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Social application for Tosic

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 22:35
by Tosic
Who is your character?
[Your character name, race, and class]

I am a Tosic , a level 91 (soon 100) human paladin!

Who are you?
[Your name, age, and where you’re from]

My name is Carsten and I am from Norway.

[What do you like to do most in WoW?]

I like to do everything the game has to offer! PvP, PvE, PvGnomes, PvPets!

Guild history
[What other guilds were you in recently?]

None thats worth mentioning, I played a bit in Wrath, raiding Naxxramas and finished then. I didn't like the feeling of Mists of Pandaria, but the Draenor looks like an awesome continent!

[How did you hear about us? Do you happen to know someone in the guild?]

I know Leedor and Vonzabi who's both allready in the guild! I also know Imbaliki & Blinken.

About you
[A little something about yourself, as a person and/or your experiences within the game. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. :)]

I love manchester united and football. Working out and driving my car. I'm a great runner and run alot, and after the run I drink alot of coka cola.

[What are they all about, eh?]

I'm not sure, they are like skinny dwarfs. I think.

Re: Social application for Tosic

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 23:45
by Jimmble
Your application has been accepted, please poke an officer for a guild invite.

Re: Social application for Tosic

Posted: 19 Nov 2014, 20:34
by Jimmble