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[RG2 Application] MM Hunter, Wilshere

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 01:17
by Wilshere
*This application is at least initially aimed towards joining raid group 2*

Who is your character?
Wilshere, Hunter, MM and BM. ... ere/simple

Who are you?
Dean, 25 years old and from England

Okay, I’m not going to lie because there’s no point in doing so. I haven’t been in what I would call a real raiding guild since Wrath of the Lich King where I was on the Horde side and played in guilds <Conquest> and <Phase Two> on a Death Knight called Necrosis. My interest in the game has faded until the announcement of WoD and now we’re only a few weeks away from launch I am getting hyped and I’m looking for a guild that I’m going to be able to raid with. I do not have any raiding experience on the Hunter I am applying on but I believe myself to be a fast learner and I don’t think it’s going to cause any issues.

In Wrath I thought of myself as a cutting edge raider. While I was in Conquest we would frequently be in the top 5 kills on the server throughout the whole of Naxx/Ulduar and then when we merged with <Crimson Tide> to make <Phase Two> I was invited to be part of the core raiding team which went on to achieve realm first Algalon, in doing so we were the first guild to beat <Revelations> to an actual, real, respectable kill. I miss that thrill. I miss the thrill of working together as a group to down a boss and then when it all finally comes together it feels oh so good. Simply put, I miss raiding.

Raid role
I’m not on an active raiding team currently but I guess I can explain my role from when I was playing my Death Knight in Wrath and then explain what I expect my role to be when I play my Hunter in WoD.

So as an Unholy Death Knight my role was to smash out as much damage as possible while still maintaining a solid grasp on my surroundings and making sure I don’t stand in the bad stuff. I’ve always believed that damage comes secondary to actually knowing what is going on around you and that a dead dps is worth nothing. With that being said, I always pushed my damage to it’s maximum and would more often than not find myself in the top 3 of any encounter. I was always a team player that would pass Hysteria (DPS cooldown back then if people forget) onto a different player if it would benefit them more than it would me and always took the time to understand the encounter and when it would be the best opportunity to pop my cooldowns in a way that would maximize my damage.

I always felt that it was important to come to raids on time, with knowledge of the tactics for the bosses we were going to attempt on that night and make sure that I had enough raid food, pots and flasks to last me for weeks in advance.

I have always used resources like mmo-champion, elitistjerks and ict-veins to keep me in the loop on what is good and what is not so good in terms of builds, talent choices, gemming and gearing.

Talent choices
This is a really hard one for me to answer as I don’t have cutting edge experience of the Siege of Orgrimmar but I can try to answer it best I can. I believe that 9/10 both now and moving forward into WoD that Barrage > Glaive Toss for MM and Stampede > AMoC for MM. AMoC would probably beat out Stampede in a fight like the Paragons of Klaxxi when the bosses are dieing quite frequently as the cooldown on AMoC would be reset with each kill. If I was to go BM then it’s universally considered that Blink Strikes is the best talent of it’s tier and Barrage again beats out Glaive Toss due to it’s low CD. For BM I like Dire Beast and I’d probably take it as MM also even if Steady Focus and Thrill of the Hunt might be ever so slightly better. The reason behind that is I just find it more interesting and easier to use and according to simcraft currently DB/SF/TotH are all fairly equal.

With regards to level 100 talents: BM - Adaptation and MM - Lone Wolf. For the defensive talent choice, I’d go for Iron Hawk as the 10% reduced damage is too good to pass up. Spirit Bond is nice for soloing though.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I don’t want to offend any guild hunters but I’ll just say this... I don’t believe MM or BM to be hard to play, at all. MM has three buttons to press + a dps cooldown and then + it’s talents to add flavour. BM is very similar. So I don’t believe playing either will be too hard and I will switch between those two depending on the fight. Survival is lacking currently and I don’t see myself playing it.

I do have the Death Knight that I played in Wrath of the Lich King on the Alliance side but I don’t really have any intentions on playing it as my main in WoD. ... ing/simple

I do have a working microphone and I am comfortable using it. I am happy using forums to discuss tactics and I will make sure to check it regularly to important information.

Combat Logs
This is something I can’t really provide as I only just boosted my Hunter on Saturday so I’ve only had a few days to get to where I am now (554 ilvl)

Guild History
<Silverwing Angels> on Wildhammer-EU
This is the guild that gave me my first look into raiding. I joined them as a clueless newbiew halfway through TBC and raided Karazhan, SSC and TK with them before moving servers and factions.

<Conquest> Horde, Defias Brotherhood
My first guild as my Death Knight. I joined them at the start of Wrath as their first DK recruit and cleared Naxx, Sartharion 10+25 3 Drakes, Malygos and Ulduar before the guild decided to merge with <Crimson Tide> to make <Phase Two>

<Phase Two> Horde, Defias Brotherhood
I was part of the core raiding team that came together during the merge and we blitzed through Ulduar doing all the meta achievements and then took the realm first Algalon kill away from <Revelations> We were then neck and neck with Revs during TotGC until a guild disagreement derailed us during Anub progression. Ultimately it slowly fell to pieces as key members left the guild and we all learned that guild merges never really work.

<The New Expedition> Alliance, Defias Brotherhood
I joined TNE for Icecrown and cleared the raid on heroic with them and ended the expansion with them.

<Kingsfall> Alliance, Defias Brotherhood
I raided the first tier of the Cataclysm expansion with Kingsfall again on my DK.

<Ransom> Alliance, Defias Brotherhood
In Mists of Pandaria I joined up with some friends that I have played WoW and other games with for quite a long time now and we casually raided the first tier of the expansion together.

I haven’t felt like I’ve been in a proper raiding guild since my days in <Conquest> and I hope by applying to TRC I’m going to find a new long lasting home.

Raid availability
On the official forums I noticed a post for a 2nd raiding team that will raid Weds and Fri. I can make both these days and this is the raiding team I am at least initially to begin with, applying to be on.

I noticed a post on the official forums for a 2nd raid team and that’s how I found myself directed to here. I don’t think I know anyone in the guild so I have no references.

About you
Again, my name is Dean and I’m 25 years old from England. Like all of you I’m into video games and have played WoW on and off now since the beginning of TBC. Outside of WoW I play a ton of LoL and even though it’s the most frustrating game ever, I always find myself going back to it. Just like I do with WoW. Other than gaming I love sport and in particular football. I support Arsenal and I’m always up for a bit of banter with regards to other teams.

I know this probably isn’t the easiest application to process as I’m not really of any benefit to you guys right now but I just feel with 2 weeks until the expansion you probably aren’t raiding Orgrimmar all that seriously anymore anyways. I’m a real raider at heart and even know it’s been a long time since I’ve been in a proper guild and I know the game has moved on these past few years and the raiding scene is a completely different one to the one I was part of, I am confident of my ability to adapt and adjust accordingly. If given the chance to join the raiding team in WoD I know I will flourish and become a core member of the squad and the guild as a whole. Thank you for reading my application and I look forward to hearing from you.

Re: [RG2 Application] MM Hunter, Wilshere

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 08:29
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: [RG2 Application] MM Hunter, Wilshere

Posted: 29 Oct 2014, 10:42
by Yogá
Judging by your application, we would very much like to offer you a raid spot in RG2, as we believe you might become a valuable member of our raid team. Besides, with the new aspect of the fox, more hunters is always nice.
I would however still love to have a chat with you, so if you can contact me in-game on either my Shaman (Yogá), my mage (Yogtö), or my paladin (Yogtø), or add me on battletag at Yoggles#2502 so we can have a chat.

Yogá - Raid leader of RG2 and shaman extraordinaire.

Re: [RG2 Application] MM Hunter, Wilshere

Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 10:25
by Jimmble
Your application has been accepted, please poke an officer in game for a guild invite.

Re: [RG2 Application] MM Hunter, Wilshere

Posted: 30 Oct 2014, 18:32
by Jimmble