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[RG1] Niâ lvl 100 Destruction Warlock

Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 03:48
by Nia
Who is your character?
Niâ, Warlock, Destruction and Affliction,
Armory link: ... %A2/simple

Who are you?
My name is Elvis (and please don't say you find that funny :D ), I am 21 year old gamer from Latvia.

I've cleared 6/6 MSV, 3/6 HoF and 1/4 TES on hc 25man. And a bit of ToT 8/12 in normal mode (stopped playing after that). If something is unclear then Raid Progression in my armory page shows exact information (I don't like going to previous raids). I have not preformed any reroll, though I brought up my priest to lvl 90 and tried a bit of shadow/discipline (might bring him up to lvl 100 later too).

Raid role
Deal as much damage while avoiding damage taken as much as possible and preform any encounter specific tasks that was assigned to me. For raids I ussually read tactics on bosses that we are progressing on and watch videos of encounters as well as arrive to raids 30 min before start (unless something unexpected happens in which case I would warn some officer) bringing along any necessary consumables which might help in defeating the boss. I don't like to put a score on myself (I ussually prefer someone else judging my performance, since my own opinion would be subjective), but since it is asked - maybe 'a little above average' (because I ussually work hard to correct the mistakes I've made). I use sites like mmochampion, ask mr robot, world of logs and (also was checking Evrelia youtube channel back at MoP when I was playing affliction) to keep myself updated on any information concerning my class and encounters.

Talent choices
Tier 1: For most situations I'd use Soul Leech, would switch up for Dark Regeneration in enounters with high damage spikes and lower constant raid damage. Wouldn't use Searing Flames because Burning Embers are crucial for my dps;
Tier 2: Mortal coil for encounters with low amount of adds or where cc is not necessary, Shadowfury for large trash packs or encounters where aoe cc is necessary;
Tier 3: Again Soul Link for fights with constant raid damage and Sacrifficial Pact for high damage spike fights, Dark Bargain for soaking tasks OR TO SAVE THE DAY AND DPS DOWN THE LAST 500K OF THE BOSS AFTER EVERYONE DIES (tho that most likely won't happen; also jk :D );
Tier 4: Currently, Grimoire of Supremacy is recommended for most situations but supposedly Grimoire of Service pulls ahead in multiple target fights, Grimoire of Sacrifice can be used in fights where I can get unlimited amount of embers from adds that doesn't need to be killed ASAP (too bad blizzard nerfed this one and I cant use it everywhere, tbh those pets are gonna drive me into mental breakdown someday);
Tier 5: Mannoroth's Fury, more numbers, maybe would consider Archimonde's Darkness on fights where you get 40 sec to DPS boss and 4 minutes of running around and doing nothing though haven't experienced that type of encounter before which is probably why I would never pick that talent. And of course Kil'Jaeden's Cunning for encounters where mobility is necessary;
Tier 6: Charred Remains is said to be weak, I kind of agree. Cataclysm is good for encounters with a lot of adds but mostly I'm going to use Demonic Servitude.
About glyphs: As one of glyphs I would probably use Glyph of Siphon life for some extra survival, for other glyphs I would switch around for other for example:
1) Conflagrate - to slow down some adds that needs to be slowed down ASAP;
2) Demonic Circle - if fight has a lot of spreading and grouping back in one spot;
3) Eternal Resolve - if fight has constant group damage, give some extra 10% damage reduction;
4) Unending Resolve - if fight needs personal defensive cooldowns more often than every 3 minutes;
5) Strengthened Resolve - if there are phases in encounter that involves some serious survival every 4 minutes;
6) Dark Soul - might give some dps increase, but I still have to test it out;
7) Healthstone - brings healed amount from 51k instant to 102k over 10 sec which transforms healthstone to defensive cooldown.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I kind of plan on playing Destruction this patch but if Affliction pulls ahead by a lot I will switch for it, would prefer not to play Demonology but will take one for the team if Demonology starts dominating other specs. As mentioned before I got my priest to 90 in MoP and dabbled in forbidden arts of shadow and discipline, might bring him up to lvl 100 later (or sooner if necessary).

Yes, I have a mic and yes I like to use it when necessary. I probably won't get too chaty in off-topic conversations because English is not my native language aaaaaand I get a bit embarrassed in large scale conversations.

Combat Logs ... amageDone/
Latest one I found, others probably expired.

Your UI
(hope this thing works, I'm so bad at this posting-images-on-internet-forums stuff)
Weird icons that appear above my healthbar are weak aura notifiers. They notify me about:
1) Immolate duration on target;
2) Rain of Fire duration;
3) Trinket Proc and it's duration;
4) If I have Backdraft on me.
At some times during encounter Deadly Boss mod would probably pop up too.
I still need to add new Unit Nameplates and configure raid frames correctly for needed combat ress.

Guild History
As some maybe noticed in logs I was raiding with <Death Sworn Verdict> before (was a pretty big guild back at that time, maybe still is). But at that time I quit the guild mainly because the main raid leader left the guild so the raid atmosphere changed, a lot. And after that I saw several other people quitting. I said that reason for quitting was that I don't want to play the game anymore, but later I realised that I just didn't like the new raiding atmosphere. I want to join TRC because you guys seem like a serious raiding guild and because I have a friend in your guild.

Raid availability
I can generally make to all these raiding days except for maybe once a month on weekends when I'm going out of city to my parrents place, might be possible to bring my laptop and raid from it but it barely runs wow and internet connection there is terrible.

Mainly I found out about your guild from my friend Alestia and I guess he can vouch for me too.

About you
Uhhh, so about myself. My name is Elvis and I am 21 years old as I already mentioned before. I was recently IT student but I quit it to find something I really like. Aaand I don't like reading, I don't like pets (except the only one I have, a pretty cat), I like to sleep and I like icecream. And that's about it!
And there really isn't anything more to it, well atleast not something I can think of.

I was writting this pretty late in night so there might be some misspells or some bits where it is hard to understand what I mean so, please ask me to explain some things if necessary.

Re: [RG1] Niâ lvl 100 Destruction Warlock

Posted: 21 Nov 2014, 08:55
by Beastaly
Hey Niâ,

Thank for you application! Please give us some time to review it :)

Re: [RG1] Niâ lvl 100 Destruction Warlock

Posted: 23 Nov 2014, 23:51
by Jimmble
Hey Nia!

Poke me in-game for a short talk about... umm... absolutely not evul warlocky stuff.

Re: [RG1] Niâ lvl 100 Destruction Warlock

Posted: 24 Nov 2014, 20:05
by Jimmble
<recruited for raid trial>