[Raider] Necrogic, Human Warlock lv 90
Posted: 20 Jul 2014, 19:51
Hello fellow readers,
My name is Necrogic, and I would like to apply for a Raider's position in the upcoming expansion "Warlords of Draenor" and a Social position for the current content.
Who is your character?
My character's name is Necrogic, a male Human Warlock. Currently I play as Destro/Affliction.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... gic/simple
Who are you?
My name is Catalin, but most of my friends call me Mark or Evo (the name I use in games usually is Evolium). I am 25 years old and I live in Bucharest, Romania.
My experience with World of Warcraft debuted after the launch of the The Burning Crusade expansion and extended into the Cataclysm expansion. I decided to retire from WoW during the 4.1 patch.
My most proeminent raiding experience was accumulated during the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, as a Mage that was part of a hardcore raiding guild on Deathwing.
We were a tight and solid raiding guild aiming for the 1st Position in terms of PvE.
Towards the end of the expansion, due to the GM and 2 officers retiring from the guild, the guild disbanded, so I faction changed and transferred to Defias Brotherhood to continue playing with friends.
After transferring, because there was a need for a healer I decided to roll a Human Priest to fill the Raid Healer spot in our roster, to help the guild in further progressing into Icecrown Citadel Hc. I focused my attention mainly on Discipline given the power of the spec at that point, but in fights where Holy was proven superior I would switch to Holy (Thanks Blizzard for dualspec).
The content cleared while it was current is the following: Naxxramas, Ulduar Hardmodes, TOC Hc and finally ICC Hc (25 man was my personal flavour and it will most likely remain the same). I would like to specify that Algalon was killed when TOC was current tier and unfortunately we didn't manage to get a Lich King HC kill.
So here I am now, with my undergeared Warlock requesting membership for the future expansion. While my character is unfit for raiding for now (fresh character), by that time I can guarantee that he will be fit to satisfy any DPS requirements of the Guild, since I intend to play it as my Main Char.
I will add the Armory links of my Mage and my Priest for further inspection:
Attalsha, Draenei Mage
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... sha/simple
Ardariel, Human Priest
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... iel/simple
Raid role
My role is dealing tons of damage. This is achieved by acquiring optimal enchants, gems, glyphs, two crafting professions (for the bonuses) and consumables, such as flasks.
I use Recount, as a live damage meter, World of Logs in the offraid time to see how others perform and see how I can better myself at playing my class, Elitist Jerks for theorycrafting discussion and from what I've seen Icy Veins and Noxxic seem to be the new flavor resource website for raiders, so I've started checking those out as well.
Talent choices
Unfortunately I have no experience with the current raid content, but if I had to raid in one hour my Talent choices would be something along the lines of:
Soul Leech - I would choose this talent for raiding purposes because I believe it lessens the strain on the Raid Healers, allowing me to require less healing (even if it's just a tiny bit it adds up at the end).
Shadowfury - It looks to me as the best choice for Crowd Control, in case certain mobs need management. I am unsure if Stun still resets Threat on Target, but even if it does, it should be an extra helping hand for the AoE tank in case one pack goes loose.
Burning Rush - It always helps to have a boost in better positioning during a fight.
Grimoire of Supremacy - I would choose this for more damage output, although with the right gear I hear that Grimoire of Sacrifice is superior.
My last pick would be Boss related, depending if I want more AoE damage or more mobility, so I would be choosing between Kil'Jaeden's Cunning and Mannoroth's Fury.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have no problems in switching to an offspec or even an offchar, I use every resource at my disposal whenever necessary.
In fact I would like to bring my Mage and Priest in this guild as well.
I have a microphone and used various communication tools in the past such as Ventrilo and Teamspeak. I would have no problem in using them again.
I would use these forums for information and strategy without problems.
I have no logs at my disposal given the fact that I did not raid yet.
Your UI
I use a custom UI that includes some key addons such as:
Quartz - Spellcasting bars and Target DoT/Debuff monitoring.
SBF - Prettier Buff/Debuff bars.
Shadowed Unit Frames - Not setup yet, but I intend to use them during raids. They're one of the best unit frames addon out there if you ask me.
Recount - Live damage monitoring tool.
Recount Threat - Live threat monitoring tool.
DBM - Awarness alerts during fights and useful indicator bars that show the CDs of the Boss' Abilities.
Atlasloot - Shows me who drops what.
Bartender - Custom spellbars.
CoolLine - A bar that displays my CDs.
OmniCC - Displays CD on spellbutton.
TidyPlates - A great nameplates addon that also display your Debuffs/DoTs active on your target (great in AoE situations).
TipTac - More detailed tips on Target mouseover.
Guild History
Let me go back on the memory lane.
My first guild was Dark Guard, Deathwing's oldest. It was a great guild and I'm pretty sure it still is. The only reason I left them was because I wanted to focus more on raiding, in a more competitive manner.
Core Fusion was the 2nd guild I joined and I was in it until it disbanded.
After this, I transferred to Defias Brotherhood and played with some friends in their guild named Surreality.
I was part of these guilds with my Mage, since it was my main until now.
Raid availability
As long as they are in the evening, there won't be a problem.
I was asking for information in chat about the realm's guilds and one of your members recommended me to apply for a position.
About you
Well, let's see. I'm a pretty energetic person that enjoys a good laugh, a good book and a good movie. I like going out with friends, brainstorming about different stuff (mostly weird) and from time to time embarrass ourselves in a club.
I like graphic design, music, camping and I'm pretty sure this list could go on forever.
I'm a team player and I like the idea of working together towards a goal as a group.
I work as a QA Tester in the gaming industry, but might switch to development at some point.
I played Star Wars at some point, Imperial side, but after running through some operations I quit.
Other games that I play are Hearthstone, League of Legends, DotA from time to time and Starcraft 1 & 2.
Since I noticed that the Social Application has an extra question related to gnomes, I am going to answer that as well here.
It is said that gnomes were made from the tears of Sargeras, the only time he ever cried actually, after defeating the Nathrezim and accidently stepping on a Peacebloom.
Few are aware of this deep dark secret and even fewer know that the bond between them and their creator never shakens. Once Sargers fell to the Darkness, so did the gnomes and so they created the "Super Secret Mega Council of Azeroth Domination and Whatever". Of course, their first headquarters blew up, but rumors are that they are building many many more. Disguised as level 19 rogue twinks that drink shrinking potions, they are endlessly waiting for the return of their creator and conspire to turn the entire world into gnomes. You don't believe it? Take a good look at your Gnomish Death Ray.
In the end I would like to thank you for the time spent reading my application and hopefully we'll be guildmates. Cheers!
My name is Necrogic, and I would like to apply for a Raider's position in the upcoming expansion "Warlords of Draenor" and a Social position for the current content.
Who is your character?
My character's name is Necrogic, a male Human Warlock. Currently I play as Destro/Affliction.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... gic/simple
Who are you?
My name is Catalin, but most of my friends call me Mark or Evo (the name I use in games usually is Evolium). I am 25 years old and I live in Bucharest, Romania.
My experience with World of Warcraft debuted after the launch of the The Burning Crusade expansion and extended into the Cataclysm expansion. I decided to retire from WoW during the 4.1 patch.
My most proeminent raiding experience was accumulated during the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, as a Mage that was part of a hardcore raiding guild on Deathwing.
We were a tight and solid raiding guild aiming for the 1st Position in terms of PvE.
Towards the end of the expansion, due to the GM and 2 officers retiring from the guild, the guild disbanded, so I faction changed and transferred to Defias Brotherhood to continue playing with friends.
After transferring, because there was a need for a healer I decided to roll a Human Priest to fill the Raid Healer spot in our roster, to help the guild in further progressing into Icecrown Citadel Hc. I focused my attention mainly on Discipline given the power of the spec at that point, but in fights where Holy was proven superior I would switch to Holy (Thanks Blizzard for dualspec).
The content cleared while it was current is the following: Naxxramas, Ulduar Hardmodes, TOC Hc and finally ICC Hc (25 man was my personal flavour and it will most likely remain the same). I would like to specify that Algalon was killed when TOC was current tier and unfortunately we didn't manage to get a Lich King HC kill.
So here I am now, with my undergeared Warlock requesting membership for the future expansion. While my character is unfit for raiding for now (fresh character), by that time I can guarantee that he will be fit to satisfy any DPS requirements of the Guild, since I intend to play it as my Main Char.
I will add the Armory links of my Mage and my Priest for further inspection:
Attalsha, Draenei Mage
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... sha/simple
Ardariel, Human Priest
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... iel/simple
Raid role
My role is dealing tons of damage. This is achieved by acquiring optimal enchants, gems, glyphs, two crafting professions (for the bonuses) and consumables, such as flasks.
I use Recount, as a live damage meter, World of Logs in the offraid time to see how others perform and see how I can better myself at playing my class, Elitist Jerks for theorycrafting discussion and from what I've seen Icy Veins and Noxxic seem to be the new flavor resource website for raiders, so I've started checking those out as well.
Talent choices
Unfortunately I have no experience with the current raid content, but if I had to raid in one hour my Talent choices would be something along the lines of:
Soul Leech - I would choose this talent for raiding purposes because I believe it lessens the strain on the Raid Healers, allowing me to require less healing (even if it's just a tiny bit it adds up at the end).
Shadowfury - It looks to me as the best choice for Crowd Control, in case certain mobs need management. I am unsure if Stun still resets Threat on Target, but even if it does, it should be an extra helping hand for the AoE tank in case one pack goes loose.
Burning Rush - It always helps to have a boost in better positioning during a fight.
Grimoire of Supremacy - I would choose this for more damage output, although with the right gear I hear that Grimoire of Sacrifice is superior.
My last pick would be Boss related, depending if I want more AoE damage or more mobility, so I would be choosing between Kil'Jaeden's Cunning and Mannoroth's Fury.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have no problems in switching to an offspec or even an offchar, I use every resource at my disposal whenever necessary.
In fact I would like to bring my Mage and Priest in this guild as well.
I have a microphone and used various communication tools in the past such as Ventrilo and Teamspeak. I would have no problem in using them again.
I would use these forums for information and strategy without problems.
I have no logs at my disposal given the fact that I did not raid yet.
Your UI
I use a custom UI that includes some key addons such as:
Quartz - Spellcasting bars and Target DoT/Debuff monitoring.
SBF - Prettier Buff/Debuff bars.
Shadowed Unit Frames - Not setup yet, but I intend to use them during raids. They're one of the best unit frames addon out there if you ask me.
Recount - Live damage monitoring tool.
Recount Threat - Live threat monitoring tool.
DBM - Awarness alerts during fights and useful indicator bars that show the CDs of the Boss' Abilities.
Atlasloot - Shows me who drops what.
Bartender - Custom spellbars.
CoolLine - A bar that displays my CDs.
OmniCC - Displays CD on spellbutton.
TidyPlates - A great nameplates addon that also display your Debuffs/DoTs active on your target (great in AoE situations).
TipTac - More detailed tips on Target mouseover.
Guild History
Let me go back on the memory lane.
My first guild was Dark Guard, Deathwing's oldest. It was a great guild and I'm pretty sure it still is. The only reason I left them was because I wanted to focus more on raiding, in a more competitive manner.
Core Fusion was the 2nd guild I joined and I was in it until it disbanded.
After this, I transferred to Defias Brotherhood and played with some friends in their guild named Surreality.
I was part of these guilds with my Mage, since it was my main until now.
Raid availability
As long as they are in the evening, there won't be a problem.
I was asking for information in chat about the realm's guilds and one of your members recommended me to apply for a position.
About you
Well, let's see. I'm a pretty energetic person that enjoys a good laugh, a good book and a good movie. I like going out with friends, brainstorming about different stuff (mostly weird) and from time to time embarrass ourselves in a club.
I like graphic design, music, camping and I'm pretty sure this list could go on forever.
I'm a team player and I like the idea of working together towards a goal as a group.
I work as a QA Tester in the gaming industry, but might switch to development at some point.
I played Star Wars at some point, Imperial side, but after running through some operations I quit.
Other games that I play are Hearthstone, League of Legends, DotA from time to time and Starcraft 1 & 2.
Since I noticed that the Social Application has an extra question related to gnomes, I am going to answer that as well here.
It is said that gnomes were made from the tears of Sargeras, the only time he ever cried actually, after defeating the Nathrezim and accidently stepping on a Peacebloom.
Few are aware of this deep dark secret and even fewer know that the bond between them and their creator never shakens. Once Sargers fell to the Darkness, so did the gnomes and so they created the "Super Secret Mega Council of Azeroth Domination and Whatever". Of course, their first headquarters blew up, but rumors are that they are building many many more. Disguised as level 19 rogue twinks that drink shrinking potions, they are endlessly waiting for the return of their creator and conspire to turn the entire world into gnomes. You don't believe it? Take a good look at your Gnomish Death Ray.
In the end I would like to thank you for the time spent reading my application and hopefully we'll be guildmates. Cheers!