My application to RG1
Posted: 02 Dec 2014, 11:43
Who is your character?
Aléstia, Frost DK, 100 level, Human, ... C3%A9stia/
Who are you?
Tom, 27
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I was in RG1 in previous expansion, haven't raided since then (had just a few runs with random groups).
Raid Role
Current role??
I would like to fill melee dps role... I was reading up on my class on elitistjerks @ previous expansions, but since it's not being updated anymore, I'm browsing DK section of mmochamp.
Your Spec
It's more or less the same as previous expansion.
I'm using soul reaper when target is below 35% hp, keeping my diseases up, using obliterate whenever I get km proc, hb on rime procs, fs when rp is about to cap, blood tap whenever I need free rune and/or it's high on stacks (9+ for example). In aoe situations I'm adding DnD/defile and howling blast to my rotation.
Focusing primarily on multistrike, then versatility and haste.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I can use my offspec (Blood tank) in raids. Still working on my alts to be raid-ready as well.
Yes, I have a microphone and will use it whenever it is REQUIRED to successfully kill a boss.
Combat Logs
I got no logs for this expansion, sorry.
Your UI
I'm currently at work, but will post my ui later this evening. I'm using default UI (of course) with blizz raid frames and WA for tracking procs/buffs/cds.
Raid availability
I am available for most of the raid days. There could be some occasions when I'm unavailable due to some RL events with choir or smth, but that's very rare
Nerf monks :3
Aléstia, Frost DK, 100 level, Human, ... C3%A9stia/
Who are you?
Tom, 27
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I was in RG1 in previous expansion, haven't raided since then (had just a few runs with random groups).
Raid Role
Current role??
I would like to fill melee dps role... I was reading up on my class on elitistjerks @ previous expansions, but since it's not being updated anymore, I'm browsing DK section of mmochamp.
Your Spec
It's more or less the same as previous expansion.
I'm using soul reaper when target is below 35% hp, keeping my diseases up, using obliterate whenever I get km proc, hb on rime procs, fs when rp is about to cap, blood tap whenever I need free rune and/or it's high on stacks (9+ for example). In aoe situations I'm adding DnD/defile and howling blast to my rotation.
Focusing primarily on multistrike, then versatility and haste.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I can use my offspec (Blood tank) in raids. Still working on my alts to be raid-ready as well.
Yes, I have a microphone and will use it whenever it is REQUIRED to successfully kill a boss.
Combat Logs
I got no logs for this expansion, sorry.
Your UI
I'm currently at work, but will post my ui later this evening. I'm using default UI (of course) with blizz raid frames and WA for tracking procs/buffs/cds.
Raid availability
I am available for most of the raid days. There could be some occasions when I'm unavailable due to some RL events with choir or smth, but that's very rare
Nerf monks :3