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[RG2] Alcaedias - Prot/Ret Paladiin

Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 18:59
by Alcaedias
Who is your character? ... ias/simple

Who are you?
Hello there my name is Chris I’m a 24 years old network technician , I live in Greece and I like playing wow as much as I like gyros and music ( that’s a lot !), still not as much as I enjoy sharing funny moments with friends though , whether they are in a game or real life , there are only few things I dislike but constructive criticism isn’t one of them , honesty is one of my attributes as well .

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
With my current gear and experience I think I will be more fit for Group 2 , I wouldn’t want at any cost to hold you down from progressing ,however should you find me more than capable for it , it’s up to you whether to place me on group 1 or 2 , I’m fine with anything as long as I get to progress further in to the game’s raiding content .
I’ll start with WoD raiding content first , I’ve started early on the expansion before BRF patch when 640 gear was valuable still , I’ve cleared all the way to TO on HM normal and then I had to take a break due to work for 6 months , when I came back I found the guild in ruins so I pugged HM hc until Ko’ragh , we moved on creating a new guild , we cleared BRF normal and done some hc bosses as well , that’s my wod experience so far along with the first 4 bosses in normal HFC , now about my past I’ve been raiding since BC : Karazhan, ZA , Maggy ,Grull, some TK all content pre nerf or before any class changes
WOTLK : all content , before the release of next patch apart from Lich king 25man hc and 10 man hc ( due to guild issues back then our best shot was at 30% )
Cata: BWD , BOT after the patch , Firelands full clear early on the patch , some hc kill as well but not Ragnaros on hc still ( at this point was a guild attendance issue as well ) DS normal early until blackhorn and then I took a break for a while and came back for deathwing , all bosses on normal
MoP: MSV early on the expansion before HoF patch then honestly the game end up to be more grind rep than playing so I stopped wow for a year , I came back , did some ToT normal , SoO hc full clear ( late on the expansion though before the feat was removed )
Raid Role
I main protection paladin since BC , i have played both in the good times and the bad times of the class , my role is to make certain to keep myself alive while also maintaining the position of our target and of course keeping the target(s) attacking me  however as a protection paladin you got some really cool abilities such as LoH and HoP( old BoP) that can save the day in many situations , that’s what kept me playing this spec and class I can do much more than just fulfilling my role within a fight , As for the preparation I take my knowledge for the fights from various sources such as Fatboss videos and tankspot as for my class updates , I used to read on elitist jerks but then they got less accurate from all these years so I’m trying out icy veins , noxxic and certain paladin sites such as maintankadin , as for my judgement on performance matters is “ don’t die “ the most important thing for me is not dying while it’s controversial to raiding I know , you can’t do anything while you are dead no matter the role , sometimes you have to think quick you can only know the outcome if you live enough to try something so my point of view on raiding is stay calm , focusing on what I have to do and just deal with the situations ahead and give 100% of effort .
Your Spec
the rotation on protection paladin changes depending the situation ,I value bonus armor and mastery over the other stats althought crit and multistrike has lower diminishing , haste is a strong stat as well perhaps the strongiest but if you reach a certain amount of it ( 15%) bonus armor and mastery are better stats for a defensive gear set up , if you play with divine purpose you can actually maintain the almost 100% uptime which provides additional dmg reduction from physical dmg , I always try to save that 5 stacks of BoG for an emergency heal for me or for any of my comrades ,as for the glyphs they vary depending the fight but some of the most usefull ones are as using HoS doesn’t endanger you anymore and who doesn’t want a 30% dmg reduction buff ? instead of 40% magic dmg reductions it reduces it to 20% magic but increases the dmg reduction from physical sources by 20% as well , really versatile glyph .
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I’ve been playing retri as much as protection especially in pvp and to me it makes no difference in terms of skill of which of those 2 specs to play ( I disliked healing as paladin it just doesn’t feel right to me :P ) as for the alts , well yea I got a couple of alts I could assist with in case you would like to consider a different class or spec with all of the following alts I have cleared at least icc 25 man normal and I’m quite knowledgeable with my shaman being the only class I ever healed decently . ... nas/simple ... xis/simple ... nde/simple ... 8th/simple ... ion/simple ... yon/simple ... das/simple
Yes , I have a working headset with mic and i don't hesitate to talk as well as discuss things in the forums with any of you guys .
Combat Logs
if you are talking about the I don’t have one since I am not familiar with the process , I never needed one before actually.
Your UI
my UI is under development i've tried x-pearl in the past , bartender , healbot but tbh i end up with the old classic UI for a while , going to try elvUI
Guild History
my first guild was <Molten Guardians> a usual “ do all “ fun guild and then my first raiding proposal came from <one of a kind> apparently as newbie as I were I couldn’t fulfill their t6 standards back then so that was the first and only guild kick I ever got and the reason was simply because I was a newbie :P after that I moved on to <stormwind insane asylum> which I raid a lot Karazhan , za , maggy , grull and some TK all was with them a really lovely bunch but , they fall behind and there was some missunderstandings about equal treatment on the guild members so I’ve decided to move on along with some friends to a first time greek guild <Tan h epi tas> , there we did amazing stuff I must say , like doing 25 man raids within the patch release of Malygos , naxx and OS with less than 25 people it felt really nice and cozy being in a top guild with lots of your friends but all good things end , the officers abused their authorities resulting in a mass pull out from the guild including me after that I wandered with my alts in different guilds to find a suitable place for me and I end up in <Keepers of mrakness> and <Grove of eternal balance> ( at the same time yes… I had a lot of free time back then ) eventually there was some drama on keepers and I had to leave and kept on <Grove of eternal balance> where I had my best raiding moments until well , it got disbanded one day due to leadership-officer disagreements , after that I joined <edge of eternity> where I also raided a lot with them along with some friends and had my cata progress and later one my first raids in msv at pandaria , the guid slowly died though after I took a break and when I came back having nowhere to go I went to a social greek guild as well which I traded later on clearly for pvp reasons for a pvp guild , my time there was short and I didn’t do much due to me being a ret paladin :P after than I joined back the social guild I was in where I also progressed in highmaul normal but it slowly started losing activity so we decided to create a new one with dedicated players only, eventually though the things didn’t work out as expected as we lack our GM and RL and this means no further raiding activity so here I am now writing this application to you because you are one of the oldiest and most solid guild in the server , I used to talk with Drubnabjagr if I write his name correctly which I believe he no longer plays the game but I remember the good stories about your guild that he has told me that and i've seen your advertisements in /2.
Raid availability
I’m fine with the days and the hours .
I know your guild name and I found you via forums as I play in this server a lot and yes I know a lot of you by name but I don’t know if you are willing to vouch for me , that’s up to you and my reputation :D
About you
I’m generally a patient person (that comes with the job description :P ) I like being punctual on schedules and dates and my dream is to travel all around the world someday and to arm wrestle with a polar bear !
note:most of my alts are spec and glyphed for solo content and such , so don't take so much in consideration from the links , is just some info on how far i've progressed on the ring quest and the amount of gear they have , i also have a bulk of materials so gearring up to the point of keeping up with the raid group is a trivial matter to me ( i also hope that i was as detailed as needed for 8 years expirience of the game :D).

Re: [RG2] Alcaedias - Prot/Ret Paladiin

Posted: 24 Aug 2015, 23:57
by Jimmble
Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: [RG2] Alcaedias - Prot/Ret Paladiin

Posted: 26 Aug 2015, 23:28
by Padelis
Good guy and quite good tank!!

Re: [RG2] Alcaedias - Prot/Ret Paladiin

Posted: 26 Aug 2015, 23:37
by Jimmble
And also...
