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Guild application

Posted: 19 Mar 2014, 17:00
by Therlton
Who is your character?
[Your character name, race, and class]
Therlton-Holy Paladin

Who are you?
[Your name, age, and where you’re from]
I'm Francisco, i'm a 17 years old guy from portugal, intending to go study computer science
[What do you like to do most in WoW?]
What i like to do most in are arenas and dungeons runs (for mog, achievements, or just for fun)
Guild history
[What other guilds were you in recently?]
Defenders of Azeroth
[How did you hear about us? Do you happen to know someone in the guild?]
A friend of mine entered in the guild and told me that it's a really friendly and helpfull guild (:
About you
[A little something about yourself, as a person and/or your experiences within the game. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. :)]
I really love to play tennis and do all kinds of sports!

[What are they all about, eh?]
I think they're freakin' awesome :p lvling one now on my spare time

Re: Guild application

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 01:07
by Jimmble
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

Re: Guild application

Posted: 20 Mar 2014, 23:22
by Stukov
Your application has been accepted. Please /w an officer for an invite.

Re: Guild application

Posted: 23 Mar 2014, 12:13
by Jimmble