(Raiding) Dps Survival Hunter
Posted: 13 Jun 2014, 00:43
Who is your character?
Bertvis lvl90 DPS Survival Hunter, atm on nagrand-eu but willing to transfer. http://eu.battle.net/wow/character/nagrand/Bertvis/
Who are you?
Tijn Verweij, 19 years old from the Netherlands
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I want to raid heroics in the 25m team if possible.
Raid role
Im a DPS hunter. i am always ready to go. can provide alot of buffs and normally im the guy who does the special things like belt on siegecrafter or engi at garrosh. i judge my own performance by dps, interrupts if needed and if i perform my task right. i mostly read on icy veins for the boss tactics.
I played alot in cataclysm as a hunter and i downed heroic rag and madness before nerf. in MOP i dont have that much raiding experience because i started playing again around t16. i have done all normal with my dps hunter and tank dk + i did some heroics on my hunter.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
As a dps hunter its no problem in switching because they are more or less all the same.
but i have a dk tank that im gearing right now, and im getting pretty good at tanking
I have a pretty good microphone and i will always be on ts when raiding. using the forums is also no problem.
World of Logs stuff
I dont really know how world of logs works. cant find myself there but if needed i can provide recount screens
Guild History
I have been in some dutch guild that where not really raiding. after that i decided to dedicate my character to raiding so i joined a progression guild.
after we cleared all of normal there i asked if we went on to heroic. but alot of them didnt want that so now im looking for a great heroic guild
Raid availability
i can make all days for Group 1 and not for group 2 because i cant raid on wednesdays
The reason i know of this guild is because a RL friend of me is raiding with you guys. in game he is called bohrum, behrum or killahkeezy i think.
About you
Im Tijn Verweij im 19 years old and i live in the netherlands. atm im producing music as my job and i am kinda no life at wow now
My gear isnt the best. but most tell me i am getting the best dps out of my gear possible.
Bertvis lvl90 DPS Survival Hunter, atm on nagrand-eu but willing to transfer. http://eu.battle.net/wow/character/nagrand/Bertvis/
Who are you?
Tijn Verweij, 19 years old from the Netherlands
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I want to raid heroics in the 25m team if possible.
Raid role
Im a DPS hunter. i am always ready to go. can provide alot of buffs and normally im the guy who does the special things like belt on siegecrafter or engi at garrosh. i judge my own performance by dps, interrupts if needed and if i perform my task right. i mostly read on icy veins for the boss tactics.
I played alot in cataclysm as a hunter and i downed heroic rag and madness before nerf. in MOP i dont have that much raiding experience because i started playing again around t16. i have done all normal with my dps hunter and tank dk + i did some heroics on my hunter.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
As a dps hunter its no problem in switching because they are more or less all the same.
but i have a dk tank that im gearing right now, and im getting pretty good at tanking
I have a pretty good microphone and i will always be on ts when raiding. using the forums is also no problem.
World of Logs stuff
I dont really know how world of logs works. cant find myself there but if needed i can provide recount screens
Guild History
I have been in some dutch guild that where not really raiding. after that i decided to dedicate my character to raiding so i joined a progression guild.
after we cleared all of normal there i asked if we went on to heroic. but alot of them didnt want that so now im looking for a great heroic guild
Raid availability
i can make all days for Group 1 and not for group 2 because i cant raid on wednesdays
The reason i know of this guild is because a RL friend of me is raiding with you guys. in game he is called bohrum, behrum or killahkeezy i think.
About you
Im Tijn Verweij im 19 years old and i live in the netherlands. atm im producing music as my job and i am kinda no life at wow now
My gear isnt the best. but most tell me i am getting the best dps out of my gear possible.