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[social] chaosmineox, lvl 90 paladin

Posted: 04 Feb 2014, 20:11
by chaosmineox
Who is your character?
[Your character name, race, and class]

Who are you?
[Your name, age, and where you’re from]

i love to PvE (either raids and dungeons, aswell as rarehunting and soloing old content) altough im bad geared, i do weekly LFR's (cant join an raidgroup because of working shifts)

Guild history
warriors of doom, before that i quited for about 5 months, cant remember which i was in before (i left warriors of doom, because the raidleader (i could raid only saturdays and they were fine with it) was never on, aswell as on peaktime about 5 people were online.)

I know skiold from warrios of doom

About you
Im Jari van Dijk, i live in holland, 18y/o, love playing wow, pokemon <3, i work at Hapam (metal company in holland) as an turner (not the dance turner, the metal turner =P no idea how its officialy called in english tho)
i have 1 little brother, and both my parents (thank god), im not religious, but im not ANTI religious, everybody is themselfs.
thats how i stand in my shoes, you can be who you want, as long as you're an nice person.

well... gnomes are... weird, awesome, and genius maintanks, i mean comon, an 1 feet tall gnome taking hits from an 50feet boss NOW THATS DAREDEVIL

Re: [social] chaosmineox, lvl 90 paladin

Posted: 04 Feb 2014, 20:14
by Guest
chaosmineox wrote:Who is your character?
Chaosmineox, Human paladin (retribution) lvl 90, at this moment item lvl 515.

Who are you?
Jari van Dijk, 18y/o and from holland
heres the last 2 parts (well first) sorry i saw them over the head...

Re: [social] chaosmineox, lvl 90 paladin

Posted: 08 Feb 2014, 20:33
by Jimmble
Hi Chaosmineox,

sorry for the late response, it's totally not the gnomes' fault. I tried to contact you ingame but I couldn't find you. Are you sure your character is on this realm?


Re: [social] chaosmineox, lvl 90 paladin

Posted: 09 Feb 2014, 13:18
by Guest
sorry i forgot i namechanged to chaospally =)

atm ilvl 524 too =DD

Re: [social] chaosmineox, lvl 90 paladin

Posted: 09 Feb 2014, 13:43
by Jimmble
So... you changed your character name from Chaosmineox to Chaospally... on an RP realm... with a character naming policy? ... m-policies
Character names

The Raven Council insists that all members obey the Realm policies at all times. This of course applies to character names as well. For names that violate the Blizzard naming policy, you can usually get a GM to change it for you for free (however, you might incur a warning on your account).

Re: [social] chaosmineox, lvl 90 paladin

Posted: 14 Feb 2014, 09:46
by Jimmble
We have decided to accept you application, however before we invite you to the guild, you should find a character name which complies with Blizzard's character naming policy for RP realms.