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[RG 1]

Posted: 03 Apr 2015, 21:09
by Carvo
Who is your character?
Carvo - ... rvo/simple
Currently running with combat and sub as my specs, I do master assination aswell. Armory is abit buggy it seems, I am actully 689 equppied.

Who are you?
My name is Håkon, I`m 17 years old, from Norway

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying for RG1.

I am fairly new to the raiding scene in WoW. Started raiding around May 2014 on my mage. I cleared normal SoO and did 4/14HC pre 6.0 and stopped raiding for abit, but came back and got myself a Mythic Garrosh kill. I decided I was bored of ranged and re-rolled to rogue for WoD. I had a rough start with WoD and HM with my 2 first guilds disbanded beacuse of lack of people and interest in raiding. I acquired 7/7HC and 1/7M while before BRF hit. I have currently cleared 10/10HC BRF with good progress on Beastlord Mythic, 10% wipes.

Raid Role
As a rogue I am a class that can only DPS, but I like to try and be more. One of the reasons I choose rogue is that they have a great set of utilities and are able to pull off some fine movement to perform a certain task. When I prepare for a raid or boss I use Fatboss guides and Ice Veines. I can often be very critical of my own performance and constantly keep working on my performance. I am also a big fan of getting critic from other players with more experience then myself. I use Preach abit and I also use alot to get small tips and such for my role in the raid.

Your Spec
[Tell us about your rotation priorities (for DPS primarily), stat priorities, important talent and glyph choices, etc. We like to see the insight behind your gear and build choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]I will go over the combat rotation mostly since its the one I managed the best, I am still rather new to Sub and would love feedback on both of them.

My opener: Ambush>Revealing Strike>Sinister Strike spam until energy starved>Killing Spree>SnD>Adrenaline Rush and then just keep revealing strike and SnD up. As combat my goal is to spend as many combo points as possible to reset Killing Spree and Adrenaline Rush. Combat also got the Bandit`s Guile that gives us different buffs (10%,20% and 30% damage increase) This is abit of a tricky one and discussed mechanic with the combat rogues. Its not really something you play around at all times, but if you get a 2nd stage buff and your Killing Spree is soon off CD its worth using Revealing Strike instead of sinister strike as a energy spender to line it up.

Tier 1: Shadow Focus for the quick Vanish and Ambush combo.
Tier 2: Quite a useless tier, but I use Nerve strike for the random stun I use during fights like Blast Furnace and Train.
Tier 3: There is just once choice for PvE here it is Elusiveness combined with Glyph of Feint gives a very good damage reduction for very little effort.
Tier 4: Shadowstep for instant movment that have saved me many times!
Tier 5: Internal Bleeding for the random stun I use during some fights.
Tier 6: Anticipation makes it easier to spam sinister strike and pool up combo points to reset my CDs.
Tier 7: Venom Rush for the extra energy and energy regen. Very useful for AoE/Cleave fights where I keep Blade Flurry up and get 15% increased energy regen.

Glyph of Energy is used for all fights.

Glyph of Feint for all fights.

Glyph of Cloak of Shadows or Glyph of Disappearance for the 3rd slot. Cloak glyph I used for heavy damage fights and fights where its quick to mess up and it can save your life. Glyph of Disappearance is a very minor DPS increase.

My opener: Premeditation at 12 sec before pull>Ambush>Hemorrhage>Backstab>Rupture>Backstab spam to 5 combo points> SnD>Trinket>Shadow Reflection>Shadow Dance>Ambush,Ambush>Rupture>Makes sure to use ambush as the last spell in the Shadow Dance to maintain Find Weakness. Keep Find Weakness up with using Vanish.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I am very comfortable with combat and assassination, and I am still learning Subtely. I do not currently have any alts that is raid ready.

I am more then happy to communicate.

Combat Logs ... 03/latest/
I would like to say I haven`t raided the last week due to easter and family stuff and these logs are still from my early learning stage of Subtely.

Your UI Out of combat In combat.

Guild History
The Four Kings - My first ever raiding guild, a very bad PvE guild but thats were I fell in love with raiding and learned the basics.
Resentful - A short visit, did not like the community nor the raid times.
The Reaping Bolts (Horde) - Disbanded due to lack of raiders.
Frostwolves - Currently guild, quite unhappy with the leadership and ending up feeling like carrying people due to lack of good raiders.

Raid availability
Your times suit me very well and I will be able to make them.

I know Lannister that is a raider in your guild through The Four Kings and heard about you through him.

About you
[A little something about yourself as a person. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. :)] I am a quite normal 17 year old currently doing what we in Norway call Vidregående (Vg1 - Almenn) During the winter I do quite alot of skiing and drive snowmobile. During the summer I play abit of golf.

[If you have any extra notes that do not necessarily fit in anywhere else, stick 'em here.]

Re: [RG 1]

Posted: 03 Apr 2015, 23:55
by Beastaly
Hey Carvo,
Thanks for your application, please give us some time to review it :)

Kind regards,

Re: [RG 1]

Posted: 08 Apr 2015, 16:45
by Carvo
Its been quite some time now and I would really love getting a deadline when my application will be responded too.

- Kind Regards Carvo

Re: [RG 1]

Posted: 08 Apr 2015, 18:33
by Jimmble
Hey Carvo,

sorry about the wait, the longlegs were busy hunting rabbits during the easter. Unfortunately though, we don't have a raid spot for you. We wish you good luck in finding a guild.


Re: [RG 1]

Posted: 27 Aug 2015, 08:42
by Jimmble
<not recruited>