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Retri Pally 576, 12/14hc 25m in SoO

Posted: 30 Apr 2014, 18:32
by 25m Herioc SOO
Who is your character? ... n/advanced

Who are you?
Hi, my name is Ahmed, I am an emirati citizen living in Dubai, UAE, I am 20, turning 21 in July

Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
RG1, because I am confident in my skills :P

Raid role

I am currently a part of the main raid team of my current guild, depending on the fight my dps differs, fights like seigecrafter i help out with the belt when a belt team member dies, in thok i use my hands and devo to help the raid survive (which is normal). I am always prepared for every raid i go into, i always have flasks, potions, (not food cuz im not a cook) but i do have a jeeves bot and a portable mail box when anybody needs it. I know the tactics for every boss in SoO, i can whatever role (dps role) that is required of me in any boss because i understand the tactics. I judge my performance with dps, because there are 2 other retri pallys in my 25m raid team, i judge my performance by surviving to the end of the fight and out dpsing the other ret pallys, which is in my favor :) I keep myself updated by looking up the builds and specs of the retri pallys of the top guilds in eu and us, guilds like Method and Blood Legion.


Vanilla: I finished MC 40, AQ 40, ZG 20 and a small bit of BWL 40, but this was on my hunter in the US server Gorgannash, sadly he got banned in TBC because my brother decided to power level him :( I had the rare Qiraji mount on that char ;(

Burning Crusade: Took a break from wow because my character got banned, rerolled at the end of the xpac to a retri pally in the EU servers

Wrath: Completed Naxx 10 and 25, OS 10 and 25 (no 3D then though), Ulduar 10, ToGC 10-25 normal, ICC 10, 10hc, 25 normal (didnt do 25hc then).

Cata: BWD 10 normal (didnt kill Nerfarion), Completed BoT 10 normal, FL 10 normal, and DS 10 Normal

Mists: MSV 5/6 10 normal, HoF 1/6 10 normal, 6/6 herioc (with SoO gear :P), TOES 4/4 10 normal (pug), ToT 12/12 10 normal, 1/13 hc, and SoO 14/14 10-25 normal, SoO 12/14 25m hc

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Sadly I am a one character person, I dont have the time or desire to gear another character, I have a 90 prot warrior (dont play with it alot, in Silvermoon server), and a 90 warlock (horde in draenor server, boosted character, dont play with it alot though)
My off spec is holy, i tried many times to gear it up, but I am a bad holy paladin it took me many wipes to admit it to myself, I will change my offspec back to prot in the next expac.
So if u want me to switch characters or specs, I cannot do that, I love playing retri and I will not change.

I do have a microphone, i have no problem with voice coms, in fact if i am doing anything other than raiding i always join the guilds voice com to have a chat, but if you guys use mumble as ur voice com please tell me from now, because for some reason mumble doesnt work in the UAE.

World of Logs stuff
A cannot find a log with me in it, sorry

Guild History
Before mists i was in many guilds because I was a noob raider then, and i didnt understand anything, but during mists i joined The Order of Azeroth on Silvermoon, which settled me down a bit, and i love those guys, they were amazing, i only left that guild was because i wanted to try HC raiding, and with them we were very unlucky with many things, then i joined Revolution in Turalyon, I love those guys too, they took me in as a trial i proved myself to be a capable raider and with them we made it to 12/14 hc 25m, the only reason i am planing on leaving them is one reason, and that is that they use mumble as their voice comms and i recently have problems connecting to their mumble server (its wierd because i can easily connect to open raids servers), and recently because i was not on voice com i had been dropped because they would prefer someone who can listen to mid fight orders from the RL, and i dont wana raid with 24 other ppl while i cannot talk to them or communicate with them efficiently, its not their fault, its something wrong with mumble on my side and it pains me because i do not want to leave, but i want to raid by myself for 3 and a half hours for 3 days a week. I main the reason I approached this guild is for the timings, because I live in the UAE and because of the time zones it is difficult to find hc raiding guilds with timings very good for me too. Based on the WoW forums i am the sort of person your looking for, because i do not want a hardcore raiding guild, i want a social heroic raiding guild, where if a wipe happens people are still laughing having fun, and enjoying the fact that everyone is progressing on this difficult content, which is what i took from the wow forum post, and that is why i am here.

Raid availability
I can make all of RG1's raiding days, which are (just to make sure), Sunday 19:45-23:00, Tuesday 19:45-23:00, and Thursday 19:45-23:00, this is exactly the same raiding schedule as my current guild to i am perfectly able to make all the raid nights of R1, do not know the raid timings of R2 so cannot say if i can make them.

WoW Forums

About you
I am a calm guy, i do not mind wiping all night as long as i am having fun and we are making progress on the boss, I love politics, love football, love WoW Lore, and I like just chatting with people about anything, i love lame jokes too.

[If you have any extra notes that do not necessarily fit in anywhere else, stick 'em here.]

Re: Retri Pally 576, 12/14hc 25m in SoO

Posted: 30 Apr 2014, 18:53
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it. Also, add me on Btag so we can sort out this mumble thing: Jimble#2455

Re: Retri Pally 576, 12/14hc 25m in SoO

Posted: 01 May 2014, 12:40
by Jimmble
Cannot use mumble.

<not recruited>