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Raider application - Zonday - Warlock

Posted: 18 Apr 2014, 21:45
by Zonday
Who is your character?
I'm mainly playing on my gnome warlock, Zonday, speccing as destruction and affliction. ... y/advanced

Who are you?
My name is Jesper, I'm 18 and I live in Denmark.
I'm currently studying on a design and technology education.

Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
Whichever I'm needed for. Whether it's RG1, RG2 or even a stand-by spot for either of them.

Raid role
My current role? Well I'm a DPS. And a Warlock. So basically I'd say pump as many chaos balls as I possibly could into whichever enemy I might find.
And avoid standing in stuff I shouldn't stand in. That's pretty much my role as a Warlock.
On a more serious note, then I obviously got my rotation that I follow, life isn't just endless chaos bolts sadly..

To keep myself updated on my specs I usually hang around on MMO-champion. Until now I've had no reason moving on from that website, as there's a lot of experienced warlocks often debating and theorycrafting on their class.

I didn't do much raiding before late cataclysm I'd say. Didn't really have the age for it back then. And the stuff I did isn't really worth mentioning, as to be honest with you, I was pretty much just dragged along back then, lucky as I am.

It all got a little more serious when it came to MoP, I finally had the time to raid and decided to do so.
In the "early" stages of MoP I managed to do 11/16 on Normal prenerf, perhaps it's not something to be proud of, but it's something.
I started raiding heroic when 5.2 hit, and managed to get to 7/13HC before changing over to Defias Brotherhood.
First I joined a guild called Exploding Sheep Inc, yet i quickly went onwards to a newly formed guild called The Yawning Dragon, and cleared 10/13HC before 5.4 launched.
When SoO came out we managed to get to 6/14 before I started falling away from the game due to real life stuff.


0/? - Pre-Mists.
11/16 N - Pre 5.2.
10/13HC - Pre 5.4
6/14HC - 5.4

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I don't mind specc-swapping at all. I like affliction and destruction equally much. Demonology though.. Well Blizzard fucked us over on that part, so you most likely wont be seeing me play that specc unless you for some reason want me to.

I don't have any proper geared alts. They're all stuck on the 3k valor questline and I don't love any of them enough to get them past it sadly.
Or well, I'm working abit on my hunter, but he's not worth mentioning anyway.

Yes, I do have a microphone and sure don't mind using it. I however got to admit I probably wont be speaking unless spoken to.

World of Logs stuff
As I told Jimmble then I don't have any logs lying around, yet if you want me to make some for you I don't mind running through a LFR wing or two.

Guild History
I've been in a ton pre MoP. So I can't really mention them, as I don't really remember any. Back then I didn't really communicate with people as much as I do now, which meant I didn't really get to form a relationship with them.

In MoP I've been in a few diffrent guilds.
I started out playing in a guild called Pavo Ludo (Now it's called <The Catalyst>) on the horde side of Tarren Mill. This is where I got my 7/13HC before moving to Defias. I decided to move over to this server to play with a couple of friends of mine.

When I arrived to Defias it didn't take long for me to find a guild. The first guild that caught my eye was Exploding Sheep Inc. I joined them because I didn't mind doing some laid-back normal raiding in ToT. They decided to start on heroic raiding and at that point I started falling off abit. I had really set my mind on progressing on Heroic again, yet I disagreed completly with how they spent their raid times. After that, I found The Yawning Dragon.
I played with them for pretty much half a year or so, before some real-life stuff started interfering with everything, and I pretty much just lost my will to play the game.

Fast forward two month or so. I started playing WoW once again due to the real life stuff being resolved. I logged in to see my guild had been partly disbanded. A little while after I rejoined the game my before mentioned friends had found a guild called <A New Hope>, and asked if I wanted to start raiding again. I didn't really feel like getting straight back into the entire Heroic thing, and just wanted to play it casual for a while with my friends.
Now however, this guild is pretty much starting to fall apart, and I really don't feel like sticking around if I have the option not to, and thought I might give you guys a try if you don't mind having me. Either as a social, stand-in or even raider for that matter. Whatever rocks your socks.

Raid availability
Yep. Both RG1 and RG2's raid days suit me.

I heard about you guys from Jimmble when I logged into the game after my so called break. And I've been talking with him every so often.
About the entire vouching thing, I don't know actually. It seems like I know a couple of people in TRC already, yet whether or not anyone of them want to vouch for me I can't say. Either way, some of the people I know is Beastaly, Echoette and Lanaiba. All from the before mentioned guilds.

About you
Well as I already said then my name is Jesper. I'm 18 years old, live in Denmark and I'm currently studying.
I don't have a part-time job so when I'm not spending my time on school projects and friends then you'd most likely be able to find me online.
I consider myself a friendly guy, I like helping out people if they need something I'm capeable of helping out with, and if I'm not capeable.. Well then trying doesn't hurt.

Gotta pass on this one. I'm pretty sure I said all I got to say.

Re: Raider application - Zonday - Warlock

Posted: 18 Apr 2014, 23:36
by Jimmble
Hello, gnome! Wait here, I will ask the longlegs.

Re: Raider application - Zonday - Warlock

Posted: 20 Apr 2014, 23:28
by Jimmble
Your application has been accepted. Please /w an officer for an invite.

Re: Raider application - Zonday - Warlock

Posted: 26 Apr 2014, 09:21
by Jimmble