Raider, Lleon, lvl 90 Resto druid
Raider, Lleon, lvl 90 Resto druid
Lleon, druid, resto. Off spec is currently resto as well for pvp but is usually boomkin. Link: ... eon/simple
Who are you?
Hello my name is Nick and I'm 21 years old. I am from Holland, living in quite a big city called Dordrecht. I am a Tourism student in Breda and I'm in my 3rd year now. Love music, playing wow(obviously), traveling and spending time with family and friends.
[What is your prior raiding experience and when did you do it (ie, did you clear a raid when it was current content or not)? If you've performed any character change re-rolling in your time, what character(s) and role(s) did you play during which content?]
I started playing this game when it came out. Pfff that's been a long time! Loved vanilla wow and loved tbc even more! I played a mage back in those days. In Wotlk I got bored of being a mage, took a little break from wow and when I came back I decided to lvl up a lvl 60 twink. This was the beginning of my druid. After some months of playing old content with some lovely people I decided to lvl this character up and started raiding ICC as a resto druid. I started off as alliance and ended up being Horde. I raided ICC as current content. Firelands and DS as well, both cleared on hc( except for Ragnaros in Firelands I think). Oh and not to forget BWD, ToFW and Twilight.(not all cleared but seen every fight) MoP I have raided everything in current content as well. Cleared all raids up to SOO. In SOO I got as far as 12/14 hc due to a planned trip.( my guild, which Im still in for the time being, cleared SOO hc )
Raid role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
I have been a resto druid ever since I created this character. Every raid I have been in I was healing. Preparing for new content and fights I usually look up on the internet. I think it is only more than logic to look up fights and such. However I have also learnt that sometimes experiencing it yourself is far better than believing everything what is said on the net. I can be very hard on myself even in real life. I judge my performance not only on numbers on worldoflogs. I know for myself when I tried my best and did my best( 2 different things tho ). If I know I healed people at a certain critical moment and people survived and I died in the process I wouldn't see it as failing, although I would still hate myself for dieing. Overall numbers do not mean that much to me if I know I did well on fights.
I use worldoflogs to also check others. I am always eager to see what others did. For example in my (old) guild I look at other resto druids for example to see which spells they used. After comparing I usually have a chat with my fellow druids to discuss why we use the spells we use in order to get the best out of us all.
I keep myself updated via a variety of websites like wowhead, icy veins and mmo champion. I learn things by doing them and trying them out in-game. In the end I do what I like best and do not copy straight away from different sites.
Talent choices
[Please tell us what talents/important glyphs you chose to run for each of the last four bosses of SoO, and why. We like to see the insight behind your choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]
In the attached files you can see my talent tree and glyphs I use. For raids I usually use the spell Nature's Vigil instead of Heart of the Wild. Nature's Vigil is usually around 10% of my healing when I use it right thus a worthy spell to use however some fights do not need this spell as healing is not really required but this counts mostly for the first bosses of SOO. Especially fights where we hug up I use Nature's Vigil. The other talents speak for themselves I think.
I would like to add an other thing. I use 2 different kinds of trinket sets. For fights where people are hugged up I used Thok's Acid-Grooved Tooth together with Prismatic Prison of Pride. For fights which may take a while and where people are more spread I use Prismatic Prison of Pride together with Dysmorphic Samophlange of Discontinuity.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? (for the case that we love you but can't fit your main in our rosters) Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to what degree they are/have been played.]
I must admit that I never really use my off-spec. Sometimes for questing but even now I usually do it as resto. I never really felt anything for dpsing. I know for myself Im not really good at it. Of course I can learn and try harder but my heart tells me to heal, and Im good at that. I never had to use an off-spec for raids simply because they didn't want me to dps but heal.
I'm afraid I do not have alts. This may change in the near future with WoD coming up though. I have the free lvl 90 boost up in case.
[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]
I do have a microphone. I can be quiet when it comes to speaking on the mic as I am a bit shy when it comes to that even though most people I know do not believe that. Don't get me wrong I am very social and typing is too easy for me but I guess everyone has his own flaws
[If possible please link a log showing your character raiding current content. If you have no logs, please explain why (eg, logs expired) and/or aim to log your performance from an LFR/Flex/PUG run, to add to your application. TRC raiders are expected to review their own performance on Warcraft Logs in order to improve, so you should be/get used to doing this. It's also especially helpful for applicants who would need to transfer before we can trial them (eg Horde).]
I am sorry to say that I do not have any logs. As I have been away for a while the logs have been expired. I do not use worldoflogs myself but I could always look it up from the site via the guild.
Your UI
[Attach a screenshot of your current raiding UI, and if it shows anything unusual (in the UI, not the chat box :p), feel free to explain your choices.]
I rather keep it simple. I have my few addons which I use for raiding and I just like the blizzard UI;)
Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why do you want to join TRC?]
I have been in E X O D U S-Aggramar for years, I think 5 years in total. I want to move as at this moment I am social in the guild. I have been away for 2 months and now they cannot use me in their raidteam anymore. A shame though as I have known those people for years and Ive raided with them for so long. But they do not want reserves anymore for WoD. That is why I am looking for a new adventure and I think that new adventure lays with you guys. I have checked your site, read all the threads(well most of them) and checked you out on You guys seem like a bunch of nice people who are dedicated but moreover very social people. I am attracted to this.
Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days/times, or are there any difficulties with this? Our current raid schedule is found here.]
It shouldn't be a problem to raid all raiding days/times. Of course if I plan something on a raiding day(I try to avoid this as much as possible, as I always do/did) I will let you guys know beforehand and not after.
[How did you hear about us? And do you know someone from the game who can vouch for you as player/person?]
I was looking for a guild on and saw your thread. I read it and checked your site afterwards. You clearly got my attention now;) Too bad I do not know anyone from this guild.
About you
[A little something about yourself as a person. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. ]
Think I already mentioned a thing or 2. As you can see maybe from the answers I have given so far I am quite chatty. I love to speak freely and to be open towards others. Even though it is a game you do stuff together and doing stuff together with a person you barely know is far more difficult than with someone you do. So for me it's important to get to know people in order to achieve much more.
As I said before I am Nick and I am 21 years old. I am Dutch and I have no problems with speaking or typing English. Love to chat with other people and I am genuinely interested in others. I am not a quitter, especially when it comes to wow and raiding. Maybe in real life I am a lot easier in that I hope you already know me a little bit better
[If you have any extra notes that do not necessarily fit in anywhere else, stick 'em here.]
Sorry again for no logs!
PS: Hope to join you guys soon! Oh and gz on 13/14HC (been 3 weeks now but still )
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Re: Raider, Lleon, lvl 90 Resto druid
Look it's a cow! Good luck on your application! Now hopefully the humans won't get angry at me for wishing you good luck!
- Jimmble
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Re: Raider, Lleon, lvl 90 Resto druid
A cow? But... those tend to step on gnomes!
Re: Raider, Lleon, lvl 90 Resto druid