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Ruihan Retribution/maybe holy paladin - 90 lvl

Posted: 06 Nov 2014, 22:32
by Ruihan
Who is your character?
[My name is Ruihan - I am a nice, shinny, helpful, vengeful retri-bution paladin]

Who are you?
[I am a game character of a 35 years old turkish man, who lives in Denmark, and he is married, so move along]

[I like to kill bosses, maybe trash mobs and anyone who annoys me]

Guild history
[I havent been in any guild since TBC, I just joined a guild called Depth, they seems to be nice people, but not nicer than me so I decided to say goodbye]

[I was lonely after I got ganked for 4 hours in timess isle, some one from this guild killed my ganker, then I flee. I decided to do something else with my poor life, I wanted to stalk that person in this guild]

About you
['waves to guild* I have met many big dangerous bosses I smashed them, and I overcame man dangerous events - and I suck at english *cheeers*]

[kick them]

Hello everyone. I raided with Ruihan in TBC (TK, SSC, gruul etc). Wotlk: Raided on warrior killed LK only 10 man HC. In other expansions I didn't raid much - I just played on my different chars and did some low lvl content (on my lock, shammy, warrior very casual). After a long break I wanted to play again (I have more time and game looks interesting again to me :P). I am looking for a new home I hope this one will be the one hopefully. I decided to apply as social since I am not sure how it will be in WoD. E.g will there be spot for retri paladin. Is it worth to transfer my warrior etc...


Re: Ruihan Retribution/maybe holy paladin - 90 lvl

Posted: 06 Nov 2014, 22:54
by Jimmble
Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: Ruihan Retribution/maybe holy paladin - 90 lvl

Posted: 06 Nov 2014, 23:10
by Ruihan
'crossing fingers*

Re: Ruihan Retribution/maybe holy paladin - 90 lvl

Posted: 07 Nov 2014, 19:13
by Ruihan
I hope that I didn't offend Gnomes ^^

'ps: my finger hurts

Re: Ruihan Retribution/maybe holy paladin - 90 lvl

Posted: 09 Nov 2014, 18:07
by Jimmble