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[Social] Drobhan the Water Wielding Shaman, level 19

Posted: 02 Jun 2014, 22:22
by Drobhan
Who is your character?
Drobhan, Level 19 Restoration Shaman

Who are you?
John, 31, United Kingdom, father to a tenacious child and controller of documents.

I'm fairly rounded and enjoy most activities. PvE is probably first and foremost but I also enjoy PvP as well.

Guild history
None, as I work shift patterns which means I'm only on every 2 weeks.

I found it on the Guild Finder and I've spoken to Jimmble as well.

About you
I enjoy doing random things (like the Loremaster achievement - I shall get there one day!) as well as PvE and daft PvP runs. I've played WoW on and off for years, ever since the initial beta but one thing after another in my personal life has led to me having an on/off relationship. WoD has me fired up though and now I'm ready to dive back in!

Gnomes make excellent travelling companions, as they're always looking at the bright side of life!

Re: [Social] Drobhan the Water Wielding Shaman, level 19

Posted: 02 Jun 2014, 22:33
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: [Social] Drobhan the Water Wielding Shaman, level 19

Posted: 02 Jun 2014, 22:50
by Drobhan

*patiently waits in the waiting room*

Re: [Social] Drobhan the Water Wielding Shaman, level 19

Posted: 03 Jun 2014, 08:33
by Jimmble
Your application has been accepted. Please /w an officer for an invite.

Re: [Social] Drobhan the Water Wielding Shaman, level 19

Posted: 03 Jun 2014, 23:25
by Jimmble