[Raider]Sanstorm, lvl 90 Windwalker Monk
Posted: 04 Oct 2014, 14:10
Who is your character?
Sanstorm WW monk http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... orm/simple
Who are you?
Ricardo i'm 19 years old and come from portugal/holland
[i raided in MoP with my monk as ww cleared almost everything before SoO ( i did clear msv and hof and toes before SoO) my ww monk has always be my main in Mop never rerolled any class or spec
Raid role
[i'm a dps and call some things during the fight to remind the dps for some tactics , i read on all sorts of websites to see what the bosses do and how we avoid it . icyveins mostly
Talent choices
[i use momentum for the quick runs speed in case of an emergency.
i use chi wave or chi burst depends of the fights where there is more healing required then dps
i use ascension just for the extra chi and regen that's handy for alot of fights
i use ring of peace or leg sweep dpends if there is hardhitting adds or a boss that can be disarmed
i use dampen harm or difuse magic on fights that require more cd's like magical damage and physical damage
i use rushin jade wind for aoe and invoke xuen the white tiger for the extra burst on bosses
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[i don't realy bother i got a tank ofspec so if needen i switch
i've got a dk and a paladin that i could play but have not raided with them alot http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... eam/simple i have not raided woth them but i can always get better
[i'm happy to talk got mic so there is no problem i don't mind can always look at them to learn more and put questions on it
[i don't have any logs to show you because my guild is a causal guild and don't do logs and i've never posted it. when i was in revolution( turalyon ) i had some put logs on but there i was a standbt beacuse of gear issues but that logs isn't there anymore.
Your UI
[Attach a screenshot of your current raiding UI, and if it shows anything unusual (in the UI, not the chat box :p), feel free to explain your choices.]
Guild History
[i was first in revolution in turalyon but they don't raid anymore these days so i moved tp frostmane and joined a guild fat pandaz in frostmane but don't like how they raid it's very casual and i want some hardcore raiding i want to join TRC because i heard form a friend that you guys are a very good guild.
Raid availability
[i can make all these days i'm still in school so i have alot of free time]
[i know a guy that joined your guild recently his name is buhar i think he can vouch for me:) because of him in know about this guild
About you
[i'm a student in school and learning to be a carpenter i speak good english only got a accent form portugal
i would prefer if i can get in a raidteam with my buddy buhar
Sanstorm WW monk http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... orm/simple
Who are you?
Ricardo i'm 19 years old and come from portugal/holland
[i raided in MoP with my monk as ww cleared almost everything before SoO ( i did clear msv and hof and toes before SoO) my ww monk has always be my main in Mop never rerolled any class or spec
Raid role
[i'm a dps and call some things during the fight to remind the dps for some tactics , i read on all sorts of websites to see what the bosses do and how we avoid it . icyveins mostly
Talent choices
[i use momentum for the quick runs speed in case of an emergency.
i use chi wave or chi burst depends of the fights where there is more healing required then dps
i use ascension just for the extra chi and regen that's handy for alot of fights
i use ring of peace or leg sweep dpends if there is hardhitting adds or a boss that can be disarmed
i use dampen harm or difuse magic on fights that require more cd's like magical damage and physical damage
i use rushin jade wind for aoe and invoke xuen the white tiger for the extra burst on bosses
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[i don't realy bother i got a tank ofspec so if needen i switch
i've got a dk and a paladin that i could play but have not raided with them alot http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... eam/simple i have not raided woth them but i can always get better
[i'm happy to talk got mic so there is no problem i don't mind can always look at them to learn more and put questions on it
[i don't have any logs to show you because my guild is a causal guild and don't do logs and i've never posted it. when i was in revolution( turalyon ) i had some put logs on but there i was a standbt beacuse of gear issues but that logs isn't there anymore.
Your UI
[Attach a screenshot of your current raiding UI, and if it shows anything unusual (in the UI, not the chat box :p), feel free to explain your choices.]
Guild History
[i was first in revolution in turalyon but they don't raid anymore these days so i moved tp frostmane and joined a guild fat pandaz in frostmane but don't like how they raid it's very casual and i want some hardcore raiding i want to join TRC because i heard form a friend that you guys are a very good guild.
Raid availability
[i can make all these days i'm still in school so i have alot of free time]
[i know a guy that joined your guild recently his name is buhar i think he can vouch for me:) because of him in know about this guild
About you
[i'm a student in school and learning to be a carpenter i speak good english only got a accent form portugal
i would prefer if i can get in a raidteam with my buddy buhar