[Raider] Shadow Priest / Discipline Priest
Posted: 25 Jun 2014, 23:54
Who is your character?
My charachter is Dikzakje! Your #1 gnome priest!
Discipline was my main spec, however I'm digging shadow more and more lately! and might even make the switch to go pure shadow and bring pain to all who oppose the gnomes!
(while writing this application I've decided to go full shadow, will still be disc offspec for fights if needed and I'm still working on BiS CM gear for disc)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... e/advanced
Who are you?
My name is Yanick, I'm 18 years old and I'm from the Netherlands.
T6 - Cleared - Hunter on Silvermoon EU
T7 - Cleared - Hunter on Silvermoon EU, joined guild <Goosfraba>
T8 - Cleared - Hunter on Silvermoon EU, <Goosfraba> ( BEST RAID EVAR. )
Account got locked after a chargeback issue, took a break from WoW until I decided to start playing again at the end of wotlk when ICC was on farm
T10 - Warlock - joined the guild <Barbarians> on Kilrogg ( Horde )
Due to low play time because of exams, work I decided to quit WoW until January 2014, when a friend approached me telling me he started playing again he sent me a scroll of resurrection which I used and he quit 2 weeks after leaving me on a pretty dead server with no one to play with ='(
T16 - Priest - 14/14 normal 8/14HC ( All PuG'd and led by myself )
Raid role
I like to push my gear to the limits, I'm really fond of theorycrafting and Min/Maxing my gear to my own liking, for preparation well.... I'm the type of guy that reads every boss fight 100% before even daring to step into that raid, I like to make sure I not only know what I have to do but also what others have to do so I can assist people if they're unsure what they have to do.
I judge my own performance on hps/dps ( yh im a bit of a meter whore ) Cause in my opinion you can't do bad if you don't die and top meters.
For my class info I check top guild players, forums for guides and usually copy what the majority of them have
for reforging etc I use askmrrobot
Mmochampion class forums
Talent choices
[T1] Void Tendrils is best choice here for priests, dont have anything else good and you can do some fun stuff with tendrils like rooting demolisher at galakras so it can't hit tower.
[T2] Body and Soul for shadow, Angelic Feathers for Disc. Why? Because feathers dont stack with Glyph of Mind Flay ( Changes the slow effect of mind flay for a speed buff )
And you obviously don't have Mind Flay as disc.
[T3] S&I for shadow high DPS increase ( obvious choice for most fights, have heard about using FDCL on Iron Juggernaut but I'm not really fond of Mind Spike. My experimenting shall start immediatly!)
Mindbender as disc
I run around 6k spirit on my disc priest so Mindbender is for my MANAgement
[T4] Spectral Guise, I don't like to die and this is the priest's way of resetting a fight / aggro. However I've never done the last 4 HC bosses but would probably swap to either Angelic Bulwark or Desperate prayer to make high aoe burst dmg easier for the healerz
T5 Twist of Fate for sure.
T6 Depending on fight, I use Halo 99% of the time as shadow, as discipline I swap around with t6 spell the most ( Gnimo you're my best friend ever aswell!! )
Cascade on Immerseus, Iron Juggernaut, Shamans, Nazgrim, Siegecrafter, Paragons
Divine Star on Protectors, Norushen, Sha of Pride, Galakras, Spoils, Thok, Garrosh
Halo on Malkorok
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Have experience as both shadow and discipline, and am very confident of performing on a high level on both specs. So you can always put me as a healer whenever you want.
573 shadow ilvl, 573 disc ilvl
Also have an 540 something warlock that I pvp on
and I still have my level 90 boost ready because I'm still unsure what they use it on? suggestions are very welcome!!
I have a microphone, and am very comfortable hearing / speaking english.
I used to be an officer in a very good WvW guild in Guild Wars 2 and one of the requirements was to check forum frequently, so that won't be a problem
I don't have logs, I will start using them immediatly.
I know how they work, I check them myself to improve but never got around to use them for myself.
Your UI
I use blizzard raid frames, Omen, Weakauras for CD/proc tracking
For those of you wondering, skills 7 to = are keybound to ctrl 1-6, but are still bound to those keys so it shows up like that, no I don't have extremely large hands.
Guild History
World of Warcraft
<Goosfraba> Silvermoon, left cause my account got banned
<Barbarians> left due to low play time
<Fighters of Hope> ( current guild that an old friend was in , social guild with no raiding )
Guild Wars 2
Still kind of in it, just not active.
Raid availability
Yes I am available on all your raid days.
I saw your recuitment message on the Looking for players (PvE) section of official forums, you guys immediatly got me hooked cause you seem like a bunch of friends who are playing for a good time while still performing which is what I'm looking for.
The only player who I currently talk a lot with in game is my Guild Leader Dofty, he's not very fond of me leaving cause I was his "child prodigy" so to say, he was so impressed with my skill at such low item levels when I was constantly topping meters in his PuGs as this no name 530 ilvl priest with 5 days on /played
About you
I'm 18 years old, from the Netherlands.
I like to skateboard, party, drink, smoke, code
Pretty easy outgoing guy, no problem with meeting new people but I can be a bit shy when around a lot of new people so if we get to it you probably won't hear me a lot on TS during a raid for the first few bosses
In game I like to do all kinds of stuff, but nothing I'm currently strifing for, I would like to clear SoO before WoD and I like to collect xmog gear and mounts. I also would really like to get into CMs I've never done any but I've obviously done all research necessary so if any of you need some healz hit me up
no race is more masterrace than gnome race
p.s. thanks for your time, sorry for the wall of text
My charachter is Dikzakje! Your #1 gnome priest!
Discipline was my main spec, however I'm digging shadow more and more lately! and might even make the switch to go pure shadow and bring pain to all who oppose the gnomes!
(while writing this application I've decided to go full shadow, will still be disc offspec for fights if needed and I'm still working on BiS CM gear for disc)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... e/advanced
Who are you?
My name is Yanick, I'm 18 years old and I'm from the Netherlands.
T6 - Cleared - Hunter on Silvermoon EU
T7 - Cleared - Hunter on Silvermoon EU, joined guild <Goosfraba>
T8 - Cleared - Hunter on Silvermoon EU, <Goosfraba> ( BEST RAID EVAR. )
Account got locked after a chargeback issue, took a break from WoW until I decided to start playing again at the end of wotlk when ICC was on farm
T10 - Warlock - joined the guild <Barbarians> on Kilrogg ( Horde )
Due to low play time because of exams, work I decided to quit WoW until January 2014, when a friend approached me telling me he started playing again he sent me a scroll of resurrection which I used and he quit 2 weeks after leaving me on a pretty dead server with no one to play with ='(
T16 - Priest - 14/14 normal 8/14HC ( All PuG'd and led by myself )
Raid role
I like to push my gear to the limits, I'm really fond of theorycrafting and Min/Maxing my gear to my own liking, for preparation well.... I'm the type of guy that reads every boss fight 100% before even daring to step into that raid, I like to make sure I not only know what I have to do but also what others have to do so I can assist people if they're unsure what they have to do.
I judge my own performance on hps/dps ( yh im a bit of a meter whore ) Cause in my opinion you can't do bad if you don't die and top meters.
For my class info I check top guild players, forums for guides and usually copy what the majority of them have
for reforging etc I use askmrrobot
Mmochampion class forums
Talent choices
[T1] Void Tendrils is best choice here for priests, dont have anything else good and you can do some fun stuff with tendrils like rooting demolisher at galakras so it can't hit tower.
[T2] Body and Soul for shadow, Angelic Feathers for Disc. Why? Because feathers dont stack with Glyph of Mind Flay ( Changes the slow effect of mind flay for a speed buff )
And you obviously don't have Mind Flay as disc.
[T3] S&I for shadow high DPS increase ( obvious choice for most fights, have heard about using FDCL on Iron Juggernaut but I'm not really fond of Mind Spike. My experimenting shall start immediatly!)
Mindbender as disc
I run around 6k spirit on my disc priest so Mindbender is for my MANAgement
[T4] Spectral Guise, I don't like to die and this is the priest's way of resetting a fight / aggro. However I've never done the last 4 HC bosses but would probably swap to either Angelic Bulwark or Desperate prayer to make high aoe burst dmg easier for the healerz
T5 Twist of Fate for sure.
T6 Depending on fight, I use Halo 99% of the time as shadow, as discipline I swap around with t6 spell the most ( Gnimo you're my best friend ever aswell!! )
Cascade on Immerseus, Iron Juggernaut, Shamans, Nazgrim, Siegecrafter, Paragons
Divine Star on Protectors, Norushen, Sha of Pride, Galakras, Spoils, Thok, Garrosh
Halo on Malkorok
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Have experience as both shadow and discipline, and am very confident of performing on a high level on both specs. So you can always put me as a healer whenever you want.
573 shadow ilvl, 573 disc ilvl
Also have an 540 something warlock that I pvp on
and I still have my level 90 boost ready because I'm still unsure what they use it on? suggestions are very welcome!!
I have a microphone, and am very comfortable hearing / speaking english.
I used to be an officer in a very good WvW guild in Guild Wars 2 and one of the requirements was to check forum frequently, so that won't be a problem
I don't have logs, I will start using them immediatly.
I know how they work, I check them myself to improve but never got around to use them for myself.
Your UI
I use blizzard raid frames, Omen, Weakauras for CD/proc tracking
For those of you wondering, skills 7 to = are keybound to ctrl 1-6, but are still bound to those keys so it shows up like that, no I don't have extremely large hands.
Guild History
World of Warcraft
<Goosfraba> Silvermoon, left cause my account got banned
<Barbarians> left due to low play time
<Fighters of Hope> ( current guild that an old friend was in , social guild with no raiding )
Guild Wars 2
Still kind of in it, just not active.
Raid availability
Yes I am available on all your raid days.
I saw your recuitment message on the Looking for players (PvE) section of official forums, you guys immediatly got me hooked cause you seem like a bunch of friends who are playing for a good time while still performing which is what I'm looking for.
The only player who I currently talk a lot with in game is my Guild Leader Dofty, he's not very fond of me leaving cause I was his "child prodigy" so to say, he was so impressed with my skill at such low item levels when I was constantly topping meters in his PuGs as this no name 530 ilvl priest with 5 days on /played
About you
I'm 18 years old, from the Netherlands.
I like to skateboard, party, drink, smoke, code
Pretty easy outgoing guy, no problem with meeting new people but I can be a bit shy when around a lot of new people so if we get to it you probably won't hear me a lot on TS during a raid for the first few bosses
In game I like to do all kinds of stuff, but nothing I'm currently strifing for, I would like to clear SoO before WoD and I like to collect xmog gear and mounts. I also would really like to get into CMs I've never done any but I've obviously done all research necessary so if any of you need some healz hit me up
no race is more masterrace than gnome race
p.s. thanks for your time, sorry for the wall of text