[Raider] Balance Druid
Posted: 14 Oct 2014, 21:14
Who is your character?
Potch, Druid, Balance & http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... h/advanced.
Who are you?
Mats, 17, Norway.
I started to play & "raid" for fun in Cataclysm there I cleared everything on normal mode, because I didn't raid semi-hardcore/hardcore at that time. (posting link at the end)
I only cleared this normal mode with my Death Knight (posting link at the end.)
I wasn't any semi-hardcore/hardcore raider until Siege of Orgrimmar (SoO) so that is the only raid i've been clearing heroic. During ToT I had a break time.
Raid role
Balance Druid isn't a normal caster class, but it is a class where you bring good damage and some "extreme" raid utilities such as Tranquility & Innervate. Before I enter a raid I will know what to do 100% in & out. If I am doing any mistakes I will probably see them myself or someone else will mention it, then I think about the situation and think what I've could done better. I often read articles on MMO & Elitist jerks.
Talent choices
Displacer Beast - Best for kiting.
Ysera's Gift - Offers the most healing output.
Typhoon - None of the tier 3 talents got any effect during this encounter.
Incarnation - Personal prefferences.
Ursol's Vortex - None of the tier 5 talents got any effect during this encounter.
Heart of the Wild - Used for tranquility + lock symbo.
Siegecrafter Blackfuse:
Same as Thok on talents but if Force of Nature instead of Incarnation can be better due to alot of movement.
On Siegecrafter Blackfuse it's very important with Typhoon & Ursol's Vortex for the adds.
Same as Thok.
Same as Thok
-- Major -- (Best glyphes for Balance Druid)
Glyph of Stampede
Glyph of Rebirth
Glyph of Stampeding Roar
-- Minor -- (Personal prefferences)
Glyph of Grace
Glyph of Stars
Glyph of the Cheetah
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I can play resto on a high enough level.
Main alt - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... r/advanced
Alt [Elemental Shaman] - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... h/advanced
Most of the time I am on my druid, but sometimes I may hump into these chars.
I do have a microphone & headset which works. I'm not afraid to talk.
http://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/ch ... 37/latest/
Your UI
Guild History
Team XVI - Ragnaros Horde.
Planned to leave because I don't fit into the guild, and that makes it less fun.
I want to join TRC because I am looking for a good social guild aswell as a good raiding guild which TRC can provide.
Raid availability
This raiding times suits me very well.
About you
I'm a social guy from Norway who likes to hang out with friends and play wow. I do also hit the gym whenever I feel for it.
- http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... d/advanced
[Death Knight] - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... 8/advanced
I am willing to change server & change to alliance If I get a spot.
Potch, Druid, Balance & http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... h/advanced.
Who are you?
Mats, 17, Norway.
I started to play & "raid" for fun in Cataclysm there I cleared everything on normal mode, because I didn't raid semi-hardcore/hardcore at that time. (posting link at the end)
I only cleared this normal mode with my Death Knight (posting link at the end.)
I wasn't any semi-hardcore/hardcore raider until Siege of Orgrimmar (SoO) so that is the only raid i've been clearing heroic. During ToT I had a break time.
Raid role
Balance Druid isn't a normal caster class, but it is a class where you bring good damage and some "extreme" raid utilities such as Tranquility & Innervate. Before I enter a raid I will know what to do 100% in & out. If I am doing any mistakes I will probably see them myself or someone else will mention it, then I think about the situation and think what I've could done better. I often read articles on MMO & Elitist jerks.
Talent choices
Displacer Beast - Best for kiting.
Ysera's Gift - Offers the most healing output.
Typhoon - None of the tier 3 talents got any effect during this encounter.
Incarnation - Personal prefferences.
Ursol's Vortex - None of the tier 5 talents got any effect during this encounter.
Heart of the Wild - Used for tranquility + lock symbo.
Siegecrafter Blackfuse:
Same as Thok on talents but if Force of Nature instead of Incarnation can be better due to alot of movement.
On Siegecrafter Blackfuse it's very important with Typhoon & Ursol's Vortex for the adds.
Same as Thok.
Same as Thok
-- Major -- (Best glyphes for Balance Druid)
Glyph of Stampede
Glyph of Rebirth
Glyph of Stampeding Roar
-- Minor -- (Personal prefferences)
Glyph of Grace
Glyph of Stars
Glyph of the Cheetah
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I can play resto on a high enough level.
Main alt - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... r/advanced
Alt [Elemental Shaman] - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... h/advanced
Most of the time I am on my druid, but sometimes I may hump into these chars.
I do have a microphone & headset which works. I'm not afraid to talk.
http://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/ch ... 37/latest/
Your UI
Guild History
Team XVI - Ragnaros Horde.
Planned to leave because I don't fit into the guild, and that makes it less fun.
I want to join TRC because I am looking for a good social guild aswell as a good raiding guild which TRC can provide.
Raid availability
This raiding times suits me very well.
About you
I'm a social guy from Norway who likes to hang out with friends and play wow. I do also hit the gym whenever I feel for it.
- http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... d/advanced
[Death Knight] - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... 8/advanced
I am willing to change server & change to alliance If I get a spot.