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Social - magerino lvl90

Posted: 01 Oct 2014, 00:40
by sneakytwerk
Who is your character?
Hello there, I'm Sneakytwerk, a human female (for the RP'ers) frost mage

Who are you?
My name is Andreas, I'm from Denmark and I am 20 years old - recently made a return to WoW to explore a little of this so called 'MoP' and to prepare for WoD! I don't really do much in RP :-)
I absolutely love MLG montages

I really enjoy the social life in WoW, and i've missed it ever since i swapped WoW with League of Legends. My true passion is raiding, but as I'm joining the expansion this late, I don't really have any goal to raid hardcore, for now. At this moment I'm mostly lurking on AH to get some gold for the upcoming expansion.

Guild History
Currently a member of Arcane Legacy, a guild of nobodies to be honest! In WotLK I was raiding end level on Daggerspine EU horde, in the guilds Winds of Creation, Sad Pandas og Anathemas.

I've heard epic tales of the guild across every server i've played on! Nah, I'm quite new to the server, but I recently took part of a Garrosh 10M kill with your guild, where everybody seemed very nice and friendly. Other than that, I often see members of the guild AFK'ing in Shrine and Stormwind - which is also one of my favorite activities (no pun intended) in WoW.

About you
I've played WoW since the start of BC with many breaks due to IRL things taking up my time. I raided hardcore in WotLK and took part of the first kill on OS+3D 10man on Daggerspine EU. I played 1,5 months in cataclysm, and I've just joined again about 2-3 months ago. I love raiding with a guild, but I'm quite out of practice atm. I also love the social environment of a nice guild. And I LOVE MOUNTS

inb4 upcoming expansion where it's not just the chief of a race that goes bad, but where a whole race turns evil and must be defeated for lewt and titles and great honor.

Remember when wolves in the human starting place turned sick as a sign of Cataclysm's arrival? Here's a proof that gnomes are a force to be reckoned with


Re: Social - magerino lvl90

Posted: 01 Oct 2014, 07:29
by Zarell
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: Social - magerino lvl90

Posted: 02 Oct 2014, 19:34
by Bowick

Sorry for the wait!

We'd be happy to offer you a spot in our guild, except that.. If you've checked the sticky threads in this forum, you'll know that your character name is a problem. :P We ask that our guild member obide by Blizz's rules, including the rules on character naming, especially with Defias being an RP realm.
Luckily- if you're not too attached to the name, you can request a free name change from a GM, since it clearly breaks their rules. Then we can invite as soon as you've picked a sensible name. :)


Re: Social - magerino lvl90

Posted: 03 Oct 2014, 14:52
by Guest
Well my friend was called 'Sneakyrimjob' and I understand the dissatisfaction with that name! But I'll definately look into a free name change through a GM - and return to you. Thank you

Re: Social - magerino lvl90

Posted: 12 Oct 2014, 17:59
by Pingulingu
Namechanged to "Szirley".

Re: Social - magerino lvl90

Posted: 12 Oct 2014, 20:28
by Bowick