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Social Application // Protection Warrior

Posted: 26 Dec 2014, 22:11
by Valaren
Who is your character?
I'm Valaren a Human Warrior (atm. only playing as protection)

Who are you?
My name is Andreas Valentin and I'm 19 years old, and from Denmark.

Most likely I adore the social part of playing World of Warcraft. Besides that I've been a big fan of the progressing in order to raids. I've been playing since BC, and loved the game from day 1. I love being a part of a serious but yet funny team, that makes the game special.

Guild history
I've taken part in Sphere in MoP on my Hunter, but haven't been playing that seriously due to a 1 year break of playing the game, and therefor I was far behind in MoP. So i raided with them as Social. Other than that I've been playing in Sad Pandas (on Daggerspine) in WoTLK.

A IRL hombre of mine (Szirley) has been a part of your guild for a while now, and he has described the guild as a serious yet lovely social guild, that is fantastic to be a part of. I've always missed being a part of a guild of that kind since WoTLK. And therefor I could resist, when he linked the 'Recruitment Forum' for your guild to me.

About you
Hmm.. Where should I begin? I'm a 'down-too-earth'-kinda guy, always chill, and calm in stressed situations. I love working out, and I'm spending around 1,5-2 hours at the gym 6 times a week. I'm a flexible person, so I can raid etc. whenever it fits others. I'm helpfull - love helping people with all kinda stuff, achievements, lvling etc.

Grull's Lair
ICC 10/25 N/HC
EoE 10/25 N/HC
Ulduar 10/25 N/HC

Haven't seen what yet..

Re: Social Application // Protection Warrior

Posted: 27 Dec 2014, 23:27
by Beastaly
Hello Valaren,
Thank you for you application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: Social Application // Protection Warrior

Posted: 01 Jan 2015, 14:32
by Stukov
Your application has been accepted, please poke an officer for a guild invite.

Re: Social Application // Protection Warrior

Posted: 06 Jan 2015, 23:50
by Jimmble