial, lvl 100 Priest

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[Social] Ethenial, lvl 100 Priest

Post by Ethenial » 01 Sep 2015, 05:49

Who is your characters?
Name: Ethenial Nightshade... aaah the Role-play part of the Realm.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... l/advanced
Race: Night Elf, because they're shiny :)
Class: Priest (Primary Spec: Shadow/Secondary Spec: Disc PvP)

Name: Hjölthranð Mountainclaw
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... 0/advanced
Race: Dwarf... the Mighty Honorable Dwarves, you have to at least have one Dwarf.
Class: Hunter (Primary Spec: Beast Master/Secondary Spec: Beast Mastery all the way! PvP) Lone Wolf... what?! A Hunter without a pet is like a Pizza without tomato Sauce. Just NO!

Who are you?
My name is Frank, I'm 34 years old... yeah that's like a 140 in World of Warcraft. I live in Esbjerg (Denmark) and have done so for the better part of my life.

Activity in Warcraft
Everything basically, I love this game. I mostly RP by myself, you know pretend stuff. I recently began writing stories to fit my characters, and I've never been apart of a Role playing community so I figure I'd give it a shot. PvP means a lot to me, that's like the one place competitively where you can't miss it by one beat. You have to be in it 120% and the same applies to Raiding. Yeah I'm taking a little break from that, haven't really done any serious since SoO back in Mist.

Achievements, Mounts, Battle-pets I'm on-board!

Guild history
The Danish Raiders Is the recent serious Guild I've been in, we we're called Danish but we had players from other countries. After the new raid structure we disbanded, yeah it's a long story. We we're a tight little 10 man heroic raiding Guild of Friends, some stopped playing and others moved on to other Guilds. After that I wandered around doing PvP, a little Raiding and so forth. Just minding my own business, but that get's terribly lonely. I just missed the big Guilds we're there's always someone and a Voice-chat not just with the same three players online.

Before Danish Raiders, that's way back in Cataclysm. I was die hard Horde back then! and into Arenas and RBG's. I did most of the raiding content, including Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twillight, Firelands and a little into Dragon Soul. For Achievements, Mounts and Gear. I was in a Raiding Guild, So I wanted to be a part of that experience too. Wrath of Neophyte was the name of the Guild and I left after they jumped Alliance. I was not ready for that yet... Alliance.

Now the brain begins to scramble, Wrath of The Lich King. PvP, Raiding and Horde. I was in a lot of Guilds back then, I had problems at Home outside the Game. Really a hard time for me...

Classic and TBC. The Golden days, I was playing Alliance back then! Druid, and back then it was resto or no Raiding. I was Hardcore raider, 5 days Raiding... 2 Days farming for Fish and I seriously doubt anyone from back then, who was into fishing would dig fishing today! I love it still, but then again... I'm an odd fellah =). Flasks, Potions so yeah NO SLEEP!!! This was in a Guild on Laughing Skull called Mythic and later on Zeus. Man I don't miss those days, just nothing but raiding... and don't get me started on Naxxramas, what a Hell Hole.

I don't know anyone in Raven Council, however I have been reading A lot of Guild info the past 2-3 Days, yeah i like to research before applying. It is a serious commitment, and your Guild just clicked something in me. It's hard to explain, you just know when you've found your new home. In the past 2-3 weeks I also researched into other Guilds on these connected realms, to find a place to settle down. I'm allowed to use that sentence, I've been around awhile in the Warcraft Universe. I just know I'm going to like you Guys, I don't know how else to describe it.

About you
You know my age and where I live :)

When not drooling over this Game for hours on end. I have a Family that I love, Friends I hang out with and my Dog. His name is Dj and he's my best mate! Yeah I'm a freak of nature, you kinda have to be... just a little to be in this game for so long. I also work in a post office, yeah I'm a Post Man. Blizzard don't pay the Bills! I also like writing, drawing and designing stuff (Photoshop mostly, the drawing and designing stuff part). I guess that's why I chose a Role-playing Realm, to broaden my World of Warcraft pretend adventure and to share it with others.

that is a... you could write an entire novel about these guys. That's why Blizzard did not include them in their movies, there's just waaaay to much to tell. I have to love them, I have Dwarves in my character line-up. I'm gonna stop now.

I hope you like my Story and that you can fit a Geek like me into Raven Council.

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Re: [Social] Ethenial, lvl 100 Priest

Post by Jimmble » 01 Sep 2015, 09:06

Thanks for your app, give us a little time to review and we'll get back to you asap.

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Re: [Social] Ethenial, lvl 100 Priest

Post by Beastaly » 01 Sep 2015, 10:48

Hey there,
Your application has been accepted, please whisper an officer for an invite :)

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Re: [Social] Ethenial, lvl 100 Priest

Post by Jimmble » 01 Sep 2015, 21:29

