[Social] Sparrhawk, lvl 90 Paladin

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[Social] Sparrhawk, lvl 90 Paladin

Post by Sparrhawk » 27 Jan 2014, 11:58

I prefer PvP but also do some raid finder. I also enjoy questing so I tend to run around with my alts alot. I'm looking forward to engage in some Arena and RBG activities.

Guild history
I've been with The New Expedition since the beginning. Unfortunately the guild is more or less dead which is the main reason for my application to The Raven Council (which I believe is an excellent guild).

Just bumped into one or two of your members while running heroics and BGs. They were all nice people so I decided to apply for your guild as my number one requirement in any guild is that it is mature and made up of nice people.

About you
My name is David, I'm one of the veterans in WoW and with my 47 years under the belt surely one of the elders too.
I've got a wife and two kids whom I spend alot of my spare time with. I work as CTO and lead developer at a Swedish software company.

Who knows, they are a great mystery to me. My former guild leader was a gnome, but he ran off with some wide-eyed gnomish girl. Haven't seen him since :shock:

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Re: [Social] Sparrhawk, lvl 90 Paladin

Post by Jimmble » 27 Jan 2014, 13:23

Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

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Posts: 7473
Character name: Jimmble
Location: under your bed
Specialization: recruitment

Re: [Social] Sparrhawk, lvl 90 Paladin

Post by Jimmble » 27 Jan 2014, 14:11

Your application has been accepted. Please /w an officer for an invite.
