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[Social] Dyylan, low level experienced player

Posted: 23 Oct 2014, 22:17
by Dyylan
Who is your character?
Dyylan/Syylan/Cyylan. Human Warrior atm. The others are (or will be) human Pally, and DK.

Who are you?
Peter, 29, American originally but living in Spain.

I was a former Heroic raider, and arena PvPer. I love PVP a lot, but don't have many credentials there. Looking to boost that category, as well as get into raiding. For now, though, just get back into the game and make new friends. I'll expand upon this below in other sections.

Guild history
I was in a guild called PMS on Ysondre (American realm). That's where I achieved most of my glory in early Cata.

A guild member responded to a LF guild post in trade chat. Of course I phrased it maturely, which is what I hope elicited the response directing me to this guild.

About you
I'm an American that lives in Spain. I've been living in Spain for 5 years, and previously played on a US server. Even with the lag I was able to tank and DPS heroic raids (I miss Cata Firelands!) but I always knew that moving to a EU realm would be smart. I'm 29, and a teacher (kinda), so I'm looking to play with mature people who I can have good conversations with as well as enjoy game content with. I do have a life outside of WoW, but try to balance the two so as to have both in a healthy way. Since I'm re-rolling on an EU account, I'm starting from absolutely nothing, which is quite an obstacle considering I have amassed full BOA sets for most of the type of toons I play, as well as my personal riches and achievements. I wish so much I could have those here!

As for WoW, I mostly play toons that have "yy" in their names. That way you know it's me. My main is typically Dyylan, and my alts (practically shared mains) are Cyylan and Syylan. Simple, eh? I love the plate wearers. Dyylan is usually a DK tank, Cyy a WarTank, and Syy a pally tank. Not much variation you think? I beg to differ! I love those classes! I'm also dabbling with healers as well. I enjoy DPS, and typically keep a DPS OS up to par (both in gear and my ability) for raid needs. But tanking is my passion.

Cute little guys, but don't typically roll them :P

Re: [Social] Dyylan, low level experienced player

Posted: 24 Oct 2014, 14:34
by Dyylan
Sorry, I forgot some pertinent contact info: my current main is Cyylan, a warrior. My battletag is Dyylan#1875.

Re: [Social] Dyylan, low level experienced player

Posted: 24 Oct 2014, 14:41
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: [Social] Dyylan, low level experienced player

Posted: 24 Oct 2014, 17:34
by Jimmble
Your application has been accepted, please poke an officer in game for a guild invite.

Re: [Social] Dyylan, low level experienced player

Posted: 24 Oct 2014, 18:18
by Jimmble