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[Raider] Enna, Lvl 90 Resto Druid

Posted: 17 Sep 2014, 19:05
by enna
Who is your character?
Enna, resto druid, off-spec feral: ... a/advanced

Who are you?
I’m Laura, going on 30, I moved to Vienna, Austria from Romania 4 years ago. I’m a software engineer, runner, cereal eater and raider.

I started playing WoW at the end of WotLK, I didn’t raid at all during that content.
I started raiding with a casual group of friends as feral druid in Blackwing Descent and we killed a few bosses here and there. After a month or so I joined the Unity 25 man raiding group on Steamwheedle Cartel where we got to heroic content in the same tier. Also with them, as a feral, I got to 6/7 HC Firelands, 8/8 HC DS, 3/6 HC MSV, 6/6 Normal HoF and 4/4 Normal ToeS. All these bosses were killed while they were current content, later on I went back and cleared the instances.
During T14 Unity disbanded into smaller 10 man guilds, but ours didn’t succeed in finding good people so we had a low month of raiding. This is the point where I switched my main spec from feral to resto because it was needed for the raid composition and because I had been actively playing as a healer on some nights before as well so I was getting comfortable with the new role.
In T15 I joined Revolution on Turalyon as a healer and I jumped straight to their 1st 10 man group that was progressing on Horridon HC. God, was that a wake up call… We managed to kill it eventually and I got to learn a lot about my new spec. Later on we merged the 2 raiding groups in the guild and we formed the 25 man raiding group that we have now.
In T16, SoO, we started straight from the beginning with the 25 man group, I was a main healer at this point. We progressed fairly quickly to 13/14 HC and then we started the long gruelling progress for Garrosh. I think I had about 400 wipes before the night I decided I’d go to the concert of one my favourite band, that being the night they killed it. After the Garrosh kill we started losing a lot of good players, we never managed to get the second kill and we are facing now a dark future for WoD as the guild is falling apart.

As other experience than raiding, I led an RBG group on OpenRaid for a few months, we managed to get to about 1800 rating, and we had loads of fun :-)

Raid role
I am one of the healers in our raiding team. I prepare for a new fight by watching 1 or 2 videos online, read on icy veins about the general strategy and specifically the healing information. I would then try to figure out which parts of the fight will require healing cooldowns, coordination from the healing team, when the tanks might get in trouble, when it would be probably best to use my cooldowns and which talents of mine would be better for the fight.
Then we have the first pull, we all die horrible deaths, I start analysing what went wrong from a healing perspective, if I could have done something to save someone here and there. Positioning problems, cooldowns problems, personal healing style problems. If the fight gives me troubles, I would search online to see what other resto druids are suggesting and if there’s anything I should improve. At the beginning of the tier I had another resto druid in our guild that I could talk to about our class and spec, but now that he’s gone I have to rely entirely on the deep knowledge of the internet to help.

Talent choices
Most of these were chosen depending on our healing team composition, fight and our guild's strategy:
Thok - Bursty healing, Incarnation & HotW or NV
Siegecrafter - More constant damage with the occasional burst, SotF & HotW
Klaxxi - Constant damage, SotF & HotW
Garrosh - Bursty healing and constant damage, SotF & HotW

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I don’t have any alts that are worth mentioning here, but I always loved playing as the feral spec. I always try to keep it up to date and ready to go, and I’m always happy to switch to it if required.

I do have a good headset and I am comfortable using the mic. I’m also an internet freak, reddit and all, so checking the forums and being active on them is part of the deal :-)

Our last clear night: ... ng&boss=-2
I generally don’t believe in high numbers for healers because I don’t think healing like a mad man is the answer. Instead, I get my satisfaction from saving someone in trouble and knowing that I helped the fight as a whole. I’m saying this because there are some guys in our healing team that like big numbers and do everything possible for that, as can be seen sometimes in the logs :-) But I do understand why logs are necessary for healers as well, to make sure we’re not completely rubbish.

Your UI
I like to use as few things as possible. I use simple mouseover macros for healing, I have dominos for abilities cooldowns, power auras for small auras and notifications that I need. I hated the original frames so I’m using a combination of shadow UF and icehud to get my prefered configuration.

Guild History
I moved from my first casual guild of friends in order to raid with a raiding guild (Unity as stated in the raiding history). Unity broke apart into 3 small 10 mans, I left with the raid leader and other good players to form a new 10 man, but we failed so I left that guild and moved to Revolution (Turalyon) in order to raid. I am now again at a moment in time where my current guild is falling apart. Many good players have left and we are looking at months of recruitment and frustration. I do not think that the guild can survive with the player base that it has left and I would prefer a more mature raiding environment, that’s why I started looking for a guild. I had looked at Defias before and it seemed like a nice realm. On top of that, I stumbled upon your wowprogress guild description today and after a few smiles I realised it would be a perfect match from both social and raiding perspectives.

Raid availability
Yeah, I’ll be there with bells on :-)

Oh, I know many people that would vouch for me, but not people that you know, so you probably wouldn’t believe them. You’ll just have to take my word for it… (openraid profile maybe? ... 3#feedback)

About you
I have a sexy voice. You’ll see.

Buhar, the other silly druid, is with me. I mean we’re from the same guild and we know each other, he’s a great dps’er and person.

Re: [Raider] Enna, Lvl 90 Resto Druid

Posted: 17 Sep 2014, 19:37
by Bowick
Hey Enna, thanks for the app! We'll get back to you on it ASAP :)

Re: [Raider] Enna, Lvl 90 Resto Druid

Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 16:35
by Bowick
We'd like to offer you a raid trial, and if you're available tonight (19:45), then we can start today!
Just let us know if that works for you. :)

Re: [Raider] Enna, Lvl 90 Resto Druid

Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 17:02
by enna
Sure, that works for me, as long as the silly gnome gives me my cloak and staff back. See you there :-)

Re: [Raider] Enna, Lvl 90 Resto Druid

Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 17:32
by Jimmble
Mine, mine, mine!

Re: [Raider] Enna, Lvl 90 Resto Druid

Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 18:27
by Bowick
We'll be aiming for Immerseus -> Siegecrafter tonight, with fairly standard 25 man tactics I believe!
And if your Feral spec is up-to-date too, it's possible we might check that out on a boss or two (or perhaps next raid). :)

If you don't have some of these installed already, please download..

- Mumble
- EPGP Lootmaster
- Angry Assignments


Re: [Raider] Enna, Lvl 90 Resto Druid

Posted: 18 Sep 2014, 18:42
by enna
Yeah, the kitty's ready to come out and play :-)

Re: [Raider] Enna, Lvl 90 Resto Druid

Posted: 06 Oct 2014, 12:07
by Zarell