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[RG1] Razzíl, lvl 100 SV/BM Hunter

Posted: 28 Apr 2015, 21:51
by Razzil
Who is your character?
Razzíl, SV/BM Hunter. ... ADl/simple

Who are you?
Arttu, 22y old guy from Finland.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

I started in BC, raided a bit of Karazhan on a hunter, but back then I had no idea what I was doing. Did not finish the expansion.
In WotLK I played a rogue, used to raid in a small N10man guild. Cleared Naxx, took a break during Ulduar and got back to clear TCC and ICC.
Continued with the same guild for Cataclysm, which fell apart after FL was released. I also quit shortly after that.
My brother hooked me back in at the end of MoP (6.0) and I got boosted through SoO a couple times to be ready for WoD.
Now in WoD I've done 5/7M and 6/10M, hoping to progress more.

Raid Role
DPS is the life of a Hunter. I research the fights beforehand and go through logs afterwards. I mostly use Azortharian's guide, which was recently moved to

Your Spec
For my rotation I follow the theorycraftings of wiser men. Hunter talents are pretty obvious choices, I might be going a bit against to popular opinion as I use Lone Wolf instead of focusing shot, but I like being as mobile as possible. On Kromog I've used Murder of Crows for more burst on the pillars, but as I have only managed to kill it once I'm not totally sure if it is worth it. For BM I have weakauras to give some guidance for Focus Fire usage.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'm not as good with BM yet as I'd like to be, but will get better with some practice.
I have a resto Druid ( ... zil/simple)
and a prot Warrior ( ... gor/simple), which both have cleared BRF HC.

Yes, not really familiar with mumble, but don't think it'll be an issue. I'm fine with using forums.

Combat Logs ... 859/latest#

Your UI

Guild History
I have been in Murtoraja from when I got back to the game at the end of MoP. Some of our core raiders quit, so we stopped raiding due to lack of players. I still want to continue raiding and see the whole expansion. I looked around and TRC seems like a guild where I'd fit in best.

Raid availability
I haven no problems attending your current raid schedule.

Found you on wowprogress and surely I've spotted some of you ingame. I don't currently know anyone from your guild.

About you
I work construction right now, hoping to start engineering studies next fall. I am calm and quiet, but don't hesitate to speak if I have something important to say.

Feel free to ask questions if you have any.
Also if anyone needs a buddy for some GTAV heists, I'm your guy :D

Re: [RG1] Razzíl, lvl 100 SV/BM Hunter

Posted: 30 Apr 2015, 00:23
by Beastaly
Sorry for the delay, we've been bussy.
Thanks for your application and we'll get back to you shortly.

Kind regards,

Re: [RG1] Razzíl, lvl 100 SV/BM Hunter

Posted: 30 Apr 2015, 12:22
by Bowick
Hi Razzil!

I have some questions regarding your UI, something I end up asking quite often! :p

I admire a clean screen, but it seems to me that yours is fairly limited in terms of information available to you.
You mention you use Weak Auras for BM, and I can see you have a Fox one showing there. But what about for your procs (class procs, trinkets, ring, set bonuses), debuffs (encounter-specific dangerous debuffs), DoTs (on your targets), Cooldowns, etc?
Also, your own health bar is very far away from the center of the screen - Do you just constantly keep checking up there, or do you have something to alert you if you're low health, so you can do something about it? What about focus management? How do you keep on top of not capping focus, but also ensuring you have enough pooled for important stuff coming off CD?

I'd like to hear your thoughts on it. :)

Re: [RG1] Razzíl, lvl 100 SV/BM Hunter

Posted: 30 Apr 2015, 13:32
by Razzíl
That's a bit of a tough question, guess I'll try to answer them one by one.

I have WA for class procs, but for some reason it wasn't working at the time of taking the screenshot, probably requires a dungeon/raid setting for it to activate. For trinkets/other buffs I haven't bothered setting them because it doesn't really affect the way I play. DBM takes care of debuffs (marked for death etc.) and I have pretty good awareness/reaction time so I'm instantly moving when alerted.

My eyes dart around the screen alot, it might not be the most efficient way to follow dots/buffs/health/CDs, but it's the way I have always played and haven't really found it a problem. As a DPS there aren't many encounters where you'd take a lot of surprising damage, most of it is avoidable or I'll know beforehand that the damage is coming and can act accordingly. Fortunately hunters have decent abilities for damage mitigation/avoidance.

Focus capping as SV is pretty much impossible, atleast when not using focusing shot. And the only ability that requires a bit of pooling is Barrage which is easily achieved with 2 cobra shots.

Hope this clears things up a bit.

Re: [RG1] Razzíl, lvl 100 SV/BM Hunter

Posted: 30 Apr 2015, 15:15
by Bowick
Ah ok. Fair enough on the class weak auras, if it's just not showing etc. :3

But, as a healer, I have to respond to this bit.. >)
As a DPS there aren't many encounters where you'd take a lot of surprising damage, most of it is avoidable or I'll know beforehand that the damage is coming and can act accordingly. Fortunately hunters have decent abilities for damage mitigation/avoidance.
So what about unavoidable damage? Often players get a damaging debuff that's supposed to be healed through, or sometimes the entire raid is taking massive damage, and healers fall behind for one reason or another.

For no particular reason I picked this raid to look at in more depth (the bottom one in the link you supplied): ... 2&cutoff=5
That evening your overall survivability is low compared to the rest of your group (16th out of 20), because 4 of your deaths happened 35-60% of the way through fights. And most of them on Flamebender, where a lot of the deadly damage is unavoidable and/or raidwide. Clearly the healers were struggling, and if each raid member had a closer eye on their own HP, probably wipes would have been kills. :o
Eg During the kill, you had the Blazing Radiance debuff when Firestorm started. From the replay I can see you were still DPSing away while your HP gradually ticked away and you died. You clearly knew you had the debuff because you didn't stack with the group, however if you had been more aware that your health was not stable, it would have been a good time for one of your decent hunter defensives, or a health pot. ;)

Speaking of health pots! You did use a couple during the evening, which is more than a lot of raiders (some of our own included...), so yay! However, one of the two you used, was while you were on 94% HP. :> Perhaps someone called "health pots" on vent, or perhaps you were trying to use the pot just after the inferno slice instead of just before. But if your health was easier to see.. I have no doubt it would have been a Much more effective pot. :) Your HP was fairly high (and increasing steadily) for quite a while before the pot.

I only checked that one raid, so it's probably not a fair sample of overall survivability - but I just wanted some examples of personal health bar awareness. :>

And you aren't alone in having your health bar miles away of course. My personal preference is to have it close, because it shows me many important things (health, mana, chi).
But probably more importantly I also have a backup warning, in case my focus is really intently somewhere else on the screen: A weak aura that shows a big scary symbol + makes a big scary noise, for when I'm low HP and probably want to consider using a pot or something. Just something to think about! :)

Re: [RG1] Razzíl, lvl 100 SV/BM Hunter

Posted: 01 May 2015, 11:21
by Razzíl
Two of those Flamebender deaths are from abilites that I could've avoided completely. I should not have stood in the fire chain and take 3 stacks of Singed, and use a deterrence to deflect the molten torrent. These logs you chose are from the day of our first kills on both Flame and Gruul, so there definitely was a lot more to still learn on those fights.

As for the health pot before slice, I believe I tried to use Stoneform to reduce damage taken from the slice, but instead misclicked and used a potion.

You of course make a valid point, personal health awareness would be a good thing for me to improve. I'll look into that.

If you don't mind sharing your WA for scary symbols and sounds, I could try it out :)

Re: [RG1] Razzíl, lvl 100 SV/BM Hunter

Posted: 01 May 2015, 11:43
by Bowick
Aye the log I checked is old, but survivability on progress fights is more interesting to me than on farm fights. ;]
I can see you're not one of those guys constantly dead on farm at least!

The WA is very simples, here's the export:

Code: Select all

The noise I use is actually different, it's called "Fel Nova" in the list, however for this expansion.. full of fel orcs and fel magic and poo, it doesn't stand out quite as well as it used to. :P I've used it for a long, long time tho, so it's engrained in my brain already, that noise = I'm dying. Generally for auras that really need to grab your attention over anything else though, a non-WoWish sound is definitely best! I picked the Wilhelm Scream here. ;)

Re: [RG1] Razzíl, lvl 100 SV/BM Hunter

Posted: 27 Aug 2015, 08:39
by Jimmble