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[Raider] Axebane, Protection Warrior

Posted: 24 Sep 2014, 20:34
by Axebane
Who is your character?
I play a character named Axebane, a Protetction Warrior. ... ane/simple

Who are you?
My name is Robin, I'm 19 years old and I live in Gothenburg , Sweden. On my spare time I like to LARP, roleplay, play some music and of course play WoW. I work at an old folks home and I'd like to become a teacher. I guess that's a short introduction!

Here comes the funny bit! I haven't raided anything HC in MoP and the reason is that I quit raiding back when Cata came out. You see, back in WOTLK I was very hardcore and raided almost every day with my former guild that was Norrlands Guld on Kazzak back in those days. I was with them when we killed LK and we were on the top five on the server I believe. That was really good considering we were on the same server as many top guilds.
When Cata hit the shelves I quit WoW due to school and the fact that I didn't want to play any more.

I just didn't like Cata.

A couple of months ago I returned to WoW but only to Roleplay, and so I ended up on Defias Brotherhood. I've been RP for over a year and a half now and about two months ago I finally got bored of it and started doing some LFR's and Flex's and even ended up doing some NM. I finally got in the mood for some hardcore raiding again and I'm looking for a guild to meet those demands!

In short, I got the skills but not the gear and I'm more than happy to prove it if needed.

Raid role
I've always loved tanking so that's what I'm going for in MoP and WoD. I prepare by checking my flaskss and food before heading to the raid. I'm always stacked up on flasks and food. I'd say I'm a really a pretty good tank simply because I very rarely fail doing my job. There has been very few times where I died even in MoP with my crappy gear simply becasue I do what I'm supposed to do.


Talent choices
I choose to run Double Time simply because of those times when I need to have that extra charge. Like when there's adds or someone pulls a group of trash and my Heroic Leap is on CD.

Enraged Regeneration cause of those times I need the extra healing.

Disrupting Shout cause mass interrupt is so much better than slowing and rooting.

Dragonroar simply because of the DPS to be honest. I do from time to time run Shockwave when it's needed like in CM's but I usually run Dragonroar.

Vigilance because those times there's mass damage in the raid and someone might need that 30% reduce, plus that the no-taunt can be really good from time to time aswell.

Bloodbath because the fact that Avatar nor Storm Bolt has done that much for me while the bleed and 50% movement can be amazing combined with a Dragonroar or a Thunderclap.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have only gotten around to get some main-spec gear, but if I were to get some off-spec gear I'd probably go Fury due to the fact that I had Fury as an off-spec back in WOTLK. Was for alts, there isn't really any at the moment. I mean sure, I got a 87 Disc Priest that might hit 100 in WoD but I don't see myself going healer full time. Possibly a healer for WoD.

I do have a microphone and I love talking to other people. I'm always active on forums and I have no problems what so ever to discuss some matters on either mic' or Forums.

I'm confused...

Your UI
I found a two week old screenshot of my UI but it's the best I can give you at the time being since I'm on my Mac at the moment.

Guild History
I used to be GM for a RP guild a couple of months back but I decided to quit since I wanted to pick up my raiding. After that I've been circling around a couple of guilds in order to get some progress before WoD but none of them really held what they promised, so I left. Now I'm in Paradise Lost where Lilou (the GM) gave me a chance since he trusted my skills and said that he'd get me some gear so I could try out HC before WoD. That never really happened since the raiders didn't feel like boosting someone in end game, which I understand but I just don' feel like this guild needs me to be honest. Not now, not in WoD.

The reason why I wanna join TRC is simply because I've heard much about you guys and because that you're the #1 PVE guild on the server. I've always been with the top guilds and I prefer it staying that way. <3

Raid availability
I can make 9/10 raids, yes. I do not dare saying 10/10 because there's always something coming up y'know.

I found you guys on the Trade Channel, but I've heard plenty about you before. Since I just recently started playing again, I'm sad to say that there's no one who can vouch for me at the time being.

About you
Like I mentioned above, my name is Robin and I'm 19 years old! I grew up in a small town on the west coast of Sweden, called Lysekil but I now spend the majority of my time in Gothenburg with my lovely girlfriend! I'm a peoples person and I dream of teaching history and religion in school. When I don't play WoW I usually hang out with my nearest friends, LARP (Live Action Role Play), Roleplay or hang out with my girlfriend. I also play the drums, piano plus I sing!

I'm really looking forward getting to know all of you and if there's anything else, feel free to ask!

I know this application might be a little ''iffy'' but I'm asking you all to give me a chance to prove that I'm not useless and that I actually belong with you all. I'm not expecting you all to drag me along SoO but I'm hoping to be there when WoD hit the shelves to prove myself and to progress with you all in WoD!

If there's anything else, feel free to give me a PM in-game and I'd be more than happy to answer your questions.

Re: [Raider] Axebane, Protection Warrior

Posted: 25 Sep 2014, 07:34
by Zarell
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: [Raider] Axebane, Protection Warrior

Posted: 27 Sep 2014, 16:25
by Axebane
I don't know if this will change anything but I recently changed to Draenei. :)

Re: [Raider] Axebane, Protection Warrior

Posted: 27 Sep 2014, 17:15
by Bowick
Hi Axebane!
I'm afraid we actually have no tank spots in RG1 open for now or for WoD. :(
If you're interested in joining the guild as a social member, we'd be happy to offer you that. As a social you can still join our second raid group's normal mode raids and other stuff, and if we happen to lose a tank for WoD - you may have another chance then.

If you'd be up for that, just catch an officer in game for an invite. :)
If not, well good luck on your hunt!


Re: [Raider] Axebane, Protection Warrior

Posted: 28 Sep 2014, 10:45
by Bowick