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[RG1] Denomolos, Lvl 90 (to be) Elemental Shaman

Posted: 01 Nov 2014, 15:36
by Koya
Who is your character?

Denomolos (ex name Koya), Shaman, Elemental/Resto - ... los/simple

Who are you?

My name is Milos, age 27, originally from Serbia but at the moment I am living and working in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (summer +2 server time/winter +3). Working as Information Security Consultant for CA Technologies (


I started playing WOW during Vanilla, raided semi-seriously all 40man content, created the old Keepers of Mrakness. We've all left the guild and at the beginning of TBC I moved to Ravenholdt server and started playing PVP in Zylos Hand guild. At the start of WOTLK, came back to Defias, cleared Nax with Animosity (stayed there very short) and joined Revelations. With Revelations, I was part of main raiding group when we cleared content and completed all achievements e.g. Alone in the Darkness (25 player), Observed (25 player), The Secrets of Ulduar (25 player) etc... Stayed in Revelations until the beginning of Cataclysm. I gave another shot to PVE when we decided to form up Revelations again in MoP, before Throne of Thunder came up, Horde side. We managed to clear it and do some hardmodes but due to inactivity of server (lack of active people) we decided to stop.

Regarding the latest content, unfortunately I have no experience in it. Because I moved to Dubai, I was very inactive during MoP. I just came back few days ago.

On top of my raiding experience, I was leading the Brutally Dedicated PVP guild from S9 to S11 and again in S14 Horde. We got Hero of the Alliance in S9 and played around 2.2k in other seasons. Organized a lot of Dueling Tournaments on Defias.

Raid role

During my time in Revelations, I played Elemental Shaman when it was very hard to stay competitive in DPS, compared with Rogues, Hunters, Fury warriors etc.. I was mainly following patch notes in order to track class changes, followed Elitist Jerks, Wow Head etc.. Be it good or bad, I am never taking someones opinion straight forward before I accept it as good, so I like to test everything I find online myself. During ICC clearing, I changed my role to Feral Druid ( ... oof/simple). Back in the days it was also very challenging because Feral had a lot of things to keep tracking on during the encounter (compared to Fury Warriors, M. Rogues etc..) but I managed to beat biggest DPS whores in Revelations couple if times (cough Lomil cough :) )

During our second attempt to resurrect Revelations, I played Frost Mage ... oof/simple
and Guardian Druid linked already (tanked with Tufib)

Talent choices

Unfortunately, as I said, I didn't raid with Elemental during MoP that much, and I don't want to copy/paste to play "smart".
I am still expecting couple of things to be balanced on lvl 100 so I can't make final decision, so I will only share my thoughts :
1. Lvl 15 Talent Tier: Astral Shift - "oh poo" cd handy for most Healing intensive encounters. Other two options depend on the encounter so I might consider changing to Stone Bulwark for encounters with nuking phases.

2. Lvl 30 Talent Tier: All 3 options are more handy for PVP, but I would go with Windwalk Totem unless there is an encounter where more CC on adds can come handy I would go for Earthgrab totem for many adds or Frozen Power for single.

3. Lvl 45 Talent Tier: I would go for Call of the Elements, primarily because of Fire Elemental totem (combined with 50% cd reduction glyph and lvl 90 Talent Tier - Primal Elementalist) as according to what I've read it is huge dps boost atm.

4. Lvl 60 Talent Tier: The only one where I am not 100% sure before I try it on lvl 100, but initially I would go with Elemental Mastery for another nuking phase CD.

5. Lvl 75 Talent Tier: Ancestral Guidance as another cd for healing intensive encounters.

6. Lvl 90 Talent Tier: Primal Elementalist, as I already mentioned, empowered Fire and Earth Elementals look great from what I could test by now. Fire is amazing dps boost (combined with MoE and Glyph) and Earth could be considered for some encounters for reduced damaged.

7. Lvl 100 Talent Tier: Elemental Fusion looks like default one to pick. I'll wait to test the Storm Elemental Totem on lvl 100, if it is adding considerable dps while offhealing it could be good addition to Healing. For the encounters that require enhanced AoE, I am eager to test Liquid Magma.

Regarding Glyphs:
Minor: Glyph of Thunderstorm - if I don't have anything against Tanks and melee dps :)
Major: Glyph of Chain Lightning - Only thing annoyed me back in the days was elemental AoE.
Major: Glyph of Fire Elemental Totem - already mentioned in while explaining talents. Great DPS boost combined with talents.
Major: Glyph of Flame Shock - depends on lvl 100. If I decide to go for Elemental Fusion talent, this could be useful to help with Self-Healing with 80% shock damage boost.
Major: Glyph of Spiritwalker's Grace - If there is a lot of mobility required

Off-specs and Alternative characters

I was playing Shaman for a very long time so I am comfortable with both Restoration and Enhancement. I've always played Resto for fun in dungeons (faster que) and casual PVP only. With enhancement I played both PVE and PVP. Had a LOT of duels as Enhancement :)

I don't like healing in raids, but I feel quite comfortable switching to Enhancement if needed.

Other chars are also viable, depending on what do you need the most:
Druid - ... oof/simple - as I mentioned previously, extensive raiding experience both as Feral and Guardian. Played balance also couple of times when needed.
Mage - ... oof/simple - Frost, extensive RBG experience and raiding experience with Revelations on Horde side
Warlock - ... ofi/simple Only some PVP experience with him
Rogue - ... Tuf/simple
Liked him always, but there were always a lot of rogues around so only pvped :(
Monk - ... san/simple


I have no problem communicating and can be very vocal when needed. I was leading RBGs for 4 seasons. As I working IRL as Consultant, I do speak a lot in front of large audience :)

I was always very active on guild forums and I am finding it crucial part of guild progress. People can get to know each other better on forums and it is always good to hear different opinions about encounters, tactics etc...

Combat Logs

Unfortunately, last time I was logging it was during this attempt in Throne of Thunder with Revelations. Someone was logging it, tried to google it, but it was all empty. If it is really needed eventually, I can try to reach other people and get the links.

Your UI

Using UI set for a while, got used to it. Restored this char today and I didn't sort spells yet (played Resto to level up) - Image

Guild History

Keepers of Mrakness - 8 RL friends formed it in Vanilla. We all left soon and you know where it ended up :)

Zylos Hand - Ravenholdt - WPVP guild, one of the most famous and serious back in the days. Zylo, Guild Master, was one of the celebs. Can tell you more later, a lot of funny stories.
Left because I wanted to come back to Defias to play with friends before WOTLK launch.

Animosity Defias- followed one friend and I stayed only shortly. Didn't like some people there.

Ravelations Defias - best memories and friend from WoW - until now. Eventually Sylvestro stopped leading and Sildor took over. I was not the only one to feel that guild changed.

Brutally Dedicated - after I left Revelations didn't feel I can raid anywhere else so decided to get back to PVP. Joined Brutally Dedicated and eventually became Guild Master and RBG Leader. I still have this guild, transfered to Horde Defias. Needed to stop leading when I moved to Dubai :( Hard to find dedicated people.

Sorted my life in Dubai and decided to come back to the game (like many others). When I discovered that I can restore characters I felt like raiding again. Had a chat with Lomil, Tufib and Thepresja and heard only good things about TRC. Reason more is that a lot of friends are already there.

Raid availability

As I mentioned at the start, I live in Dubai at this moment. We don't change time here, so during winter it is +3 server time and during summer, it is +2. The only challenge good be to sleep for only 5 and a half hours and go to work next day:) Think I can make it.

Another good thing is that you are raiding on Thursday, which is the last working day in a week in Dubai. Other two days I will manage somehow.


I remember you guys from back in the days. I have couple of friends from Revelations in TRC now, so they can vouch for me - Tufib, Lomil and Thepresja. As I am on this realm for a long time and just came back to game, I might have more but I don't know about them yet :)

About you
[A little something about yourself as a person. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. :)]
I am very social communicative person. I like good atmosphere so I am always managing to find a moment and cheer up other during pressured encounters. I am married, my wife also plays WOW for many years - char name Dunja (druid) and Monahinja (priest) - maybe some of you know her too. She didn't start playing yet.

As I mentioned, working as Information Security guy so I like hacking, social engineering etc... Playing drums and guitar for a long time.... gym and swimming pool almost every day.


Typed a lot already so I will share a good GM joke from back in the days:
GM asked standard question to end conversation "Anything else"?
Guy: "Good joke?"
GM: "Your ARENA ratings!!!" :)

Re: [RG1] Denomolos, Lvl 90 (to be) Elemental Shaman

Posted: 01 Nov 2014, 17:44
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: [RG1] Denomolos, Lvl 90 (to be) Elemental Shaman

Posted: 05 Nov 2014, 10:07
by Jimmble
We'd like to offer you a trial in WoD and a social membership until then. Please poke an officer in game for a guild invite.

Re: [RG1] Denomolos, Lvl 90 (to be) Elemental Shaman

Posted: 06 Nov 2014, 22:51
by Jimmble