[Raider] Palladox, Holy Paladin 565ilvl
Posted: 02 Aug 2014, 23:47
Hello everyone!
Who is your character?
My main is holy Paladin, Palladox - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... x/advanced
Who are you?
My name is Alan, I'm 30 and coming from Croatia.
Due to responsibilities at work (that finally changed recently), I was unable to raid on a fixed schedule at any point in MoP. In Cata I used to raid on various levels - cleared T11 normal 10 man as an enhancement shaman and cleread 10 normal + up to Blackhorn heroic (pre-nerfs) as affliction warlock. In the past couple of weeks I've cleared SOO normal 25 up to Garrosh and 10 man Garrosh in oqueue pugs.
Raid role
I try to prepare for boss fights in advance to understand the damage patterns beforehand so I can respond better and maximize my effective healing. My healing style changes a bit depending on who my healing partners are, but most often I keep main focus on tanks while raid healing on medium/high damage phases. I tend to theorycraft optimal gearing/ability usage myself, but I'll visit forums and other sources to confirm/dispute my own conclusions (MMOChampion, official forum, WoL, RaidBots, top holy paladins like Aladya etc.).
Talent choices
T15 - Speed of Light - I prefer to have a reliable movement speed increase CD. I was experimenting with Prusuit of Justice for some encounters (I found Siegecrafter in pugs to be really messy) but didn't like it much. Long Arm I don't find useful (see T45).
T30 - Fist of Justice - I use it as much as I can, eg. on adds that aren't cc-ed prior to Garrosh. I don't use other two talents in PvE since there is always enough cc in the group.
T45 - Eternal Flame - the choice between SH and EF in T45 changes completely how holy is being played and geared. I choose to go with Eternal Flame since I love making decisions as a healer. I prefer doing triage healing and landing heals to people in need of healing compared to AoE spam-blanketing the raid.
T60 - Clemency - I almost always go with Clemency for double Sac and BoP. If there's a very specific need due to fight mechanic, I'd change for Hand of Purity.
T75 - Divine Purpose or Holy Avenger - this is the only tier where I regularly swap talents. My go-to choice is Divine Purpose because I like some RNG in my "rotation". However, on fights with very predictable high damage phases (like desecrated weapons and whirlwinds on Garrosh) I'd swap out for more reliable Holy Avenger.
T90 - Holy Prism - since Holy Shock is the only heal I can cast on the move (If no holy power), I tend to choose Holy Prism to give me more options. I also like that it has the shortest CD in the tier.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have a ret spec that is a mismatch of prideful and various SOO gear (ilvl 551). I am confortable playing it and don't mind switching if it's needed. Regarding alts, I have a level 90 of every class (apart from warrior who is level 89). None of them are raid ready gearwise, but I'm confortable healing as resto druid and resto shaman, dpsing as ele shaman, boomkin and shadow priest. Here's a long list of my alts:
Shaman (ele/resto) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... c/advanced
Mage (frost/-) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... s/advanced
Hunter (survival/bm) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... x/advanced
Priest (shadow/-) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... s/advanced
DK (blood/frost) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... r/advanced
Warlock (affli/-) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... s/advanced
Druid (resto/boomie) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... y/advanced
Rogue (combat/-) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... e/advanced
Warrior (arms/-) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... a/advanced
Monk (mw/-)(on Ravencrest EU) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... e/advanced
I do have a microphone and I'm not shy to speak when there's the need to.
Unfortunately, I've never used WoL to record my own logs so can't provide one.
Your UI
Don't think there's anything unusual to it . Trying to keep everything as tidy as I can. I heal with mouse over macros with standard raid frame, and I'm using Clique addon to bind some skills to mouse clicks. The three skills in the middle of the screen (holy shock, dispel, stun) are there to clearly see their cooldown. I have a weak aura showing my trinket procs.
Guild History
I started playing in Vanilla. Since it was my 1st mmo experience, I was playing a melee survival hunter. Didn't play from Sunwell to launch of Cata due to working in India. I could have played on EU servers from there but the lag was 400ms+ so unplayable.
Cleared T11 normal 10 man with a guild called Dominion on Xavius EU. Xavius was already low population and we were struggling with recruitment since we were realm 10-15th guild. When Method moved from the realm just prior to Firelands, the realm population started dropping rapidly. We disbanded shortly after (like most of the guilds on Xavius ).
Cleared T13 normal 10 man + heroic up to Blackhorn prior to nerfs with a guild called Lavovi Hrvatske - a Croatian-only guild on Dentarg EU. Yet another disband prior to MoP, that realm was even more dead than Xavius.
Moved most of my characters to Defias at MoP launch, and have been in PvP guilds throughout.
Raid availability
I can commit to raid times. My job got more stable, so now I can arrange my schedule to free up enough time for structured raiding.
I've been researching what guilds on our realm might match my expectations since I'm not willing to move realm again. I can commit to a maximum of 3 nights a week (even during progression) and I want to raid in a 25 man guild (well, 20 man in WoD). I don't have any references, apart from having a short chat with some of your members who were boosting me through Challenge Modes . Hiemalis might remember me.
About you
As you might see from my application, I'm chatty. I like theorycrafting and lore. I love to PvP, especially RBGs. I consider myself easy going and relaxed. My internet connection is stable (you can see the latencies in the UI screenshot), and my computer is good enough to run WoW without any stutters.
Whoa, that was a wall of text. Didn't expect it'd be *that* long. Thanks for your time if you managed to reach this sentence . If you have any questions for me, by all means ask!
p.s. I'm taking a vacation between 10th and 18th of August. During that time I'll not be logged into WoW, though I will have internet access.
Who is your character?
My main is holy Paladin, Palladox - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... x/advanced
Who are you?
My name is Alan, I'm 30 and coming from Croatia.
Due to responsibilities at work (that finally changed recently), I was unable to raid on a fixed schedule at any point in MoP. In Cata I used to raid on various levels - cleared T11 normal 10 man as an enhancement shaman and cleread 10 normal + up to Blackhorn heroic (pre-nerfs) as affliction warlock. In the past couple of weeks I've cleared SOO normal 25 up to Garrosh and 10 man Garrosh in oqueue pugs.
Raid role
I try to prepare for boss fights in advance to understand the damage patterns beforehand so I can respond better and maximize my effective healing. My healing style changes a bit depending on who my healing partners are, but most often I keep main focus on tanks while raid healing on medium/high damage phases. I tend to theorycraft optimal gearing/ability usage myself, but I'll visit forums and other sources to confirm/dispute my own conclusions (MMOChampion, official forum, WoL, RaidBots, top holy paladins like Aladya etc.).
Talent choices
T15 - Speed of Light - I prefer to have a reliable movement speed increase CD. I was experimenting with Prusuit of Justice for some encounters (I found Siegecrafter in pugs to be really messy) but didn't like it much. Long Arm I don't find useful (see T45).
T30 - Fist of Justice - I use it as much as I can, eg. on adds that aren't cc-ed prior to Garrosh. I don't use other two talents in PvE since there is always enough cc in the group.
T45 - Eternal Flame - the choice between SH and EF in T45 changes completely how holy is being played and geared. I choose to go with Eternal Flame since I love making decisions as a healer. I prefer doing triage healing and landing heals to people in need of healing compared to AoE spam-blanketing the raid.
T60 - Clemency - I almost always go with Clemency for double Sac and BoP. If there's a very specific need due to fight mechanic, I'd change for Hand of Purity.
T75 - Divine Purpose or Holy Avenger - this is the only tier where I regularly swap talents. My go-to choice is Divine Purpose because I like some RNG in my "rotation". However, on fights with very predictable high damage phases (like desecrated weapons and whirlwinds on Garrosh) I'd swap out for more reliable Holy Avenger.
T90 - Holy Prism - since Holy Shock is the only heal I can cast on the move (If no holy power), I tend to choose Holy Prism to give me more options. I also like that it has the shortest CD in the tier.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have a ret spec that is a mismatch of prideful and various SOO gear (ilvl 551). I am confortable playing it and don't mind switching if it's needed. Regarding alts, I have a level 90 of every class (apart from warrior who is level 89). None of them are raid ready gearwise, but I'm confortable healing as resto druid and resto shaman, dpsing as ele shaman, boomkin and shadow priest. Here's a long list of my alts:
Shaman (ele/resto) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... c/advanced
Mage (frost/-) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... s/advanced
Hunter (survival/bm) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... x/advanced
Priest (shadow/-) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... s/advanced
DK (blood/frost) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... r/advanced
Warlock (affli/-) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... s/advanced
Druid (resto/boomie) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... y/advanced
Rogue (combat/-) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... e/advanced
Warrior (arms/-) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... a/advanced
Monk (mw/-)(on Ravencrest EU) - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... e/advanced
I do have a microphone and I'm not shy to speak when there's the need to.
Unfortunately, I've never used WoL to record my own logs so can't provide one.
Your UI
Don't think there's anything unusual to it . Trying to keep everything as tidy as I can. I heal with mouse over macros with standard raid frame, and I'm using Clique addon to bind some skills to mouse clicks. The three skills in the middle of the screen (holy shock, dispel, stun) are there to clearly see their cooldown. I have a weak aura showing my trinket procs.
Guild History
I started playing in Vanilla. Since it was my 1st mmo experience, I was playing a melee survival hunter. Didn't play from Sunwell to launch of Cata due to working in India. I could have played on EU servers from there but the lag was 400ms+ so unplayable.
Cleared T11 normal 10 man with a guild called Dominion on Xavius EU. Xavius was already low population and we were struggling with recruitment since we were realm 10-15th guild. When Method moved from the realm just prior to Firelands, the realm population started dropping rapidly. We disbanded shortly after (like most of the guilds on Xavius ).
Cleared T13 normal 10 man + heroic up to Blackhorn prior to nerfs with a guild called Lavovi Hrvatske - a Croatian-only guild on Dentarg EU. Yet another disband prior to MoP, that realm was even more dead than Xavius.
Moved most of my characters to Defias at MoP launch, and have been in PvP guilds throughout.
Raid availability
I can commit to raid times. My job got more stable, so now I can arrange my schedule to free up enough time for structured raiding.
I've been researching what guilds on our realm might match my expectations since I'm not willing to move realm again. I can commit to a maximum of 3 nights a week (even during progression) and I want to raid in a 25 man guild (well, 20 man in WoD). I don't have any references, apart from having a short chat with some of your members who were boosting me through Challenge Modes . Hiemalis might remember me.
About you
As you might see from my application, I'm chatty. I like theorycrafting and lore. I love to PvP, especially RBGs. I consider myself easy going and relaxed. My internet connection is stable (you can see the latencies in the UI screenshot), and my computer is good enough to run WoW without any stutters.
Whoa, that was a wall of text. Didn't expect it'd be *that* long. Thanks for your time if you managed to reach this sentence . If you have any questions for me, by all means ask!
p.s. I'm taking a vacation between 10th and 18th of August. During that time I'll not be logged into WoW, though I will have internet access.