[Raider] Canabos, Lvl 90 Combat Rogue
Posted: 10 Oct 2014, 12:14
Who is your character?
Canabos, Rogue, IL 566, Combat (can handle other specs aswell), Tbh I prefer subtlety over combat but I have low level daggers so I switched to combat
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... s/advanced
Who are you?
Peter D., 22, I'm from Slovakia, I live and study in Czech Republic
I was raiding in Wotlk with my DK as a dps. I've done all wotlk raids on normal difficulty (including ICC) (during the wotlk). This character is on my brother's
battlenet account and it is inactive for a long time now so it's not possible to see him on armory:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... gd%C3%ADl/ (i bought my own account for MoP)
I played TBC aswell but only PVP
I skipped Cataclysm
With this Rogue character I played all raids in MoP on normal and 5/14 SoS on hc. I was raiding SoO hc with my previous guild Non Phixion. However I had to stop playing WoW at the beggining of this year. I had a lot going in my life and I didn't have the extra time for the game.
So that's why my progress is only 5/14 hc
Raid role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance.
Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
Well my role depends on my assignemt, since each fight is very specific. For example sometimes I am ask to go after adds, stuns, crippling poison etc.
Or I am asked to stay on the boss all the time (even when the adds spawn) because of high rogue dd.
As a rogue in general I think he is usefull in a raid because of several things:
Smoke Bomb (to reduced AoE damage),
Stuns for adds when needed, Cripling poison for slow
2 CC for trash adds (blind, sap)
10% attack speed raid buff (if missing)
Tricks of Trade as damage buff or as a threat booster for tank(however they are going to remove damage buff with the next patch)
Reduce armor on single target or reduce target in AoE with Sharp Knives glyph http://www.wowhead.com/item=42958/glyph-of-sharp-knives
Good Movement - 70% (100% with glyph) sprint, Burst of Speed (can keep sprinting forever) or Shadowstep (fast access to some places)
I am dedicated player. Always prepared for a raid -> knowledge of tactics, food, elixirs, potions (health and agility)
glyphs for each fight, and sometimes even enchants in my bag
I think my performance is decent. However I'm playing after like 8 months so I'm a bit rusty at the moment
I'm ussualy getting important info about my class and wow from
And I like fatboss youtube boss guides
Talent choices
[Please tell us what talents/important glyphs you chose to run for each of the last four bosses of SoO, and why.
We like to see the insight behind your choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange
PvP/soloing spec!]
I'm describing this for normal, not hc
Thok The Bloodthirsty
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent ... 221202!hQq
So I switched Shadowstep talent to Burst of speed (because of Thok chasing phase)
As for glyphs:
Sprint because of thok chasing phase (100% speed > more than 70 % from burst of speed)
Smoke bomb -> to reduce AoE damage from Thok for the whole raid, glyph adds +2 seconds duration
Shadow cloak -> 40% reduced damage for the duration -> To reduce AoE damage which Thok does to me
Siegecrafter Blackfuse
Siegecrafter Blackfuse
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent ... 221102!RQq
went back to shadow step -> I used to be assigned to go to the belt so with shadowstep I got fast back to the boss
Sprint (to get fast to the belt)
Redirect (switch to adds on belt to boss and vice versa)
Cloak of Shadows for survivability
Paragons of Klaxxi
same talents
sprint for movement during fight (from boss to adds and so on)
Cloak of Shadows for survivability
Smokebomb for survivability
Garosh Hellscream
Switching Leeching poison talent to Elusiveness -> to reduce damage during the high AoE phase (I used to do this but
now I have trinket to reduce cd on shadow cloak so that I can use it and (prevent the damage) each time he does it
Sharpened knives (fan of knives applies reduced armor) -> A lot of adds (I can AoE reduce armor to them)
Sprint -> movement
Redirect -> To switch combo points to adds and back to boss
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? (for the case that we love you but
can't fit your main in our rosters) Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to
what degree they are/have been played.]
I don't mind switching specs during the raid at all
I have this warrior i leveled to 60 and than character boosted it. I don't have much experience as a warrior tho, but i'm fast learner. He's in character boost gear so I guess I could raid with him at the WoD.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... k/advanced
[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed?
Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly
for important information?]
Yes I have a mic and I am comfortable using it. Sure I'll be glad to use forums to get new info and so on.
I'm not in Non Phixion anymore (I just migrated to alliance from horde) But I did a log from LFR. I'm playing after a long time so my performance was not that good I'm afraid.
Your UI
I'll attach it on Sunday evening (I'm out of town for the weekend)
Guild History
Non Phixion, I stopped playing wow at the end of January, had a lot of personal stuff going in my life.. I didn't have extra time for playing WoW
Now I came back but they are full on Rogues and my rank went from raider to social. I asked them but they have no room for a rogue
they have 3 active ones.
Your guild seems like it can handle things . I want to be in a guild at least as good as my previous one. And your raiding
days suits me well. I really want to be in a guild which can start raiding in WoD asap.
Raid availability
Yes I can. However once in a 4 or 6 weeks I wont be able to make it on a Thursday
I found you on Wowprogress
http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/def ... .tier16_25
I don't know anyone from your guild yet.
About you
I'm young student. Interested in psychology, geopolitics, fantasy books, healthy diet, body excercise and lot of party aswell Happy. I love everything what Blizzard creates (haven't tried Diablo yet, but I'm just downloading it at this very moment ). I just love Warcraft lore. I'm with it since Warcraft 3. I also read several warcraft books from the authors which were worth to read... So I'm really into this game.
I am open to constructive criticism and any piece of advice anyone has to offer. I had like 99% attendance in raids in my previous guild.
Canabos, Rogue, IL 566, Combat (can handle other specs aswell), Tbh I prefer subtlety over combat but I have low level daggers so I switched to combat
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... s/advanced
Who are you?
Peter D., 22, I'm from Slovakia, I live and study in Czech Republic
I was raiding in Wotlk with my DK as a dps. I've done all wotlk raids on normal difficulty (including ICC) (during the wotlk). This character is on my brother's
battlenet account and it is inactive for a long time now so it's not possible to see him on armory:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... gd%C3%ADl/ (i bought my own account for MoP)
I played TBC aswell but only PVP
I skipped Cataclysm
With this Rogue character I played all raids in MoP on normal and 5/14 SoS on hc. I was raiding SoO hc with my previous guild Non Phixion. However I had to stop playing WoW at the beggining of this year. I had a lot going in my life and I didn't have the extra time for the game.
So that's why my progress is only 5/14 hc
Raid role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance.
Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
Well my role depends on my assignemt, since each fight is very specific. For example sometimes I am ask to go after adds, stuns, crippling poison etc.
Or I am asked to stay on the boss all the time (even when the adds spawn) because of high rogue dd.
As a rogue in general I think he is usefull in a raid because of several things:
Smoke Bomb (to reduced AoE damage),
Stuns for adds when needed, Cripling poison for slow
2 CC for trash adds (blind, sap)
10% attack speed raid buff (if missing)
Tricks of Trade as damage buff or as a threat booster for tank(however they are going to remove damage buff with the next patch)
Reduce armor on single target or reduce target in AoE with Sharp Knives glyph http://www.wowhead.com/item=42958/glyph-of-sharp-knives
Good Movement - 70% (100% with glyph) sprint, Burst of Speed (can keep sprinting forever) or Shadowstep (fast access to some places)
I am dedicated player. Always prepared for a raid -> knowledge of tactics, food, elixirs, potions (health and agility)
glyphs for each fight, and sometimes even enchants in my bag
I think my performance is decent. However I'm playing after like 8 months so I'm a bit rusty at the moment
I'm ussualy getting important info about my class and wow from
And I like fatboss youtube boss guides
Talent choices
[Please tell us what talents/important glyphs you chose to run for each of the last four bosses of SoO, and why.
We like to see the insight behind your choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange
PvP/soloing spec!]
I'm describing this for normal, not hc
Thok The Bloodthirsty
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent ... 221202!hQq
So I switched Shadowstep talent to Burst of speed (because of Thok chasing phase)
As for glyphs:
Sprint because of thok chasing phase (100% speed > more than 70 % from burst of speed)
Smoke bomb -> to reduce AoE damage from Thok for the whole raid, glyph adds +2 seconds duration
Shadow cloak -> 40% reduced damage for the duration -> To reduce AoE damage which Thok does to me
Siegecrafter Blackfuse
Siegecrafter Blackfuse
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent ... 221102!RQq
went back to shadow step -> I used to be assigned to go to the belt so with shadowstep I got fast back to the boss
Sprint (to get fast to the belt)
Redirect (switch to adds on belt to boss and vice versa)
Cloak of Shadows for survivability
Paragons of Klaxxi
same talents
sprint for movement during fight (from boss to adds and so on)
Cloak of Shadows for survivability
Smokebomb for survivability
Garosh Hellscream
Switching Leeching poison talent to Elusiveness -> to reduce damage during the high AoE phase (I used to do this but
now I have trinket to reduce cd on shadow cloak so that I can use it and (prevent the damage) each time he does it
Sharpened knives (fan of knives applies reduced armor) -> A lot of adds (I can AoE reduce armor to them)
Sprint -> movement
Redirect -> To switch combo points to adds and back to boss
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? (for the case that we love you but
can't fit your main in our rosters) Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to
what degree they are/have been played.]
I don't mind switching specs during the raid at all
I have this warrior i leveled to 60 and than character boosted it. I don't have much experience as a warrior tho, but i'm fast learner. He's in character boost gear so I guess I could raid with him at the WoD.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... k/advanced
[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed?
Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly
for important information?]
Yes I have a mic and I am comfortable using it. Sure I'll be glad to use forums to get new info and so on.
I'm not in Non Phixion anymore (I just migrated to alliance from horde) But I did a log from LFR. I'm playing after a long time so my performance was not that good I'm afraid.
Your UI
I'll attach it on Sunday evening (I'm out of town for the weekend)
Guild History
Non Phixion, I stopped playing wow at the end of January, had a lot of personal stuff going in my life.. I didn't have extra time for playing WoW
Now I came back but they are full on Rogues and my rank went from raider to social. I asked them but they have no room for a rogue
they have 3 active ones.
Your guild seems like it can handle things . I want to be in a guild at least as good as my previous one. And your raiding
days suits me well. I really want to be in a guild which can start raiding in WoD asap.
Raid availability
Yes I can. However once in a 4 or 6 weeks I wont be able to make it on a Thursday
I found you on Wowprogress
http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/def ... .tier16_25
I don't know anyone from your guild yet.
About you
I'm young student. Interested in psychology, geopolitics, fantasy books, healthy diet, body excercise and lot of party aswell Happy. I love everything what Blizzard creates (haven't tried Diablo yet, but I'm just downloading it at this very moment ). I just love Warcraft lore. I'm with it since Warcraft 3. I also read several warcraft books from the authors which were worth to read... So I'm really into this game.
I am open to constructive criticism and any piece of advice anyone has to offer. I had like 99% attendance in raids in my previous guild.