[Raider] Plebbcrusher, LVL 90 Horde Frost Mage
Posted: 26 Feb 2014, 22:44
Plebbcrusher. Frost + Arcane
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... her/simple
My Name's Ingvar. I'm 17 on my 18th year and I'm from Iceland
Raid role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
I'm a DPS. So I mainly judge myself depending on how much unnecessary damage I take, the DPS meter, how quickly I respond to the shout-outs and how much useful information I shout out on TS
[What is your prior raiding experience and when did you do it (ie, did you clear a raid when it was current content or not)? If you've performed any character change re-rolling in your time, what character(s) and role(s) did you play during which content?]
At this very moment I'm part of the guild called "Core of Chaos". Which is supposed to be merging with yours.
I was a part of Raiding team 2 and a substitute for Raiding team 1. I've done a bit of normal, but not all too much. I've done basically everything in Flex though.
I have played the Arcane mage the most, so I can easily swap to that. But fire spec is a bit iffy, but I can manage. Yet I have to reforge before I do so otherwise my DPS will be utter crap C:
I have a microphone. But my pronunciation is pretty horrid. But I'm a very social guy, so I can make it work. And these forums are sufficient for my standards.
Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why join ours?]
I was told this was a major importance and this is basically the reason I'm supposed to join.
As previously mentioned I'm a part of Core of Chaos. Which is a guild merging with yours.
Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days (for either RG1 or 2), or are there any difficulties with this? Our raid schedules are found -here-.]
I can raid Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and every other Saturday + Sunday
Yeah, Exémplefy from Core of Chaos is basically my referral. Who is my current guild leader
About you
[A little something about yourself as a person. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. ]
Uhhh... Hi y'all. As previously mentioned, I'm Ingvar from Iceland (Some really fast answers to questions I get asked too much: I do not live in an igloo, I do not have a pet penguin, I am unfortunately not a Viking. And last but not least, yes. I've gone to Eyjafjallajökull and it's not that difficult to pronounce).
Basic interests include but are not limited to: Instruments, Sports, Video Games and Programming.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... her/simple
My Name's Ingvar. I'm 17 on my 18th year and I'm from Iceland
Raid role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
I'm a DPS. So I mainly judge myself depending on how much unnecessary damage I take, the DPS meter, how quickly I respond to the shout-outs and how much useful information I shout out on TS
[What is your prior raiding experience and when did you do it (ie, did you clear a raid when it was current content or not)? If you've performed any character change re-rolling in your time, what character(s) and role(s) did you play during which content?]
At this very moment I'm part of the guild called "Core of Chaos". Which is supposed to be merging with yours.
I was a part of Raiding team 2 and a substitute for Raiding team 1. I've done a bit of normal, but not all too much. I've done basically everything in Flex though.
I have played the Arcane mage the most, so I can easily swap to that. But fire spec is a bit iffy, but I can manage. Yet I have to reforge before I do so otherwise my DPS will be utter crap C:
I have a microphone. But my pronunciation is pretty horrid. But I'm a very social guy, so I can make it work. And these forums are sufficient for my standards.
Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why join ours?]
I was told this was a major importance and this is basically the reason I'm supposed to join.
As previously mentioned I'm a part of Core of Chaos. Which is a guild merging with yours.
Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days (for either RG1 or 2), or are there any difficulties with this? Our raid schedules are found -here-.]
I can raid Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and every other Saturday + Sunday
Yeah, Exémplefy from Core of Chaos is basically my referral. Who is my current guild leader
About you
[A little something about yourself as a person. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. ]
Uhhh... Hi y'all. As previously mentioned, I'm Ingvar from Iceland (Some really fast answers to questions I get asked too much: I do not live in an igloo, I do not have a pet penguin, I am unfortunately not a Viking. And last but not least, yes. I've gone to Eyjafjallajökull and it's not that difficult to pronounce).
Basic interests include but are not limited to: Instruments, Sports, Video Games and Programming.