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Social application

Posted: 16 Nov 2014, 02:43
by Romendacil.
i think i derped, the username is already in use xD

Who is your character?
[Your character name, race, and class]

I'm playing a dwarven palladin called Romendacil (( I ) if anyone is interested :P)

Who are you?
[Your name, age, and where you’re from]

My name is Wil. Im 27 years old and from the netherlands.

[What do you like to do most in WoW?]

I like leveling. I love following questlines. I love finding things from Warcraft II, Warcraft III and the World of Warcraft books in the game. I have always been farming for the guilds i was in. I spent at least 2 days a week to just fish, mine, collect and craft (if necessary) stuff for the guild i was in. If i get accepted i will do the same for you.

Guild history
[What other guilds were you in recently?]

I have not been in a guild for years. I quit playing wow before the release of MoP. I played very actively during the first months of cata. I was in a Horde guild called Manitou on Dragonmaw EU, because i knew a rl friend in that guild. Manitou was a pretty decent raiding guild, we got the realms first kill on razorscale in ulduar. i joined them right before wotlk hit and i quit after cata.

[How did you hear about us? Do you happen to know someone in the guild?]

I just started playing WoW again on an all new account. So i was looking for a server and people to play with. After 2 starts on 2 different servers, the people i played with did not get online since, i just threw a shout out there. Rinnegan, whom i know from d3, caught my shout for people and directed me to the Defias Brotherhood server. I knew he was actively playing WoW again, because i have seen him playing WoW when i was playing D3. So i decided to start on this server. When the question about guilds came up he told me about you guys. So i decided to throw in an application.

About you
[A little something about yourself, as a person and/or your experiences within the game. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. :)]

In my free time (when im not working) i like playing video games (obviouslsy :P ), anything ranging from cod, d3 to the binding of isaac, going out to the pub and movies. I love reading books. Fantasy and Sci-fi. I read *some* of the warcraft books and i think i want to read them all :P i mostly enjoyed The Wheel of Time series, Lotr, Eragon and Game of Thrones. I am always looking for more books to read, so if anyone has any suggestions, do reply :P Like i said in the part "what i like to do most in WoW" i like farming :P i put on some music, old rock, metal or power metal mostly :P and i can spend hours gathering mats. And as i have done before i will deposit 95% of all gatherings to the guildbank.

[What are they all about, eh?]

Kay im gonna be honest here :P I was originally in a horde guild. And we had 1 solid rule. "One shall not pass a gnome without attacking it." And like a good guildy, and a good horde player I kept to that rule. Even if the gnome was max level and i was level 12 i would attack it. This same rule made me respect the gnomes too. They proved to be a resilient and inovative lot. And i had a lot of fun killing them and being killed by them :P

Re: Social application

Posted: 16 Nov 2014, 22:21
by Jimmble
Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: Social application

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 00:17
by Basilgiorria
I will be patiently waiting xD I forgot to mention that this is my first character again, so i am still leveling. Im Level 11 atm.

Re: Social application

Posted: 17 Nov 2014, 01:44
by Basilgiorria
Okay, so me and jimmble had a little talk ingame. And he notified me about the blizzard naming policy. And to avoid further issues, i decided to change my name. The new name of my character is Basilgiorria. I meant it to have a capitol G, but apparently that didnt work :P I meant the name to be Basil Giorria. Which is gaelic. Basil is a male name which means battle. Giorria is gaelic for Hare, which is my chinese zodiac xD I hope this way to have circumvented the naming issue ;)

Re: Social application

Posted: 18 Nov 2014, 23:07
by Jimmble