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[Raider] Vomal, lvl 90 combat rogue

Posted: 21 Sep 2014, 22:55
by vomal
Who is your character?

I am 585 combat rogue. I have experience with all 3 spec's. For the moment I play combat, because its the strongest spec for SoO. ... mal/simple
Who are you?
My name is Joery, 21 years old, I live in belgium.
If you guys wanna know more about my personal life, feel free to ask.

I started casually raiding with my rogue in ICC, didn't kill much tbh I think I killed 8 bosses. I didn't play in Cata.
My first decent raiding experience was in MoP. I started playing wow again with a friend and when we reached lvl 90. We begun raiding with a fairly new 10 man guild. We cleared ToT normal and killed 3 heroic bosses(jin'rok, horridon and ji'khun). I left that guild for revolution(my current guild) because all the good players left and the group was falling apart. With revolution I cleared everything on heroic and normal. I can do the belt for blackfuse and the engineer for garrosh.

Raid role
As a rogue my role is to deliver dps and do the stuff that is required off me. I use ask mr robot for reforging and gemming. I learned my rotation from icy veins. I also read some forums(forgot the name). I use shadowcraft to see what item is best for a combat rogue.

Talent choices
tier 1 : shadow focus (for combat rogues this talent gives the most dps increase, I use this one for all the bosses in SoO)
tier 2 :combat readiness( worst case scenario : I need to tank something )
tier 3 :eluviness ( aoe reduction )
tier 4 :burst of speed ( Normally I always use shadowstep, but Shadowstep gets me killed in the second phase)
tier 5 : prey on the weak( this tier is useless for thok, and prey on the weak is my standard talent for SoO)
tier 6 : anticipation( best talent for rogues in SoO)


glyph of sprint : to run away from thok. I have burst of speed as backup
glyph of smokebomb: 2sec longer smokebomb
glyph of cloak of shadows: in case feint isn't enough.


tier 1 : shadow focus (for combat rogues this talent gives the most dps increase, I use this one for all the bosses in SoO)
tier 2 :combat readiness( worst case scenario : I need to tank something )
tier 3 :cheat death ( In case I frog something up that gets me killed, Or the healers aren't in range. )
tier 4 : shadowstep ( The things you can do with this spell are limitless. Dodging fire/blades, re position myself,... )
tier 5 : prey on the weak( this tier is useless for blackfuse, and prey on the weak is my standard talent for SoO)
tier 6 : anticipation( best talent for rogues in SoO)


glyph of sprint : If I do the belt this glyph is really useful to get there or to get back.
glyph of recuperation: I only take this glyph when I need to do the belt.
glyph of redirect: I don't like my combo points going to wast because my redirect is on cd.


tier 1 : shadow focus (for combat rogues this talent gives the most dps increase, I use this one for all the bosses in SoO)
tier 2 :combat readiness( worst case scenario : I need to tank something )
tier 3 :cheath death ( Always usefull to have a second chance on a fight like this.)
tier 4 : shadowstep ( I love this spell)
tier 5 : dirty tricks ( In case there is a parasite that needs to be cc'd)
tier 6 : anticipation( best talent for rogues in SoO)


glyph of sprint : more uptime to do dps
glyph of smokebomb: 2sec longer smokebomb
glyph of blind: in case there is a parasite on the loose


tier 1 : shadow focus (for combat rogues this talent gives the most dps increase, I use this one for all the bosses in SoO)
tier 2 :combat readiness( worst case scenario : I need to tank something )
tier 3 :cheath death ( Always usefull to have a second chance on a fight like this.)
tier 4 : shadowstep ( I love this spell)
tier 5 : prey on the weak ( more damage on the adds when I stun them)
tier 6 : anticipation( best talent for rogues in SoO)

glyph of sprint : more uptime to do dps
glyph of smokebomb: 2sec longer smokebomb
glyph of redirect: If I need to switch targets within less then 60 sec.

Off-specs and Alternative characters

off spec: Subtetly
I did 2 raids( heroic SoO) as subtetly. So I Know what I'm doing. The single target dps is better then combat, but since almost every fight has adds in SoO, combat is the better choice. Its also the spec I use for pvp. I might change to this spec for the next expansion, depends how good it will be.

- lvl 90 destr warlock ... low/simple
- lvl 90 ele shaman ... boy/simple
- lvl 90 monk ... ter/simple
- lvl 90 DK ... sta/simple

my alts are for the professions only, I have some raiding experience with my ele shaman.

I have a microphone. I can't imagine raiding with 24 other guys without using some sort of communication. I like to be up to date, so I will check the forums regularly.

this is from a month ago. I had exams so I couldn't attend the last raids from my current guild. And our guild stopped raiding in September : ... e&fight=26
I did a pug raid last week where we killed 12/14 heroic. But I don't have logs from that.
I recorded our second kill on klaxxi.
Might give you some overview of my playstyle.

Your UI
I still use the same interface from the klaxxi kill.

Guild History
I'm from the same guild as Enna and Buhar. That should give you enough info, why I am leaving my current guild.
I'm looking for a good raiding guild that has a future. I am player who gives the best of him, I searching for a guild who will return the favor.

Raid availability
I can come on all the raid days.

I know Enna And buhar. That’s also the reason why I know about you guys.

About you
Well I am a 21 year old student. I study Software and systems development. I really like football. I played it for 12 years. I live in belgium.

I also play dota 2 and mass effect.

Re: [Raider] Vomal, lvl 90 combat rogue

Posted: 21 Sep 2014, 23:06
by vomal
I'm sorry for the spelling mistakes. English isn't my strongest suit.

Re: [Raider] Vomal, lvl 90 combat rogue

Posted: 22 Sep 2014, 23:09
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: [Raider] Vomal, lvl 90 combat rogue

Posted: 23 Sep 2014, 18:41
by Guest
let me know when you have decided.

Re: [Raider] Vomal, lvl 90 combat rogue

Posted: 23 Sep 2014, 19:14
by Bowick
Hey Vomal,
We'd like to offer you a raid trial!
Next raid is on Thurs (25th), and the gnome will set you up with account privileges so you can sign up, access the rest of the forums, etc. :)
Hope to see you then if not before!

Re: [Raider] Vomal, lvl 90 combat rogue

Posted: 23 Sep 2014, 22:14
by Guest
Ok I will be there!
Is there something special I need for the raid?

Re: [Raider] Vomal, lvl 90 combat rogue

Posted: 24 Sep 2014, 00:22
by Bowick
Aye, if you don't have some of these installed already, please download:

- Mumble
- EPGP Lootmaster
- Angry Assignments

And on Thursdays we aim for Immerseus -> Siegecrafter. :)

Re: [Raider] Vomal, lvl 90 combat rogue

Posted: 24 Sep 2014, 08:48
by Jimmble
Access to phpRaider should be fix'd now. Because gnomes are that good.

Re: [Raider] Vomal, lvl 90 combat rogue

Posted: 24 Sep 2014, 13:01
by vomal
Will do!
Sorry but I lost my faith in gnomes some time ago. So I won't acknowledge they are that good :p

Re: [Raider] Vomal, lvl 90 combat rogue

Posted: 08 Oct 2014, 18:51
by Bowick