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Cedrick Vaulkhaven

Posted: 28 Dec 2006, 01:24
by Cedrick
1. Cedrick Vaulkhaven, Human 40 Paladin

2. I have a few other characters, warlock, warrior and shaman to name a few, so im fairly experienced across the board of classes, with some limited endgame tanking experience as a warrior, this is a character I plan to stick with and become my new main.

3. The thing I look for most in guilds is friendliness, and seeing as two of my old RP friends, Rhytilla and Wulfgau are in this guild, i hope to find it within. As for guild type... I'm more geared towards RP-PVE, while I do enjoy PvP alot, i don't see it as something I need a guild for, although PvP raids within guilds are always immense fun.

4. My goal to join this guild is to have a lot of fun, have people to talk to and be friendly with, and do some end-game with. I look forward to trying to perfect paladin endgame. I suppose my dream goal would be becoming a respected and useful paladin who people can confidently say knows his class and its role.

Additional info:

I was the co-founder of a large guild on Deathwing at the beginning of the game, the now-dead Crimson Legion, which totalled 90 active members and was the 6th biggest guild on the server (3rd biggest Horde) before it imploded upon itself (Myself and the founder stopped playing for a few months)

I rolled a paladin because after my warrior I was addicted to helping out in groups, be it through tanking or healing, so i decided a paladin would be, if not a perfect combination of the two, then at least a powerful support class which i could use to help people. Also there are the RP reasons that I have always wanted to RP a religious zealot.

Thanks for taking the time to read

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 15:20
by Pyx