Rogue Application
Posted: 20 Jun 2014, 20:36
Who is your character?
My characters name is Vayliá, a relatively new rogue! ... 1/advanced
Who are you?
My name is Owen, im 17 years old and from the UK!
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
Due to my gear i would see fitting to apply for raid team 2, however i would love to progress into the first team if needed and possibly over time!
Raid role
I started playing rogue in November 2013, and instantly fell in love wit the play style, utility, and raid benefits i am able to bring so that i can benefit the whole raid in a phase or whole fight - even if that is using feint in an AoE phase to help those healers!
I will do my best to complete any task that is required, in my eyes i will know i have performed well if my task has been fulfilled and that boss is dropping loot. When i first started playing rogue i used icy-veins and such to learn as much as i could about the class, i watch countless videos of boss fights recorded in a rogues PoV so i can add more to my game play and perform well.
I did my first proper raid in Naxx25, on my DK - took the whole day! I never got into raiding after that because of my age as most guilds wouldn't recruit a 12 year old!
I raided Firelands normal with "The Angels of Death" on Turalyon on my frost DK, we got to 7/8 before the nerfs took place and we then got down Rag just after! I then went and transferred to Alliance with a few friends and joined a guild called "Nova". We cleared DS HC before the nerf with this guild, which is probably the highlight of my raiding career.
I then didn't raid until the current content, i have ahead of the curve because i sat in for a main teams rogue, i then got asked to replace him but i couldn't due to the subject of the dreaded exams.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Obviously as a rogue i can only perform a DPS role. I am comfortably with both Assassination and Combat for PvE. Sadly i have no Alliance characters that can raid at the current time!
I do indeed have a mic, i have all the team talking clients installed. I am a very verbal person and do not struggle with speaking up with opinions and answers.
World of Logs stuff
Im afraid i have no logs stuff! I have never been serious enough to of needed it.
Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why join ours?] I have been in a few guilds, starting in the good old cest pool guild, i then went to Angels of Death, Pirat Partiet, Nova, Ex Cathedra and then guild i recently left, Aftermath.
I have just transferred onto Alliance with my rogue because i'm getting nowhere on Horde, i feel like i'm in a standstill, waiting for players to not turn up so i can jump in and raid. Your guild seemed to stick out for me because although you have great raiding progress, you still have social members, which shows you also have a nice community, which is what i'm looking for if not to raid.
Raid availability
I can make any night, the only problem i would come across is my girlfriend, but i can deal with that!
[How did you hear about us? And do you know someone from the game who can vouch for you as player/person?] I saw you on wowprogress and then did a bit more research, after asking a member of your guild if you have a website, i looked through everything and was impressed. You guys seem like good players who can also have a laugh!
To vouch for me i would say you could ask a few people in Aftermath; Tonkpliss, or Leithá.
About you
As a person i am a very athletic guy, i'm 3 time national judo champion, and i play rugby on a regular basis. I work as a waiter at the present moment, trying to get a job as a lifeguard! I work with charities a lot; in October 2013 i went to Kenya, Africa to work in a school for 2 weeks, i can easily say it was one of the best times of my life.
I am currently in college; studying English, and Sport and Exercise Science.
Im a nice level-headed guy, who loves spending all day staring at a PC screen!
I love my music, i play guitar and piano!
I feel like i've covered everything i need to!
My characters name is Vayliá, a relatively new rogue! ... 1/advanced
Who are you?
My name is Owen, im 17 years old and from the UK!
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
Due to my gear i would see fitting to apply for raid team 2, however i would love to progress into the first team if needed and possibly over time!
Raid role
I started playing rogue in November 2013, and instantly fell in love wit the play style, utility, and raid benefits i am able to bring so that i can benefit the whole raid in a phase or whole fight - even if that is using feint in an AoE phase to help those healers!
I will do my best to complete any task that is required, in my eyes i will know i have performed well if my task has been fulfilled and that boss is dropping loot. When i first started playing rogue i used icy-veins and such to learn as much as i could about the class, i watch countless videos of boss fights recorded in a rogues PoV so i can add more to my game play and perform well.
I did my first proper raid in Naxx25, on my DK - took the whole day! I never got into raiding after that because of my age as most guilds wouldn't recruit a 12 year old!
I raided Firelands normal with "The Angels of Death" on Turalyon on my frost DK, we got to 7/8 before the nerfs took place and we then got down Rag just after! I then went and transferred to Alliance with a few friends and joined a guild called "Nova". We cleared DS HC before the nerf with this guild, which is probably the highlight of my raiding career.
I then didn't raid until the current content, i have ahead of the curve because i sat in for a main teams rogue, i then got asked to replace him but i couldn't due to the subject of the dreaded exams.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Obviously as a rogue i can only perform a DPS role. I am comfortably with both Assassination and Combat for PvE. Sadly i have no Alliance characters that can raid at the current time!
I do indeed have a mic, i have all the team talking clients installed. I am a very verbal person and do not struggle with speaking up with opinions and answers.
World of Logs stuff
Im afraid i have no logs stuff! I have never been serious enough to of needed it.
Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why join ours?] I have been in a few guilds, starting in the good old cest pool guild, i then went to Angels of Death, Pirat Partiet, Nova, Ex Cathedra and then guild i recently left, Aftermath.
I have just transferred onto Alliance with my rogue because i'm getting nowhere on Horde, i feel like i'm in a standstill, waiting for players to not turn up so i can jump in and raid. Your guild seemed to stick out for me because although you have great raiding progress, you still have social members, which shows you also have a nice community, which is what i'm looking for if not to raid.
Raid availability
I can make any night, the only problem i would come across is my girlfriend, but i can deal with that!
[How did you hear about us? And do you know someone from the game who can vouch for you as player/person?] I saw you on wowprogress and then did a bit more research, after asking a member of your guild if you have a website, i looked through everything and was impressed. You guys seem like good players who can also have a laugh!
To vouch for me i would say you could ask a few people in Aftermath; Tonkpliss, or Leithá.
About you
As a person i am a very athletic guy, i'm 3 time national judo champion, and i play rugby on a regular basis. I work as a waiter at the present moment, trying to get a job as a lifeguard! I work with charities a lot; in October 2013 i went to Kenya, Africa to work in a school for 2 weeks, i can easily say it was one of the best times of my life.
I am currently in college; studying English, and Sport and Exercise Science.
Im a nice level-headed guy, who loves spending all day staring at a PC screen!
I love my music, i play guitar and piano!
I feel like i've covered everything i need to!