[RG1] Mitsu, Ret/Holy Paladin.

A safe place for closed application.
Posts: 53
Character name: Mitsu
Location: Front of 30+ screens.

[RG1] Mitsu, Ret/Holy Paladin.

Post by Huzzaa » 29 Mar 2015, 13:54

Who is your character?

Mitsu - 100 Retribution/Holy paladin
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... u/advanced

Who are you?

Siim, 23 years old. I'm from Estonia.

I work at Telia Sonera' local corporation called Elion as a Network and Services Monitoring Administrator. It's a full time job involving shift based work both night and day, thus versatile and also tiring. Shifts are 12 hours and every day. They vary from month to month, there is no solid schedule.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

I'm posting an application to RG1. Regarding requirements, I do have a limitation at times when it comes to availability due to the sheer amount of work hours we put up with at work. The reason I stepped down from Mythic raiding earlier this year was due to the fact that for instance, in March, I had to do 216 hours alone. Currently the situation is stabilizing and looking bright for the future with -40 hours the upcoming month, meaning that I have an acceptable amount of free time again :), of which some of it, I'm interested in putting into end-game progression.


I've started playing since BC and it's currently 8th year going.

Current content participated at the time:
t10, t13, t14, t15, t16, t17

Garrosh heroic fell on 25th of February, week after the blanket nerf on Garrosh unfortunately, beforehand we were on last-phase tries.
Kill video of my own PoV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arbbSmQgUo4
(Please note on the video that at the time WoW had quite a big issue with cursor reseting into the middle of the screen on high polling rate/DPI devices which fortunately seems to have been fixed with the latest patch. As a result, you can sometimes see the screen fly off at a random direction causing it to face the character/pane the screen awkwardly)

Beyond that, I've participated in the highest difficulty content available ever since t13. I did join DS in quite late however, by the time I began playing again and joined a guild, a 20% nerf was already in place. Before that, ICC was very casual and I ended up having it killed on 25N only, we didn't progress into heroic at the time.

t13 was played as a hunter and a Ragnaros' kill video at the time when DS was already out can be seen here.

There are a few other boss kill videos on the channel as well if interested in those.
The UI was a bit messy on the hunter, ever since I've tried to keep it minimalistic.

Currently, I only main a paladin, both ret and holy.

Most recent notable achievement:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/7 ... fficulty=3
Currently rank #3 dps on Thogar. It was rank #1 a few days ago. Performed with a casual openraid normal PUG group.

Most noteable past achievements that I can recall off the top of my head are rank #1 healing done on Thok heroic during progression 10-man with 2 healers and 1 tank.
Along with it within the current progression another rank #1 healing done on Tsulong 25-man normal-mode.
The logs for those are expired.

9-man 10hc Paragons of the Klaxxi, we were bored of waiting for the last guy to get back from work so we proceeded. My PoV.
It was also a video response to our competitors who had their video here:

Raid Role

Paladin in its essence is basically a support role class. It is what I enjoy playing. The main reasons why you would want to take one to a raid is for its raid utility, providing 2 BoPs, 2 Sacs and well the odd freedom if ever need be, to the group. BoPing effectively allows certain players to skip some mechanics, bubble itself for the paladin is also an increase on survivability.
Main role still revolves around being a full-time dps. Paladin rotation is a FCFS and a priority based mechanism. I personally have weakauras to track and notify me the multitude of available procs that a ret with the 4-set has, making it much easier to play. The ret paladin addon CLCRET doesn't really provide accurate ability usage some of the times. I used to use it in SoO where our rotation was a bit easier than it is now but after they introduced this many dependancies, I've abandoned it.
Preparation itself is obvious, I familiarize myself with strategies, tactics and plan my movements based on that. If there's a source to follow provided, I will do just that. Undoubtably I bring potions/flasks to the raid. Farming the Augment runes is something up to debate but when available, I use those too.
Judging my own performance comes from the outcome of a fight, what I could've done better and whatnot is based on comparisons between the best players in the world and myself. There are many variables in this regard when it comes to optimizing dps. General rule of thumb is your own rotation and the goals of the raid within a time-frame. Such as not using unempowered divine storms when the purpose is to nuke the elementalist on Blast Furnace.
I'm an active poster on mmo-champion. Most of the time, I go there regarding news and changes. I also dwell within the official forums and the databases such as wowhead.

Your Spec

I play retribution.

FCFS: It's hard to explain, I don't follow a set rule and it's always changing. Most of the time, I judge the next best spell dependant on what's available.
Boss pulls start with judgment usually because we're far away(out of melee range), after which, it procs all the trinkets etc. The next act is popping cooldowns and throwing a hammer. Here-on out it depends what you use, HA or DP or SW and if you have the set-bonuses. For me, if you inspect me, in the current setup, the next spell would be Exo in melee range to gain Holy Power. Then I have 5 HP, Final Verdict(The strongest spell in the arsenal but not always top prio.) If DP procs, I use another FV, if Empowered DS procs, I use that instead. If both proc, I use DS and then follow it with a FV. General rule of thumb is to use DS always with the FV buff to double the benefits with no real downside other than if the mobs are near death, then use it without the empowered proc. Certain abilities can be used in AoE already with 2 targets. Unempowered DS is already useable with 2 targets. Hammer of the Righteous becomes useable after it beats CS. IIRC, that was 4 or 5 targets. Seal is usually Truth, Righteousness goes up with 5+ if I recall correctly, at which point it's also pointless to swap targets. With truth, I swap targets to keep the debuff running on all possible targets. Iron Maidens for example involves target switching after target #1 has reached 5 stacks of Censure, after which it's the next one and so forth.
Talents depend on which provides a better benefit. If it's AoE heavy, Hammer of Light, if not, Execution Sentence. ES is preferably cast before popping cooldowns. Thus if it's chosen, it follows in after Judgment on boss pulls, followed by wings.

I've also played SW, HA(Brackenspore etc.) and Seraphim with Scabbard but that has generally changed to the spec I'm using now. Even though my current build provides less burst, overall it is still ahead in dps. The margins are close though and dependant. HA lucky crits and multistrikes can still beat it occasionally.

Glyphs are situation oriented. We have no real dps increasers except the one with judgments 20% increased dmg between target swaps but it's so small that it's better to not deal with that hassle.

Templars Verdict is usually preffered as it provides a great passive damage reduction, paired with DP useage, we can mitigate a lot of magical heavy hitters.

Off-specs and Alternative characters

I've mained holy paladin for the longest time, thus switching to it is no problem. The gear is a little bit behind ret ilvl.
I have a few 90s that I've set up before I transferred to this realm and most likely will be bringing in 3 more. Currently though, alts are not raid-ready.


I have a microphone and can speak english fluently. Speaking in the middle of a firefight is not hindering my performance due to the actuators location. Regarding using forums, sure :), why not to scheme :P. I usually tread them while I'm at work due to being behind computers all the time anyway. I don't do much foruming at home though.

Combat Logs

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/1R ... d#fight=22 - name is Huzzaa(Balcony duty)
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... est#boss=0
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... est#boss=0 - Mitsu, these are a bit misinforming due to it being normal mode only raiding so far. As noted, there is no Blackhand kill.

https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/MB ... amage-done - A lil' bit of cheesing going on :)

Your UI

A very casual UI, don't mind the orc :o.

http://i.imgur.com/awwcwYQ.jpg?1 - bigger image
http://i.imgur.com/bQBeAIZ.jpg - 25th of December 2013
http://i.imgur.com/A8flM.jpg - Start of MoP, this is who the paladin started out as.
http://i.imgur.com/zU6dg.jpg - Ancient hunter UI, messy.

Guild History

I've been in quite a few guilds in my time. Most recently though 2 of the only few of my nationality guilds that there are. Hüljatud and Kalevlased. The decision to move away from them stems from an idea to try out something different. I've met many friends in those guilds and many of them are still in my btag. We do talk from time to time. Plus I've also found that having a time away from them(I know many of these people IRL) enables me to have a bit more freedom in my decisions and spare time. Frankly, it's also less social problems :P, you know how it goes.

I've moved to Defias with the intent of experiencing the world pvp fun I used to have during the end days of Cata. That's the main reason for me being here, although gearing towards that step is taking its bit of time. Along with it, I'm looking for a new place to call home, find friends and people to have fun activities with and raid :).

Raid availability

Regarding schedule, I'm flexbile. Ideally, it will probably be a problem to come along for a few runs at first because I already have shifts planned for some of the nights but afterwards, we can work around that.
Currently nights unavailable are 12th of April, 16th of April and 28th of April. Their far enough to have a possibility of a reschedule though.


I'm an activist, I simply find... stuff :D. Unfortunately, I do not know anyone within the guild, I've seen you around and you've propably seen my furry face around but not much else :).


About you

I'm quiet when it comes to chatting in the raid atmosphere. I am male IRL, so hopefully nobody mistakes me for a girl. The character name of this one, is after my first personal car, I suppose you can guess which one :P. I own a Toyota Avensis at the current time.
I like gaming generally :). It has been my pas-time for the last few years. Alongside wow I also play CS:GO at times. I work in Telia Sonera at a network management center as an admin.

Posts: 3252
Character name: Bowick
WoW character race: Pandaren
WoW character class: Monk

Re: [RG1] Mitsu, Ret/Holy Paladin.

Post by Bowick » 29 Mar 2015, 14:42

Hi Mitsu,
Thanks for the application! A nice read tbh. Give us a bit of time to review and we 'll get back to you asap. :)
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

Posts: 22
Character name:

Re: [RG1] Mitsu, Ret/Holy Paladin.

Post by imbajimba » 29 Mar 2015, 19:01

Looks very very nice, gj.
Will try to poke officers to speed up the process, looks pretty perfect, so might aswell get the recruitment process rolling as quickly as possible :)

Posts: 53
Character name: Mitsu
Location: Front of 30+ screens.

Re: [RG1] Mitsu, Ret/Holy Paladin.

Post by Huzzaa » 29 Mar 2015, 19:43

Will also note that after tonight, I will be away for 3 days from the game unfortunately. I'm going out of town to visit my parents. Will be back most likely on Wednesday evening.

Posts: 3252
Character name: Bowick
WoW character race: Pandaren
WoW character class: Monk

Re: [RG1] Mitsu, Ret/Holy Paladin.

Post by Bowick » 29 Mar 2015, 20:46

Hi Mitsu,

Good news! We'd like to offer you a raid trial.
After your trip, we can have a chat on mumble, and organise precise days etc when you're back in action. :)
You can add my btag for easier communication: Banth#1555

Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

Posts: 3252
Character name: Bowick
WoW character race: Pandaren
WoW character class: Monk

Re: [RG1] Mitsu, Ret/Holy Paladin.

Post by Bowick » 29 Mar 2015, 21:01


Also, stuff to have installed for your first raid:
- Mumble
- Angry Assignments
- EPGPLootmaster
And ofc be up to scratch on tactics for the first 5 Mythic bosses, + Kromog. :)
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai
