[RG1] crama retribution paladin
Posted: 12 Mar 2015, 22:35
Who is your character?
Crama - retribution paladin
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... a/advanced
Who are you?
my name is Scott and i am 17 years old
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
i am applying to join raid group 1
my raid experience is not that much as i only started playing wow in mists of pandaria and only raided throne of thunder on an elemental shaman but i did clear normal and get the curve achievement. and in dreanor so far i have killed 7/7 hc imp mar'gok and currently am 8/10 hc blackrock foundry.
Raid Role
ret paladins are currently in weak spot as a dps goes but we make up for it in utility with are hands and we are also relativity survivable being plate and having access to bubble,lay on hands and divine protection. I also look at patch notes and sim my character often.
Your Spec
ret is all about building holy power then spending it on a finisher (templars/final verdict or divine storm aoe)
your building priority is hammer of wrath-crusader strike - judgement - exosism
you either want to spend holy power at 5 holy power or when all you generators are on cooldown
tier 1:movement all are useable in different situations
tier 2:cc not much use in pve but generally take fist of justice
tier 3:healing either selfless healer or maybe sacred shield
tier 4:defensive unbreakable spirit 9/10 unless purity has a good use
tier 5:dps sanctified wraith for single target and divine purpose for aoe
tier 6:executors sentience single target and lights hammer for aoe
tier 7:final verdict the strongest overall atm
1 vital being hand of sacrifice
then the rest are optional but i would say these 4 are the best
double jeopardy- target swapping dps increase
mass exosism- aoe dps increase
templars verdict- damage reduction
divine storm- a little self healing
and as farstat priorities go they change with gear and sets but its genrally mastery>multi>hast>crit>vers
Off-specs and Alternative characters
the only other class i have really played this tier is mage and i am fairly comfortable on it although it is not the best geared
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... r/advanced
i have no problem saying something that needs to be said but also know that at times you need to shut up and listen to the raid leader
Combat Logs
apologize that they are a little old and my gear has im proved a bit
http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog ... e=dps,c=14
Your UI
http://puu.sh/gcGiw/56c14119a5.jpg i feel it is fairly normal and i use tuk ui, bartender and tell me when
Guild History
i am currently in raze as i was told i would have a trial but that didnt really happen :p and before that i was on enderflow on khadgar
Raid availability
yes thursday sunday tuesdays are all good for me and the times are good to
not in your guild but im sure if needed i know some people i raided with would do one if needed
About you
im a young guy who loves to get to know people and have a good time outside of wow i like to listen to music : 3
Crama - retribution paladin
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/a ... a/advanced
Who are you?
my name is Scott and i am 17 years old
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
i am applying to join raid group 1
my raid experience is not that much as i only started playing wow in mists of pandaria and only raided throne of thunder on an elemental shaman but i did clear normal and get the curve achievement. and in dreanor so far i have killed 7/7 hc imp mar'gok and currently am 8/10 hc blackrock foundry.
Raid Role
ret paladins are currently in weak spot as a dps goes but we make up for it in utility with are hands and we are also relativity survivable being plate and having access to bubble,lay on hands and divine protection. I also look at patch notes and sim my character often.
Your Spec
ret is all about building holy power then spending it on a finisher (templars/final verdict or divine storm aoe)
your building priority is hammer of wrath-crusader strike - judgement - exosism
you either want to spend holy power at 5 holy power or when all you generators are on cooldown
tier 1:movement all are useable in different situations
tier 2:cc not much use in pve but generally take fist of justice
tier 3:healing either selfless healer or maybe sacred shield
tier 4:defensive unbreakable spirit 9/10 unless purity has a good use
tier 5:dps sanctified wraith for single target and divine purpose for aoe
tier 6:executors sentience single target and lights hammer for aoe
tier 7:final verdict the strongest overall atm
1 vital being hand of sacrifice
then the rest are optional but i would say these 4 are the best
double jeopardy- target swapping dps increase
mass exosism- aoe dps increase
templars verdict- damage reduction
divine storm- a little self healing
and as farstat priorities go they change with gear and sets but its genrally mastery>multi>hast>crit>vers
Off-specs and Alternative characters
the only other class i have really played this tier is mage and i am fairly comfortable on it although it is not the best geared
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/k ... r/advanced
i have no problem saying something that needs to be said but also know that at times you need to shut up and listen to the raid leader
Combat Logs
apologize that they are a little old and my gear has im proved a bit
http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/combatlog ... e=dps,c=14
Your UI
http://puu.sh/gcGiw/56c14119a5.jpg i feel it is fairly normal and i use tuk ui, bartender and tell me when
Guild History
i am currently in raze as i was told i would have a trial but that didnt really happen :p and before that i was on enderflow on khadgar
Raid availability
yes thursday sunday tuesdays are all good for me and the times are good to
not in your guild but im sure if needed i know some people i raided with would do one if needed
About you
im a young guy who loves to get to know people and have a good time outside of wow i like to listen to music : 3