Käri- Balance Druid !
Posted: 03 Aug 2015, 20:42
Who is your character?
Character Name: Käri
Class: Druid
Race: Nighmilf
Spec: Balance/Resto/Feral
Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... i/advanced
Who are you?
Name: Seif
Age: 28
From? Egypta <3
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Applying to RG1.
Kara - Fully cleared
Zul'Aman - Fully cleared
SSC - Fully cleared
Tempest Keep - Fully cleared
Mount Hyjal - Fully cleared
BT - Fully cleared
Sunwell - Fully cleared
Naxx 25 m - Fully cleared
Ulduar - Fully cleared
Totgc 25man Fully cleasred , Madskill with 45 try
ICC 10/25 Fully Cleared with Both Glory
BWD - Fully cleared
TO4W - Fully cleared
BOT - Fully cleared with Chogall Realm 1st with guild called sublime.
Firelands - Fully cleared
DS - Fully cleared
MSV - Fully cleared
HOF 5/6
Terrace 1/4
Throne of the thunder 12/13 Hc but was no chance on spot for Raden
since there were some Raiders and Raiders alt need some stuff from
there so wasn't any spot for me.
SOO 14/14 N - 14/14 HC 14/14 Mythic
HM 7/7 Normal
HM 7/7 Heroic
HM 1/7 Mythic
BRF 10/10 Normal
BRF 10/10 Heroic
Hellfire Citadel:
13/13 Normal
12/13 Heroic
Raid Role
well i always see my logs and what i am doing and if i am doing low dps or switch is bad or something or there is another balance or something i compare between each other , always know my class and simulate it , watch streams , top ranks druids , read forums etc.. , i always come to raid with full knowledge on tactics , if i don't something i prefer to ask rather go like headless chicken , come with full repairs , food , flask , potions , mb some tips for new mechanic so we can try and kill on the boss we are progressing on
Your Spec
1)Pre Pot
2) open my CD's (Celestial Alignment+ Incarnation: Chosen of Elune) @ 5-6
3)Pre Cast Starfire
7)Starsurge etc..
till i go back to Solar and starsurge> wrath> wrath> wrath and always maintain Moonfire and sunfire and always redot before CA ends and if a boss with a lot adds always keep my Starfall and Dots up2time.
Best Stats: Int> Mastery> Crit> Multi-strike> Haste> Verstality
Moreover if u see my gear u will see that i have low ilvl chest and hands , well i have like 705 hands and chest 685 but i dont want to swap them for now because as u know that 12% haste on SF and Wrath is worth till now till i get the 4 set and i am doing my best to hc/myhic chest and hands or 4 set even if its normal its so good but no luck till now.
Tier 15: Displacer Beast is the best choice to blink to go soak something to drop an debuff or something like Reave , Fel Surge
Tier 30: Ysera's Gift (personal use)
Tier 45: Typhoon ( CC talents but Typhoon is the best one u can use as on the adds of Socrethar.
Tier 60: Incarnation: Chosen of Elune is our lovely CD s a healer or tank fast and get it with 100% on last % or something is much better than top him).
Tier 75: Vortex is the best choice since its perfect for the Haunting souls on Soc and Adds on Kilrog
Tier 90: Nature's Vigil is the best choice for me , the Healing CD
Tier 100: Euphoria is the best talent and not change on any boss since WOD launched the rest is so uselss..
Glyph of Stampeding Roar: so its in the range of the all players to make roar for them even if i need to soak something and i am little out of the raid , it can reach all the raid or want to roar for melee and i am in range etc..
Glyph of Moonwarding : its Defensive cd for Druids since Balance Def CD is so bad and very little
Glyph of Rebirth: if i want to ress a tank fast in last phase or dps in some danger i can ress him with full hp so he can be in safe side.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Priest ( was my main on MOP): http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/z ... advanceded
Monk: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... k/advanced
Shaman: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... h/advanced
Warlock: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... a/advanced
N.B: Working on the lock now and i can get my Monk and able to play my Feral , Resto (when get some spirit gear) or another alt.
yes i am able to talk and communicate through encounter and inside raid and ouside , moreover i see forums on daily bases
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/H3 ... ne&fight=3
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/tC ... amage-done
Your UI
Guild History
CR which i don't feel comfortable in that guild at all they are so childish and whining on each other all the time no actions and some stuff and bad sense of Humor which i don't like it all because at last this is a game , a lot of Drama queen on loot which kills me a lot. Moreover on last raids in CR people stopped to shape up at all wiping
with silly mistakes and it takes hours.
Security but to be honest and forward with u didn't pass my trial period & wasn't the Disc Priest they were Lookiing for.
Alterac Deviants:
Alterac Deviants which i want to leave because i got some issues with some members there so i preferred to leave , moreover they dont like the idea of taking a SP on WOD
(Unexpected Variable):
Well i dont what to say at this part sadly i joined this guild on 25 June and was going fine and i kept farming with them till 6.0 and everything was fine my Main was SP till some days along and when HC's and Normals launched last week well we did fine and i was one of the people that recommanded that this guild have to do something in that expansion and did them a lot of Advising in a lot of things like Garrisons , followers and even the split raiding and last sunday the Main officer wanted me to Reroll Monk since the Ranges was so crowded and we are low on Melee and i already my monk was 100 and good ilvl and went fine but i just figured today i am not picked for Mythic 1st raid so no point to play with that people anymore. so i am fetching for new Home !
After i left Unexpected variable i entered another 2 guilds early created on WOD to raid with but ended with drama queen which disbanded and i played some casual with Gelu Angelus but didn't continue with them because was not i am looking for and i stooped for some time and i came back to go back on the track
i want to Join TRC seems like a solid 20 man raiding guild with good progress and that is what i am looking for.
Raid availability
your time and days is fine for me without any problems.
i was searching for new home so i knew u are recruiting so i cam and drop an apply and dont know anyone in the guild to vouch me
About you
Hello my Name is seif , i am 28 years old from egypt , i am Graduated from Business Administration Major Marketing & finally done my masters and i have my family business so i need something to raid beside work which wont affect the raiding days or time and no luch time with family bla bla , i am funny guy and active and social one who would like to communicate with my Guild Members weather inside the raid or out talk on vent/ts , achiv runs , alt runs. Share my movies , music etc.. or even another games like SC or Dota2& League of Legends and some Diablo III Moreover i am Fan of Watching movies & Tv-Shows i have a very long good list which i can share
Thank you for taking your time to read over my application.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Cheers, Dure
Character Name: Käri
Class: Druid
Race: Nighmilf
Spec: Balance/Resto/Feral
Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/e ... i/advanced
Who are you?
Name: Seif
Age: 28
From? Egypta <3
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Applying to RG1.
Kara - Fully cleared
Zul'Aman - Fully cleared
SSC - Fully cleared
Tempest Keep - Fully cleared
Mount Hyjal - Fully cleared
BT - Fully cleared
Sunwell - Fully cleared
Naxx 25 m - Fully cleared
Ulduar - Fully cleared
Totgc 25man Fully cleasred , Madskill with 45 try
ICC 10/25 Fully Cleared with Both Glory
BWD - Fully cleared
TO4W - Fully cleared
BOT - Fully cleared with Chogall Realm 1st with guild called sublime.
Firelands - Fully cleared
DS - Fully cleared
MSV - Fully cleared
HOF 5/6
Terrace 1/4
Throne of the thunder 12/13 Hc but was no chance on spot for Raden
since there were some Raiders and Raiders alt need some stuff from
there so wasn't any spot for me.
SOO 14/14 N - 14/14 HC 14/14 Mythic
HM 7/7 Normal
HM 7/7 Heroic
HM 1/7 Mythic
BRF 10/10 Normal
BRF 10/10 Heroic
Hellfire Citadel:
13/13 Normal
12/13 Heroic
Raid Role
well i always see my logs and what i am doing and if i am doing low dps or switch is bad or something or there is another balance or something i compare between each other , always know my class and simulate it , watch streams , top ranks druids , read forums etc.. , i always come to raid with full knowledge on tactics , if i don't something i prefer to ask rather go like headless chicken , come with full repairs , food , flask , potions , mb some tips for new mechanic so we can try and kill on the boss we are progressing on
Your Spec
1)Pre Pot
2) open my CD's (Celestial Alignment+ Incarnation: Chosen of Elune) @ 5-6
3)Pre Cast Starfire
7)Starsurge etc..
till i go back to Solar and starsurge> wrath> wrath> wrath and always maintain Moonfire and sunfire and always redot before CA ends and if a boss with a lot adds always keep my Starfall and Dots up2time.
Best Stats: Int> Mastery> Crit> Multi-strike> Haste> Verstality
Moreover if u see my gear u will see that i have low ilvl chest and hands , well i have like 705 hands and chest 685 but i dont want to swap them for now because as u know that 12% haste on SF and Wrath is worth till now till i get the 4 set and i am doing my best to hc/myhic chest and hands or 4 set even if its normal its so good but no luck till now.
Tier 15: Displacer Beast is the best choice to blink to go soak something to drop an debuff or something like Reave , Fel Surge
Tier 30: Ysera's Gift (personal use)
Tier 45: Typhoon ( CC talents but Typhoon is the best one u can use as on the adds of Socrethar.
Tier 60: Incarnation: Chosen of Elune is our lovely CD s a healer or tank fast and get it with 100% on last % or something is much better than top him).
Tier 75: Vortex is the best choice since its perfect for the Haunting souls on Soc and Adds on Kilrog
Tier 90: Nature's Vigil is the best choice for me , the Healing CD
Tier 100: Euphoria is the best talent and not change on any boss since WOD launched the rest is so uselss..
Glyph of Stampeding Roar: so its in the range of the all players to make roar for them even if i need to soak something and i am little out of the raid , it can reach all the raid or want to roar for melee and i am in range etc..
Glyph of Moonwarding : its Defensive cd for Druids since Balance Def CD is so bad and very little
Glyph of Rebirth: if i want to ress a tank fast in last phase or dps in some danger i can ress him with full hp so he can be in safe side.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Priest ( was my main on MOP): http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/z ... advanceded
Monk: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... k/advanced
Shaman: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... h/advanced
Warlock: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... a/advanced
N.B: Working on the lock now and i can get my Monk and able to play my Feral , Resto (when get some spirit gear) or another alt.
yes i am able to talk and communicate through encounter and inside raid and ouside , moreover i see forums on daily bases
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/H3 ... ne&fight=3
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/tC ... amage-done
Your UI
Guild History
CR which i don't feel comfortable in that guild at all they are so childish and whining on each other all the time no actions and some stuff and bad sense of Humor which i don't like it all because at last this is a game , a lot of Drama queen on loot which kills me a lot. Moreover on last raids in CR people stopped to shape up at all wiping
with silly mistakes and it takes hours.
Security but to be honest and forward with u didn't pass my trial period & wasn't the Disc Priest they were Lookiing for.
Alterac Deviants:
Alterac Deviants which i want to leave because i got some issues with some members there so i preferred to leave , moreover they dont like the idea of taking a SP on WOD
(Unexpected Variable):
Well i dont what to say at this part sadly i joined this guild on 25 June and was going fine and i kept farming with them till 6.0 and everything was fine my Main was SP till some days along and when HC's and Normals launched last week well we did fine and i was one of the people that recommanded that this guild have to do something in that expansion and did them a lot of Advising in a lot of things like Garrisons , followers and even the split raiding and last sunday the Main officer wanted me to Reroll Monk since the Ranges was so crowded and we are low on Melee and i already my monk was 100 and good ilvl and went fine but i just figured today i am not picked for Mythic 1st raid so no point to play with that people anymore. so i am fetching for new Home !
After i left Unexpected variable i entered another 2 guilds early created on WOD to raid with but ended with drama queen which disbanded and i played some casual with Gelu Angelus but didn't continue with them because was not i am looking for and i stooped for some time and i came back to go back on the track
i want to Join TRC seems like a solid 20 man raiding guild with good progress and that is what i am looking for.
Raid availability
your time and days is fine for me without any problems.
i was searching for new home so i knew u are recruiting so i cam and drop an apply and dont know anyone in the guild to vouch me
About you
Hello my Name is seif , i am 28 years old from egypt , i am Graduated from Business Administration Major Marketing & finally done my masters and i have my family business so i need something to raid beside work which wont affect the raiding days or time and no luch time with family bla bla , i am funny guy and active and social one who would like to communicate with my Guild Members weather inside the raid or out talk on vent/ts , achiv runs , alt runs. Share my movies , music etc.. or even another games like SC or Dota2& League of Legends and some Diablo III Moreover i am Fan of Watching movies & Tv-Shows i have a very long good list which i can share
Thank you for taking your time to read over my application.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Cheers, Dure