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My Application

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 22:29
by Baranora
Baranora, hunter, beastmaster/marksman, ... d/baranora

Thomas Wegebrand 42, Sweden

I have had some experience doing SOO on normal with this character.

As a hunter I have only one role to pick from, ranged dps. I try to learn from my betters.
Talent choices

My current tallents are 1,1,X,X,1,1 but that could be changed if required.
I got access to all Glyphs and my current selection is Animal Bond, Mending and Liberation for major glyphs.

I can play my other spec not that it would do much difference.
I got 10 alts, unfortunate they are all on the horde side (as was this one until I got asked to join you guys).

I can connect to both TS or Skype.

I don't have any combat logs.

My Horde guild is LDM (La Danse macabre).
The only reason I am moving this character is that, atleast for now their raiding has come to a halt in favor for battlegrounds.

I can raid most evenings if I know about it atleast 3-4 days in advance.

I got "headhunted" by Fahranya.

Before Wow I have tried DDO, LOTRO and SW.

Re: My Application

Posted: 29 Sep 2014, 22:36
by Zarell
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: My Application

Posted: 30 Sep 2014, 07:37
by Zarell
Your application has been accepted. Please poke an officer in game for invite.

Re: My Application

Posted: 01 Oct 2014, 19:46
by Jimmble