[Raider] Windwalker monk, Tumble
Posted: 28 Oct 2014, 18:14
Who is your character?
Tumble, monk, windwalker (primary) brewmaster (Secondary) http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... ble/simple
Who are you?
Rob, 28, UK/Belgium
In reverse chronological order,
5/14 heroic SoO (realm died , guild died, passion dwindled)
8/13 heroic ToT
Raid role
I was excellent in a dps role. When my gear was at a competitive level, I was at the top. I have the actual doing of DPS down to muscle memory and can think about squeezing out more based on the nature of the fight. I'm a risk taker at times which pays off when i'm smart about it. As a tank, I was not good enough for heroic /mythic raiding. I wasn't motivated enough and it just didn't come as naturally as punching/kicking the big bads from behind. Beyond just looking at recount figures, I enjoyed having additional roles and responsibilities within a fights encounter.
Talent choices
I'm afraid I cannot answer this to the bosses specifically given as I was not an active and dedicated raider for these encounters. If I may demonstrate insight based on the encounters I did face; I would take then bear with me a moment. At tier 1 I take celerity 95% of the time. I would drop it in favour of celerity when combining this with chi torpedo. I would do this when intense raid healing was needed, such as on Mageara during rampage. In such a situation I would take chi burst instead of chi wave for the same reason. Chi burst has also been more usefull on Galakras because of the sheer amount of mobs coming in phase 1 (for added aoe). Normally, chi wave and Xuen are the standard choices.
I take charging ox wave on galakras too, so I can stun the mobs that break off to beat the alliance heroes in the face without having to run over there.. just a tilt of the camera and a good aim and a target switch is enough, no need to be inefficient in anything! I often use diffuse magic. It's a huge magic shield against a great number of effects. I also use it quite cheekily to "stand in the fire" longer than others and keep doing damage. I know this sounds like sacrilege, but with a 90% damage reduction and enough tools in the monks skillset to self-heal, it's not a big deal.
Dampen harm is often more usefull though at mythic level for survivability's sake.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have swapped specs several times a week in the past when it was so difficult for my guild to fill all the spots in a raid (a thing of the past since the merger of realms). I can fill the role well enough. I have a shaman who I like to play as elemental who I raided with at t14. Not a class I would main though.
I am an experienced communicator in a raid setting. I love it
Combat Logs
My dps is very, very close to the predicted realistic DPS given on Noxxic, for my gear level. I have zilch evidence to support this, other than a 2 second video of LFR garrosh...
Your UI
Guild History
I've played since Vanilla (with breaks). I've been in soemthing between 3 and 5 real guilds. Some of them just had a lifespan of several months only before merging to become something else. This was quite normal for people playing on low population RP realms such as sporeggar and ravenholdt. I've tried my hand at being a guild master a couple of times, with good success but again this lasted not more than a year, because it's kind of like a fulltime job. I was in a guild called Phoenix, Nether guard, Legion V and Redrum. Not bad for someone who has about 2 years /played!
Raid availability
I can, I can
Wowprogress is how I heard. I do not know anyone
About you
I'm 6'1, 90kg, brown hair blue eyes. Celtic features. Bilingual under achiever just going through life enjoying games, fantasy literature and board gaming, lifting heavy things and putting them down again at the gym, dating, drinking, eating, working, swinging parties.
Not as such. I really would like to be given a chance. My merit is much more than I can put in such a form. I'm really proud of what i've achieved in WoW and have the utmost confidence in my abilities with my chosen class and as a potential member to a raid team and guild community.
Tumble, monk, windwalker (primary) brewmaster (Secondary) http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... ble/simple
Who are you?
Rob, 28, UK/Belgium
In reverse chronological order,
5/14 heroic SoO (realm died , guild died, passion dwindled)
8/13 heroic ToT
Raid role
I was excellent in a dps role. When my gear was at a competitive level, I was at the top. I have the actual doing of DPS down to muscle memory and can think about squeezing out more based on the nature of the fight. I'm a risk taker at times which pays off when i'm smart about it. As a tank, I was not good enough for heroic /mythic raiding. I wasn't motivated enough and it just didn't come as naturally as punching/kicking the big bads from behind. Beyond just looking at recount figures, I enjoyed having additional roles and responsibilities within a fights encounter.
Talent choices
I'm afraid I cannot answer this to the bosses specifically given as I was not an active and dedicated raider for these encounters. If I may demonstrate insight based on the encounters I did face; I would take then bear with me a moment. At tier 1 I take celerity 95% of the time. I would drop it in favour of celerity when combining this with chi torpedo. I would do this when intense raid healing was needed, such as on Mageara during rampage. In such a situation I would take chi burst instead of chi wave for the same reason. Chi burst has also been more usefull on Galakras because of the sheer amount of mobs coming in phase 1 (for added aoe). Normally, chi wave and Xuen are the standard choices.
I take charging ox wave on galakras too, so I can stun the mobs that break off to beat the alliance heroes in the face without having to run over there.. just a tilt of the camera and a good aim and a target switch is enough, no need to be inefficient in anything! I often use diffuse magic. It's a huge magic shield against a great number of effects. I also use it quite cheekily to "stand in the fire" longer than others and keep doing damage. I know this sounds like sacrilege, but with a 90% damage reduction and enough tools in the monks skillset to self-heal, it's not a big deal.
Dampen harm is often more usefull though at mythic level for survivability's sake.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have swapped specs several times a week in the past when it was so difficult for my guild to fill all the spots in a raid (a thing of the past since the merger of realms). I can fill the role well enough. I have a shaman who I like to play as elemental who I raided with at t14. Not a class I would main though.
I am an experienced communicator in a raid setting. I love it
Combat Logs
My dps is very, very close to the predicted realistic DPS given on Noxxic, for my gear level. I have zilch evidence to support this, other than a 2 second video of LFR garrosh...
Your UI
Guild History
I've played since Vanilla (with breaks). I've been in soemthing between 3 and 5 real guilds. Some of them just had a lifespan of several months only before merging to become something else. This was quite normal for people playing on low population RP realms such as sporeggar and ravenholdt. I've tried my hand at being a guild master a couple of times, with good success but again this lasted not more than a year, because it's kind of like a fulltime job. I was in a guild called Phoenix, Nether guard, Legion V and Redrum. Not bad for someone who has about 2 years /played!
Raid availability
I can, I can
Wowprogress is how I heard. I do not know anyone
About you
I'm 6'1, 90kg, brown hair blue eyes. Celtic features. Bilingual under achiever just going through life enjoying games, fantasy literature and board gaming, lifting heavy things and putting them down again at the gym, dating, drinking, eating, working, swinging parties.
Not as such. I really would like to be given a chance. My merit is much more than I can put in such a form. I'm really proud of what i've achieved in WoW and have the utmost confidence in my abilities with my chosen class and as a potential member to a raid team and guild community.