Retribution Paladin Application
Posted: 28 Oct 2014, 14:15
Who is your character?
[Your character name, class, specs, and Armory link. Try to log out in main-spec gear]
Nahdaan, Paladin, Retribution, ... aan/simple
Who are you?
[Your name, age, where you're from, etc]
Alex, 28 from Norway.
[What is your prior raiding experience? Which tiers? LFR/Flex/Normal/Heroic(/Mythic)? And importantly: Did you clear these raids when they were current content (the most recent tier added), or come back in the next patch? If you've performed any character change re-rolling in your time, what character(s) and role(s) did you play during which content?]
Everything cleaned Pre-wod patc.
Raid role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
Dps/Support. Provide damage reduction support trough bubbles,flash heals and hand of sacrifice. I judge my own performance largely on how i avoid(or fail) on boss mechanics. Damage output comes second. A dead dps is no dps. Updates on my class i recieve trough wowhead and mmo-champ.
Talent choices
[Please tell us what talents/important glyphs you chose to run for each of the last four bosses of SoO, and explain why you choose them (Not just "It's the best!"). We like to see the insight behind your choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]
Glyphs and talents are always tailored to individual raids and in few cases individual bosses during progression. Blinding light glyph aoe stun (which is gone now) for garrosh is a good example where my spec adapt to the fight. Holy avenger for fights with breaks between dps,lights hammer for spoils of pandaria and dual bubbles for Thok etc etc.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
No problems as long as i know the fight in that role.
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? (for the case that we love you but can't fit your main in our rosters) Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to what degree they are/have been played.
Non that are currently actively played.
Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]
Yes, yes and yes.
Combat Logs
[If possible please link a log showing your character raiding current content. If you have no logs, please explain why (eg, logs expired) and/or aim to log your performance from an LFR/Flex/PUG run, to add to your application. TRC raiders are expected to review their own performance on Warcraft Logs in order to improve, so you should be/get used to doing this. It's especially important for dps-players, and applicants who would need to transfer before we can trial them (eg Horde).]
Due to my very recent comback to the game i have no logs. I can provide some flex/normal ones, but i personally would find it useless since most boss mechanics can simply be burned trough at this stage in the game and as for dps it is a high chance it will not reflect our level 100 dps.
Your UI
[Attach a screenshot of your current raiding UI, and if it shows anything unusual (in the UI, not the chat box :p), feel free to explain your choices.]
Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why do you want to join TRC?]
Deus ex machina. Was away from the game a few months after clearing all content both on 10 and 25. Now i start fresh with WoD. The Raven Council seems like a pretty friendly and good guild so it looks like a good choice.
Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days/times, or are there any difficulties with this? Our current raid schedule is found here.
I have no problem making all the days/times.
[How did you hear about us? And do you know someone from the game who can vouch for you as player/person?]
Wowprogress. No i dont know anyone in the guild.
About you
[A little something about yourself as a person. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. ]
Not much to say really. I'm a simple guy from the 8bit era.
Pretty neutral to most things and drama free. Kinda guy who you cant start a argue with even if you try =)
[If you have any extra notes that do not necessarily fit in anywhere else, stick 'em here.]
Not that i can think of. Fire away. =)
[Your character name, class, specs, and Armory link. Try to log out in main-spec gear]
Nahdaan, Paladin, Retribution, ... aan/simple
Who are you?
[Your name, age, where you're from, etc]
Alex, 28 from Norway.
[What is your prior raiding experience? Which tiers? LFR/Flex/Normal/Heroic(/Mythic)? And importantly: Did you clear these raids when they were current content (the most recent tier added), or come back in the next patch? If you've performed any character change re-rolling in your time, what character(s) and role(s) did you play during which content?]
Everything cleaned Pre-wod patc.
Raid role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
Dps/Support. Provide damage reduction support trough bubbles,flash heals and hand of sacrifice. I judge my own performance largely on how i avoid(or fail) on boss mechanics. Damage output comes second. A dead dps is no dps. Updates on my class i recieve trough wowhead and mmo-champ.
Talent choices
[Please tell us what talents/important glyphs you chose to run for each of the last four bosses of SoO, and explain why you choose them (Not just "It's the best!"). We like to see the insight behind your choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]
Glyphs and talents are always tailored to individual raids and in few cases individual bosses during progression. Blinding light glyph aoe stun (which is gone now) for garrosh is a good example where my spec adapt to the fight. Holy avenger for fights with breaks between dps,lights hammer for spoils of pandaria and dual bubbles for Thok etc etc.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
No problems as long as i know the fight in that role.
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? (for the case that we love you but can't fit your main in our rosters) Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to what degree they are/have been played.
Non that are currently actively played.
Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]
Yes, yes and yes.
Combat Logs
[If possible please link a log showing your character raiding current content. If you have no logs, please explain why (eg, logs expired) and/or aim to log your performance from an LFR/Flex/PUG run, to add to your application. TRC raiders are expected to review their own performance on Warcraft Logs in order to improve, so you should be/get used to doing this. It's especially important for dps-players, and applicants who would need to transfer before we can trial them (eg Horde).]
Due to my very recent comback to the game i have no logs. I can provide some flex/normal ones, but i personally would find it useless since most boss mechanics can simply be burned trough at this stage in the game and as for dps it is a high chance it will not reflect our level 100 dps.
Your UI
[Attach a screenshot of your current raiding UI, and if it shows anything unusual (in the UI, not the chat box :p), feel free to explain your choices.]
Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why do you want to join TRC?]
Deus ex machina. Was away from the game a few months after clearing all content both on 10 and 25. Now i start fresh with WoD. The Raven Council seems like a pretty friendly and good guild so it looks like a good choice.
Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days/times, or are there any difficulties with this? Our current raid schedule is found here.
I have no problem making all the days/times.
[How did you hear about us? And do you know someone from the game who can vouch for you as player/person?]
Wowprogress. No i dont know anyone in the guild.
About you
[A little something about yourself as a person. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. ]
Not much to say really. I'm a simple guy from the 8bit era.
Pretty neutral to most things and drama free. Kinda guy who you cant start a argue with even if you try =)
[If you have any extra notes that do not necessarily fit in anywhere else, stick 'em here.]
Not that i can think of. Fire away. =)