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Social (Warlock lvl 89)

Posted: 26 May 2014, 21:52
by Xavril
Who is your character?
Xavril, Gnome, Warlock ... l/advanced

Who are you?
My name is Dwayne, I am 26 years old and I am from Roodepoort/Krugersdorp

I like to PvE but am also going to start playing PvP too

Guild history
I was in a social guild but cannot remember the name, last played in 2012

I heard about this guild through a friend and he is currently in the guild, reference is Zarell

About you
I am a friendly guy, easy to get along with and as far as the game goes my experience is limited as I have done PvE and PvP before but after the long break I have to get into it again.

Gnomes are small but powerful, dynamite comes in small packages :P , they are skillful little people and should not be underestimated :D

Re: Social (Warlock lvl 89)

Posted: 26 May 2014, 22:19
by Jimmble
Hello, gnome! Wait here, I will poke the longlegs.

Re: Social (Warlock lvl 89)

Posted: 27 May 2014, 22:50
by Jimmble
Your application has been accepted. Please /w an officer for an invite.

Re: Social (Warlock lvl 89)

Posted: 21 Jul 2014, 17:40
by Jimmble