[RG1] Kes, Rogue.

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Posts: 5
Character name: Kes
Location: London

[RG1] Kes, Rogue.

Post by Kes » 12 Jun 2015, 12:58

Character Info:
Name: Kes
Class: Stabby... I uhh mean Rogue.
Fancy "What are you wearing?!" link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... Kes/simple

Who are you? and why are you wearing my pants?
Name: Dave
Serial Number: B36A13X
Age: 28
Location: Luton (It's the bit north of London you might get stabbed in, but it's ok I live in the non-stabby bit, honest!)
A bit about me: Well, I'm a Leo, I like long walks on the... Oh wait wrong application, ignore that. My name's Dave and I'm a recovering alcho... Wait no, wrong application again! Ok this time I got it.

I'm a video game journalist, I get to review and preview games, go over to Gamescom and interview peoples and generally have a great time while not getting paid much for the privilege. I have a recent addiction to collecting boardgames and I can't get enough movies in my life. I'm pretty happy talking to anyone if they're passionate about something. You love pumpkins? Awesome! Share your love for that. I'll listen :)

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
RG1. Simple.

Oh jeepers, I'm going to cliffnotes this a little if I may? Everything is at relevant time unless stated otherwise I'm also not mentioning my US server experience, it's too old now and I have no way to prove it.

Vanilla-TBC EU: Rogue. Mixed Guilds, Server 1st-3rd Up to 2nd boss in Sunwell.
Wrath EU: DK Tank. Animosity (Defias) ICC Heroic, Unsure of which boss was the final one.
Cata EU: 2nd Squad Raiding. Saw bosses but no hardcore progression, nothing noteworthy
Mists EU: Rogue. Some 2nd Squad raiding. Nothing noteworthy.

WoD EU: Rogue. Highmaul: 6/7 Heroic. Black Rock Foundry: 4/9 Mythic

Raid Role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]

Rogues these days are awesome. In a raid I believe and focus on damage and also trying to be aware of the raid at the same time. Smoke Cloud can be helpful in certain situations (Flamebender is a current example). Outside of the small amount of utility we bring my main focus is "Damage while not eating floor" sometimes I fail at the floor part and that's unacceptable to me, having been a raid leader I'm self-critical so when I do mess up or my damage is low I judge myself harshly, always striving to be better.

In summary. High damage, utility if I can, and most importantly not dying. Damage is great but not at the expense of myself or others.

Your Spec
So, currently I'm combat, I'm lacking the daggers to fit an acceptable solo target build (damn you Ore!) Combat is kinda... Ok, it's boring I'll be honest, I mean it's not quite Vanilla Hunter boring but yeah. Keeping Revealing Strike and Slice and Dice running are key components after that it becomes a standard rotation of SS and Evis. Using Killing Spree before Adrenaline rush so you can bring the CD of it down is a smart play also trying to line up your Bandit's Guile with some cooldowns will get you that extra damage-y goodness, but that's situational and a judgement call, you need to decide if it's worth holding for or just use them (timings such as trinkets, heroism, current guile level all affect this).

Combat does have some perks though, our stat priority means we're focusing on Haste and Multistrike, so if you like lots of numbers then it's fun, also you have the added bonus of Killing Spree. I feel KS is like playing Russian Roulette and I love it and hate it, I've died far too many times to KS with and without the glyph to Iron Maidens, Gruul, Kromog. Actually, I think it's easier to just say every boss except Beast.

Oh, one thing we do kick amazing butt at? Multi-Target fights. =D

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I would love to be able to get some daggers and be able to set my off-spec to Sub so I can fully utilize both specs for raiding, but it's not happened yet. Ore doesn't like me enough to give me a dagger.

I'm happy to shut up when needed and talk when asked, headset and microphone both work :)

Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/r7 ... KV#fight=1

There's a Gruul kill from last night. The previous weeks logs have me doing way way less dps incase you check them. I was focusing on surviving not damage :)

My Combat DPS is currently lacking a little, I'd love to get a H&F mace to make it a bit more viable, or an Ore dagger to consider swapping to Sub/Ass for more single target goodness.

Your UI

That's my raiding UI, normally it has 100% less selfie in it, but it was a wipe and I thought it would be fun :D That's from Innovation, my UI hasn't changed since then. Boss abilities appear to the right of the boss frame, mine appear to the left of my frame :) Simple and clean.

Hexos Fighting to show it a little more: http://i.imgur.com/cdkaWK0.jpg

Guild History
I've played since Vanilla, and while I am ok with answering this question in full with a paragraph for each I feel it might be a bit too much superfluous information so I'll just list guilds up until WoD if that's ok? If you want more information please just ask, and as mentioned above I'm leaving this to EU only :) :

iHorde (Dragonmaw/Frostmane) - Disbanded due to Twin Emps.
Ancient Circle (Defias) - Imploded due to Officer corruption.

Crimson Tide (Venture Co I think?) - Wasn't enjoying the raids.
Dark Omen (Ravenholdt) - Disbanded while I was on holiday, still no idea why.
Refusion (Grim Batol) - Left on good terms to help friends save a guild.
Enmity (Frostmane) - Couldn't save it ;_;

Animosity (Defias) - Broke up with Fiancee who was in guild, so I left to prevent things getting messy.

Stardust (Balnazzar) - Social guild, No main raiding, was just to relax for an expansion

Prime (Defias) - Joined 2nd raid team, lack of willing people and desire made me crave more.
Innovation (Argent Dawn) - Joined to prepare for WoD raiding at Mythic.

Innovation (Argent Dawn) - I joined Innovation back in Mists, with a smart plan to essentially sit in a social spot until WoD, and then step up to being a Mythic raider, I spoke to an officer about this they were happy with the idea and things were set in motion. Come WoD I stepped up to raiding, and I found that the guild wasn't what I was expecting. Firstly they don't use voice comms and I was ok with this in theory, but boss tactics became long and drawn out and ment that raids just dragged some nights. This combined with what felt like a slightly passive aggressive way of dealing with things meant that while I felt the guild was ok for those who wanted to raid and just keep to themselves, I'm social and needed a bit more from the guild so I felt I should leave.

Burning Dawn (Defias) - I have spoken to Banth about my reasons for leaving Burning Dawn. The short version is that life threw me a curve ball and it was just at the wrong time. I'm happy to discuss this with any officer who asks or I'm happy for Banth to tell any officer who asks but I'd prefer to keep it to those who need to know for now if I may.

The future and TRC: I feel that a lot of times people give disingenuous answers to a question like this, they'll kiss butt or say you're the greatest guild ever etc and it just feels like words, so I'm going to be honest and frank and I hope that that is enough :)

I want to join TRC for a few reasons.
1) You're Alliance - I'm currently Horde and I don't want to be.
2) You're old and stable - I'm past the point in my life where I want to be surrounded by 16yr old 6 day a week raiders. I've been playing WoW for 10 years, I want a guild I don't have to leave at any point in the future for any reason, I'm tired of it, I want to find somewhere I can call home and stay there. TRC sounds like the perfect guild for that, you've been around you're still here and you've clawed your way through it all but you did it together, yes you lost some members along the way but you gained new friends as well. I want that.
3) You have progress and nice people - It's cold but true, I'm not progress focused any more, I need social and progression in a nice mix, I can't handle a world first raiding machine any more, but at the same time I can't handle social lfr either.
4) You're on Defias - PvP and RP <3 It's like Peanut Butter and Chocolate.
5) You raid the same days I'm currently used to plus Sunday - Not much changing needed :)

All of these reasons combined make TRC look like a good fit for me, I like the look of the guild socially, I enjoyed reading the WowProgress page on you guys :) I had a good chat with Banth and you have progress, it seems like a solid guild that I want to help keep solid.

Raid availability

Yes. Spoken to the all mighty and powerful girlfriend, she's cool with me raiding 3 days a week without issue.

WoWProgress, I spoke to Banth but no way he's going to vouch for me after one conversation and I didn't bribe him.

About you
I answered this above :)

If you guys want to play boardgames, lemme know :)

Any questions or concerns please let me know, I re-read this thing but there might be mistakes here and there.

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Re: [RG1] Kes, Rogue.

Post by Bowick » 12 Jun 2015, 13:33

Hey Kes,

Thanks for your app! Give us a little time to review and we'll get back to you with questions/answers.

<- Banth
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Re: [RG1] Kes, Rogue.

Post by Jimmble » 12 Jun 2015, 13:37

Eeek! It's a horde!

*runs around in circles and panics*

Save the gnomes!

Posts: 5
Character name: Kes
Location: London

Re: [RG1] Kes, Rogue.

Post by Kes » 12 Jun 2015, 13:40

Don't worry Jimmble I'm undercover! I'm actually alliance :)

Thanks Bowick/Banth, take your time :)

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Re: [RG1] Kes, Rogue.

Post by Beastaly » 14 Jun 2015, 16:44

Your application has been accepted, please whisper an officer for an invite :)
