[Raider] Grímmdeath lvl 100 Frost/ Unholy Death Knight
Posted: 05 Aug 2015, 09:46
Who is your character?
Grímmdeath, Frost/ Unholy Death Knight
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... h/advanced
Who are you?
My Name is Chris, i'm 23 years old from Norway
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am currently applying for RG1, but if it doesnt work out or there isn't room for me there i hope this application can be considered by RG2
My Raiding Exp goes from WOTLK to now in WOD.
the first raid i attended was with a DK I had long ago specced Unholy, a specc i played throughout WOTLK even tough frost was considerably much stronger. The first raid I were in was ICC normal and quicly went to HC though HC took a long time to clear i maneged to clear just before the realease of Cataclysm, in Cataclysm i continued playing my DK until i reched lvl 85 and rerolled mage only through FL normal when i started HC i rerolled back to my DK, and raided as DK through FL HC clearing it after DS was released during DS i played nothing but my DK, managing to clear HC after 3 weeks of progression. When MOP was released i rerolled destro lock for MSV, HoF, ToeS and ToT, after that i rerolled back to DK once more and i have stayed to DK since. i have clear MSV on normal and HC pre nerfs, HoF i cleared normal and 5/6 HC, ToeS i have cleared on normal and 3/4 HC, ToT i have cleared noraml and only 9/13 HC, in SoO i have cleared it all on Normal and HC (before it became Mythic) and now in WoD i have cleared HM normal and 6/7 HC and no kills on mythic, BRF i have cleared normal and hc and 2/10 mythic, in HFC in have 12/13 normal, 8/13 hc and no mythic kills.
Raid Role
I prefer to only play as DPS as i'm not so comfy as tank or healer in raids, bit i can tank or healer dungeons,
i keep myself up too date on my class by reading forums on mmo-champion, noxxic, Icy-veins and summonstone.com
and compare all notes and changes they post in order to find common middlegrounds where they all agree on stat prio just to put up an exaple.
Your Spec
My rotation is based on my stat prio which is: Strength, Mastery, Multistrike, Versatility, Haste and Crit.
due to this i open a fight with army pre-pot, HB, FS, HB, HB, obliterate, FS, FS, FS and from there it depends on procs from killing machine and freezing fog. if you want details dont hesitate to talk with me
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have no problems switching to my OS which is Unholy atm to optimaze my DPS for a spesific boss fight and even trash mobs. as for alts i dont have any alts geared enough for current raids atm but working on a boomie and i have a lock aswell but both needs to get geared before thay can join a HFC hc raid.
I have a headset with a working mic, and many different voice coms, i have TS3, Vent, Mumble and raidcall
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... st/#boss=0
Your UI
Guild History
I have been in a few guilds worth mentioning but some of them are, Revolution - Turalyon which i left after our raidleader stopped playing and thing started getting weird. The Devils Own - Turalyon i left as the were just not up to my standards even though they wanted to aim high they could never get there. Overrated - The Mealstrom, is the guild i'm currently in and i'm leaving it in order to play with Zotic who is a good friend of mine that is now in your guild.
Raid availability
Set the day and time and i'll be there!
My friend Zotic and Buhar told me about this guild when he was in it previously and wanted me to send in an apply so here i am making one
About you
I am a very relaxed person who likes to have a bit of fun, just to cut it short
if there is anything i have missunderstood or forgotten to mention you can get a hold of me in-game via my B-tag: Grimm#2369 or on my E-mail: chrisamuivan@gmail.com
Grímmdeath, Frost/ Unholy Death Knight
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... h/advanced
Who are you?
My Name is Chris, i'm 23 years old from Norway
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am currently applying for RG1, but if it doesnt work out or there isn't room for me there i hope this application can be considered by RG2
My Raiding Exp goes from WOTLK to now in WOD.
the first raid i attended was with a DK I had long ago specced Unholy, a specc i played throughout WOTLK even tough frost was considerably much stronger. The first raid I were in was ICC normal and quicly went to HC though HC took a long time to clear i maneged to clear just before the realease of Cataclysm, in Cataclysm i continued playing my DK until i reched lvl 85 and rerolled mage only through FL normal when i started HC i rerolled back to my DK, and raided as DK through FL HC clearing it after DS was released during DS i played nothing but my DK, managing to clear HC after 3 weeks of progression. When MOP was released i rerolled destro lock for MSV, HoF, ToeS and ToT, after that i rerolled back to DK once more and i have stayed to DK since. i have clear MSV on normal and HC pre nerfs, HoF i cleared normal and 5/6 HC, ToeS i have cleared on normal and 3/4 HC, ToT i have cleared noraml and only 9/13 HC, in SoO i have cleared it all on Normal and HC (before it became Mythic) and now in WoD i have cleared HM normal and 6/7 HC and no kills on mythic, BRF i have cleared normal and hc and 2/10 mythic, in HFC in have 12/13 normal, 8/13 hc and no mythic kills.
Raid Role
I prefer to only play as DPS as i'm not so comfy as tank or healer in raids, bit i can tank or healer dungeons,
i keep myself up too date on my class by reading forums on mmo-champion, noxxic, Icy-veins and summonstone.com
and compare all notes and changes they post in order to find common middlegrounds where they all agree on stat prio just to put up an exaple.
Your Spec
My rotation is based on my stat prio which is: Strength, Mastery, Multistrike, Versatility, Haste and Crit.
due to this i open a fight with army pre-pot, HB, FS, HB, HB, obliterate, FS, FS, FS and from there it depends on procs from killing machine and freezing fog. if you want details dont hesitate to talk with me
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have no problems switching to my OS which is Unholy atm to optimaze my DPS for a spesific boss fight and even trash mobs. as for alts i dont have any alts geared enough for current raids atm but working on a boomie and i have a lock aswell but both needs to get geared before thay can join a HFC hc raid.
I have a headset with a working mic, and many different voice coms, i have TS3, Vent, Mumble and raidcall
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... st/#boss=0
Your UI
Guild History
I have been in a few guilds worth mentioning but some of them are, Revolution - Turalyon which i left after our raidleader stopped playing and thing started getting weird. The Devils Own - Turalyon i left as the were just not up to my standards even though they wanted to aim high they could never get there. Overrated - The Mealstrom, is the guild i'm currently in and i'm leaving it in order to play with Zotic who is a good friend of mine that is now in your guild.
Raid availability
Set the day and time and i'll be there!
My friend Zotic and Buhar told me about this guild when he was in it previously and wanted me to send in an apply so here i am making one
About you
I am a very relaxed person who likes to have a bit of fun, just to cut it short
if there is anything i have missunderstood or forgotten to mention you can get a hold of me in-game via my B-tag: Grimm#2369 or on my E-mail: chrisamuivan@gmail.com