Zarly - Social!
Posted: 03 May 2014, 20:08
Who am I? :
Zarly, Worgen druid level 90!
Who am I? :
Stefan, age 21 and from Denmark!
Activity :
What I enjoy the most is raiding and doing Challenges modes on my priest!
Guild History :
My character have yet to have joined a guild since I boosted it to 90.
How I heard of you :
Raided with you once on my Pala ammy when you needed a healer, and also since the merging of the raids between TTS and Raven council
About me :
Not much to tell, I played WoW since a year after its release, I raided back in Vanilla - TBC, Had a break from raiding in early Wotlk, started slightly again when Ulduar was released, and ever since then, just casual / Pug raider.
What gnomes are about? :
Well, without them the alliance would have nothing to punt
Zarly, Worgen druid level 90!
Who am I? :
Stefan, age 21 and from Denmark!
Activity :
What I enjoy the most is raiding and doing Challenges modes on my priest!
Guild History :
My character have yet to have joined a guild since I boosted it to 90.
How I heard of you :
Raided with you once on my Pala ammy when you needed a healer, and also since the merging of the raids between TTS and Raven council
About me :
Not much to tell, I played WoW since a year after its release, I raided back in Vanilla - TBC, Had a break from raiding in early Wotlk, started slightly again when Ulduar was released, and ever since then, just casual / Pug raider.
What gnomes are about? :
Well, without them the alliance would have nothing to punt