[Raider] Kextraz, Level 90 Fury Warrior
Posted: 23 Jul 2014, 04:45
Character Information
Character Name: Kextraz
Class: Warrior
MS: TG Fury
OS: Protection
Armoury Link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/S ... z/advanced
Personal Information
Name: Gareth
Age: 18
Location: Wales
This progress occurred when the mentioned Tiers were current.
Cataclysm 10 Man
T12 - 6 / 7 HC
T13 - 8 / 8 HC
Here, I was a Tank.
Mists of Pandaria 25 Man
T14 - 7 / 16 HC
T15 - 1 / 13 HC
Here, I was both DPS and Tank.
Mists of Pandaria 10 Man
T16 - 10 / 14 HC
Here, I was a DPS.
Raid Role
I ensure I am knowledgeable about an encounter beforehand. This involves watching Fatboss, Evrelia etc. I repair before any Raiding. I am prepared with 300 Buff Food, Flasks and Pots. I schedule my day around the Raid, so there are no disturbances during this time.
My primary role is to maximise damage, while avoiding death in the process.
I use SC to calculate my Stat Weights. Then, I input these into AMR to optimise my gear. I purchase Warforged Seals every week to maximise my chance of obtaining better gear.
To avoid an untimely death, I use a Healthstone in an emergency. I use my personal CDs during heavy damage. If I die, I investigate my Death Log to find the cause. This helps me improve in future attempts. I analyse Damage Taken on WL. I try to improve by decreasing the amount of avoidable Damage Taken every attempt. Being dead is known to decrease DPS.
I use MMO Champion to research Warrior information. The Fury thread is quite active; experienced Fury Warriors always share advice. I use Icy Veins for encounter-specific advice.
How do I judge my performance? The higher my DPS, and the lower my Damage Taken, the more successful I am.
I provide Interrupts, Raid CDs, Slows etc. Thus, I bring more than pure damage.
Talent Choices
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent ... 12.022!ceN
This is my standard choice. Tier 3 is dependent on the encounter. These Glyphs provide greater movement. Unending Rage is pretty much mandatory.
Tier 1
I find Double Time to be more useful than Juggernaut. Double Time allows for greater movement in a short amount of time.
Tier 2
Impending Victory could be used as a GCD filler when Colossus Smash is not up.
Tier 4
After reading MMO Champion, I learned that Bladestorm is the best for ST. For ST, this should be used after Bloodthirst, then cancelled when Enrage expires.
Tier 5
Vigilance is an external Shield Wall. This could be used on a Tank, or when somebody is in danger.
Tier 6
Storm Bolt is the best for ST. This should be used when Colossus Smash is up.
Enraged Regeneration is more useful on this encounter. When Fixated, I often find myself OOR. Enraged Regeneration, in combination with a Healthstone, could be a lifesaver.
Death From Above and Enraged Speed allow for greater movement when Fixated.
Warbringer could be used in an emergency when a Crawler Mine is about to reach somebody.
Piercing Howl could be used to control Crawler Mines.
Piercing Howl and Warbringer could be used to stop Bloods from reaching the Klaxxi.
Disrupting Shout could be used to Interrupt people under the influence of Mind Control.
OS and Alternative Characters
I have tanked Dark Shamans HC and Malkorok HC. Malkorok HC was a struggle with my gear, but I managed with good CD usage. However, I am not sure my gear is good enough for 25 Man HC tanking.
I have no Alts that are prepared to start raiding
Yes, I have a working microphone. I am not afraid to use my microphone when necessary. I was a Tank, so I understand the importance of communication.
I will regularly visit the forum. In fact, this will probably be every day.
Obtained today. Group disbanded on Norushen.
Your UI
Joined a 5 Man to get this image. The UI should be identical in 25 Man though.
I do not think there is anything unusual. If you have any questions, feel free to ask
Guild History
Sanctus - Ragnaros - T12 and Corrupt - Ravencrest - T13 (Same Guild)
Recruitment crippled us during the whole of Cataclysm. We did not have a full Guild Run in an entire year, so we decided to disband.
Modus Vivendi - Ravencrest - T13
Officers spontaneously stole the GBank; everyone stopped Raiding.
Quietly Confident - Blade's Edge - T14
Raiders became depressed because our RL screamed at them. Needless to say, a large amount of drama ensued. While this provided entertainment, progress eventually stopped.
Archaic Order - Twisting Nether - T14 + T15
I could not commit to a schedule for a month. After this, I did not want to return. Personally, I was simply bored of Raiding.
Atrocity - Sylvanas - T15
While progress went smoothly, I knew this guild would not survive the transition into Mythic. Guild leadership was not strong enough.
TRC has been active for a long time. Presumably, there is strong leadership. I think strong leadership is necessary for the survival of a Raiding Guild.
TRC has already progressed in 25 Man, so the transition into Mythic will be much smoother.
Raiding in TRC would allow me to progress to my potential, while providing an environment to improve my raiding knowledge.
Raid Schedule
I will aim to attend every raid. There should be no issue achieving this on a regular basis. If special circumstances arise, I will inform an officer well beforehand.
I heard about you from http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/def ... .tier16_25
Nobody is able to vouch for me
About You
I am a calm person, so I do not cause any drama. I will always try to help the guild. I quickly learn from my mistakes, and I am able to handle constructive criticism.
I mainly play World of Warcraft. Raiding is the main reason I play this game. I also play Path of Exile casually - I am having a break until the new Leagues are released. Apart from this, I play old games (EE2 and Zeus) when I am bored.
In RL, my interests include going to the gym and playing football.
Although my gear is slightly outdated, this should not be a problem. I will try my hardest to pull my weight while Raiding.
If I am accepted, I am in for the long run. I have gradually improved since early Cataclysm. I see no reason why I cannot continue to improve if given the opportunity to join your guild.
Character Name: Kextraz
Class: Warrior
MS: TG Fury
OS: Protection
Armoury Link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/S ... z/advanced
Personal Information
Name: Gareth
Age: 18
Location: Wales
This progress occurred when the mentioned Tiers were current.
Cataclysm 10 Man
T12 - 6 / 7 HC
T13 - 8 / 8 HC
Here, I was a Tank.
Mists of Pandaria 25 Man
T14 - 7 / 16 HC
T15 - 1 / 13 HC
Here, I was both DPS and Tank.
Mists of Pandaria 10 Man
T16 - 10 / 14 HC
Here, I was a DPS.
Raid Role
I ensure I am knowledgeable about an encounter beforehand. This involves watching Fatboss, Evrelia etc. I repair before any Raiding. I am prepared with 300 Buff Food, Flasks and Pots. I schedule my day around the Raid, so there are no disturbances during this time.
My primary role is to maximise damage, while avoiding death in the process.
I use SC to calculate my Stat Weights. Then, I input these into AMR to optimise my gear. I purchase Warforged Seals every week to maximise my chance of obtaining better gear.
To avoid an untimely death, I use a Healthstone in an emergency. I use my personal CDs during heavy damage. If I die, I investigate my Death Log to find the cause. This helps me improve in future attempts. I analyse Damage Taken on WL. I try to improve by decreasing the amount of avoidable Damage Taken every attempt. Being dead is known to decrease DPS.
I use MMO Champion to research Warrior information. The Fury thread is quite active; experienced Fury Warriors always share advice. I use Icy Veins for encounter-specific advice.
How do I judge my performance? The higher my DPS, and the lower my Damage Taken, the more successful I am.
I provide Interrupts, Raid CDs, Slows etc. Thus, I bring more than pure damage.
Talent Choices
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/tool/talent ... 12.022!ceN
This is my standard choice. Tier 3 is dependent on the encounter. These Glyphs provide greater movement. Unending Rage is pretty much mandatory.
Tier 1
I find Double Time to be more useful than Juggernaut. Double Time allows for greater movement in a short amount of time.
Tier 2
Impending Victory could be used as a GCD filler when Colossus Smash is not up.
Tier 4
After reading MMO Champion, I learned that Bladestorm is the best for ST. For ST, this should be used after Bloodthirst, then cancelled when Enrage expires.
Tier 5
Vigilance is an external Shield Wall. This could be used on a Tank, or when somebody is in danger.
Tier 6
Storm Bolt is the best for ST. This should be used when Colossus Smash is up.
Enraged Regeneration is more useful on this encounter. When Fixated, I often find myself OOR. Enraged Regeneration, in combination with a Healthstone, could be a lifesaver.
Death From Above and Enraged Speed allow for greater movement when Fixated.
Warbringer could be used in an emergency when a Crawler Mine is about to reach somebody.
Piercing Howl could be used to control Crawler Mines.
Piercing Howl and Warbringer could be used to stop Bloods from reaching the Klaxxi.
Disrupting Shout could be used to Interrupt people under the influence of Mind Control.
OS and Alternative Characters
I have tanked Dark Shamans HC and Malkorok HC. Malkorok HC was a struggle with my gear, but I managed with good CD usage. However, I am not sure my gear is good enough for 25 Man HC tanking.
I have no Alts that are prepared to start raiding
Yes, I have a working microphone. I am not afraid to use my microphone when necessary. I was a Tank, so I understand the importance of communication.
I will regularly visit the forum. In fact, this will probably be every day.
Obtained today. Group disbanded on Norushen.
Your UI
Joined a 5 Man to get this image. The UI should be identical in 25 Man though.
I do not think there is anything unusual. If you have any questions, feel free to ask
Guild History
Sanctus - Ragnaros - T12 and Corrupt - Ravencrest - T13 (Same Guild)
Recruitment crippled us during the whole of Cataclysm. We did not have a full Guild Run in an entire year, so we decided to disband.
Modus Vivendi - Ravencrest - T13
Officers spontaneously stole the GBank; everyone stopped Raiding.
Quietly Confident - Blade's Edge - T14
Raiders became depressed because our RL screamed at them. Needless to say, a large amount of drama ensued. While this provided entertainment, progress eventually stopped.
Archaic Order - Twisting Nether - T14 + T15
I could not commit to a schedule for a month. After this, I did not want to return. Personally, I was simply bored of Raiding.
Atrocity - Sylvanas - T15
While progress went smoothly, I knew this guild would not survive the transition into Mythic. Guild leadership was not strong enough.
TRC has been active for a long time. Presumably, there is strong leadership. I think strong leadership is necessary for the survival of a Raiding Guild.
TRC has already progressed in 25 Man, so the transition into Mythic will be much smoother.
Raiding in TRC would allow me to progress to my potential, while providing an environment to improve my raiding knowledge.
Raid Schedule
I will aim to attend every raid. There should be no issue achieving this on a regular basis. If special circumstances arise, I will inform an officer well beforehand.
I heard about you from http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/def ... .tier16_25
Nobody is able to vouch for me
About You
I am a calm person, so I do not cause any drama. I will always try to help the guild. I quickly learn from my mistakes, and I am able to handle constructive criticism.
I mainly play World of Warcraft. Raiding is the main reason I play this game. I also play Path of Exile casually - I am having a break until the new Leagues are released. Apart from this, I play old games (EE2 and Zeus) when I am bored.
In RL, my interests include going to the gym and playing football.
Although my gear is slightly outdated, this should not be a problem. I will try my hardest to pull my weight while Raiding.
If I am accepted, I am in for the long run. I have gradually improved since early Cataclysm. I see no reason why I cannot continue to improve if given the opportunity to join your guild.