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[RG1] Makspero, Lvl 100 Combat rogue

Posted: 30 Nov 2014, 15:15
by mtothex
1. Who is your character?

Rogue, combat (np with assas/subt if required)

Makspero (Максперо in russian) ... %BE/simple

2. Who are you?

Max (Maxim) is the name. 24 years old. Live in Kyiv, Ukraine. I originate from and lived most of my life in Luhansk (where there are separatists/terrorists now) but moved to the capital year and a half ago because of work

3. To which Raid Group are you Applying?


4. Experience

Started to play WoW at the end of WotLK. Firstly, I leveled rogue. After I hit @80 I died a couple of times in dungeons and raids, raged and thought that melee class is too hard for me. So I took my brother's spriest

I got acquianted with raiding rather quickly and felt comfortable at the end of WotLK / beginning of Cata. I raided with spriest during WotLK, BD, BoT and partially FL (70% spriest and 30% rogue)

After Blizz anounced legendary for rogues (and considering that there were no rogues in our 10 man) I switched back to rogue. When we defeated Warmaster Blackhorn I had to stop playing (because I finished uni and had to find a good job)

Except for WotLK (there was 30% buff), content was current. Raided HC and normal (where our raid could not kill hc bosses)

5. Raid role

Damage enemies, a lot

Before raids I read about the recent changes (related to my class and raids overall), get some pots, flasks, enchantments (where they are missing), upgrade my gear if there is a possibility etc.

I judge my performance with the help of recount (during the game) and worldoflogs

6. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?

As a spriest I was a regular visitor to In case of a rogue I have not found such an amazing resource. Hence I read news on mmo-champion and google stuff (simcraft etc). Also, stealing secrets from armories of top players at WoL works well

7. Talent choices

Shadow focus. Because it gives 2 cheap CPs and builds up combo

Combat Readiness. Additional defense is better when there are classes who can silence

Elusiveness. Low energy cost, major damage reduction

Shadowstep. No energy cost. Besides that there are sometimes glitches with killing spree and death from above. So it helps to get back onto the battlefield

Dirty Tricks. Removal of energy cost for gouge. Just in case an interruption will be needed and kick is on cd

Marked for Death. For additional DPS as I do not have problems with maintaining CPs as combat

Death from above. Either this or venom rush, but during dungeon runs I noticed that it gives more dps (both single and multitarget)

As for the glyphs, I do not see any alternatives right now for combat (in case of major, minor does not matter)

8. Off-specs and Alternative characters

Spriest that I played during WotLK and Cata. He is 85 and currently retired. Topped worldoflogs with him on HM Maloriak, HM Halfus and normal Nefarian
If needed, I can lvl and play him too ... %BF/simple

9. Communication

No problems with using a mic (bought new one a couple of weeks ago!)

10. Combat Logs

It seems that everything expired

11. Your UI

I am OK with Blizz UI when playing rogue (on spriest there was another story)

12. Guild History

From the very beginning I am part of the local guild which belongs my friend. We try to join your guild together because of 3 day raid regime with good progress and atmosphere.

13. Raid availability

I am fine with the schedule

14. References

Friend searched wowprogress and after discussion we decided to try our luck here

15. About you

I like milk with cookies

Re: [RG1] Makspero, Lvl 100 Combat rogue

Posted: 30 Nov 2014, 19:48
by Jimmble
Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: [RG1] Makspero, Lvl 100 Combat rogue

Posted: 02 Dec 2014, 22:26
by Bowick
As discussed with Stormys (and I think he passed on the message!), we unfortunately have no space to trial you at the moment.
We've had a big influx lately and need time to test our current trials!

But, good luck with your future endeavors!