Echoette- Disc Priest - Hello!

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(Anyana, Katrixia)
Dark Raven
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Character name: Anyana, Katrixia

Echoette- Disc Priest - Hello!

Post by Echoette » 23 Jan 2014, 23:24

Who is your character?
Echoette, Priest, Disc. ... tte/simple

Who are you?
My name is Katie, I'm 21, from the UK. I am currently training to become a science teacher.

Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I'm happy helping out wherever really. :)

Raid role
I am very competitive when I play. In the past I have both raid lead and just been quiet and healed so I can step up or down depending on what is needed of me. I always try to be up to date on tricks and tips for optimizing my healing. I almost always check out WoL after raids to check my up times of different buffs and how well my spell % breakdown compares to others of my spec. Towards the start of patches I look at high ranked WoL players (before they can start fudging the meters) to see what talents they're taking and their spell priorities. I also keep an eye of some forums if new tips come up for new bosses.



As holy paladin:
5/6 MH
11/12 BT
Wrath -
The Immortal and all achis pre 3.1
A number of hardmodes and realm firsts during Ulduar
11/12HC in ICC 25m
Cata -
6/7HC Firelands

As disc priest:
8/8HC DS

11/13 HC ToT
11/14 HC SoO

The story!:

I started out at level 70 as a mage in a pretty small guild with low requirements (The Venture Co - Reborn). This suited me great and with no experience of MMOs before was a good fit. I farmed water elementals in Halaa for 3 days to make my epic frostweave set so I could join them in Karazhan. I loved raiding right from the start and was always very competitive and trying to be the best. I stayed in the guild for quite a long time, becoming an officer. We moved from Karazhan to a raiding alliance doing Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC and TK until we had enough people to start doing MH and BT by ourselves. I grew frustrated with the lack of impact I had on a 25man raid as a mage. It didn’t matter if I topped the dps meters or not, I didn’t have any influence on whether we killed it or not. That rested on the tanks and healers. I knew my guild needed strong healers so I levelled and geared my Holy Paladin. I really loved healing and used it in 10man older raids. I asked to swap to healing in raids but was told no, that I was their strongest dps and they needed me on my mage. Wipe after wipe due to shoddy healing I couldn’t take it anymore so I applied to a better guild on the server on my paladin (The Venture Co - In Somnis Veritas). I felt much happier as a healer and progressed to 5/6 MH and 11/12 BT with them before Wrath came out.
During TBC I had befriended a few people from the best guild on the server who were the only guild to Kil’jaeden and when my previous guild dispanded I got in as a friend rank (The Venture Co - Twilight Empire). I went to some alt raids in Naxx with them before finally getting my shot in a 25man raid. I got pulled into progression on S3D and although I died to the fire walls (because at the time I healed with the touchpad on my laptop) just before the kill, we got it and it felt amazing to get something as a realm first. After this I bought a mouse and joined the progression team full time. We raided 5 nights a week 6.30-11.30, often extending during progression. We finally got the immortal with 3 weeks before 3.1 and finished up to get our black proto-drakes the following week. This remains one of my proudest achievements in WoW.
Ulduar came out and we started progression right off the bat, as the only guild on the server to clear it in the first week. My GM was insistent we didn’t skip any bosses so on the first night we got a very high work rank kill on Ignis, which a lot of guilds were skipping due a 1-shot bug. We quickly moved on to the hardmodes. The guild began to fall apart as we were progressing on vezax heroic due to the guild leader/raid leader having some real life drama with his girlfriend. The guild sadly disbanded and I took this as a sign to take a break to finish school as the hardcore raiding had been a real issue for my studies as I had no ability to moderate it and it was causing a huge rift between me and my parents.
I came back during ICC joining a guild with quite a few of the old members of my previous guild and we progressed to 11/12HC before guild disagreements lead to disbanding (The Venture Co - Ashen Empire). This happened in my first week of starting uni so I just decided to take a break again to focus on uni and social stuff.
At the end of the academic year I came back again joining a guild that had been around for a long time (and was run by the leader of our ally guild back in TBC) (The Venture Co - Veneficus Ex). I became an officer and raid leader progressing to 6/7HC in FL and a full 8/8HC clear in DS (5/8HC pre-nerf). Up until this point I had been still playing my holy paladin but as we hit heroic spine I noticed we had a clear road-block. Our healing team was 2holydins and a resto druid which was making the damage incredibly hard and we weren’t getting anywhere. I was getting frustrated so tried to figure out a solution. I went through all 200 parses of WoL looking for a healing comp like ours and couldn’t find anything that didn’t use a disc priest or a resto shaman. I had a level 85 priest I’d never really played but decided it was probably the only way to progress as a guild as recruitment was pretty much dead on our now-dying server. I geared and learnt to play disc and we killed spine and madness while I raid led on holiday from Canada on my ancient laptop.
The server I am from was dying and it didn’t look like it would survive into cata so talks of a guild transfer began. I made a tough decision to step down and stop playing to focus on my final year of university and have only recently come back to the game again. My guild had 3holydins and a mistweaver so it seemed much more logical for me to play my priest. The guild transferred to Ragnaros during my time away. I have no idea why as it is almost exclusively Hungarian on the raiding scene. I instantly enjoyed healing again although I wanted to avoid taking up a leadership role due to the added time and stress.
Unfortunately it's not always so easy and after progressing normal ToT became too frustrating and frankly embarrassing, 4 of us decided to transfer to Defias and make our own guild; of which I am currently GM (Defias Brotherhood - The Yawning Dragon). We progressed HC ToT quickly and I enjoyed it very much and the new friends I made.
Going into SoO I started back up at uni, this meant I had no time to recruit or do GM-type things and slowly our roster withered away as people left for school and other reasons. I don't have the time to boost our roster or talk to trialists for hours and although we promoted some new officers, who tried very hard to help, it wasn't enough.
I don't want to stop raiding, when I come home I love having something which is social and relaxing but I don't want to be in a guild where I feel I am wasting my time either with bad progression.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Honestly, Im pretty rubbish at both holy and shadow. I have a holydin and a resto shaman that are... 540 and 485 ilvl I think so not very useful except in an emergency.

Paladin: ... ana/simple
Shaman: ... xia/simple

I do, and I am happy to speak up. I have raid lead either whole raids or just the healing so I'm happy to talk as much or as little.
I've used forums for tactics before, it's good for keeping people on the same 'page'.

World of Logs stuff
This is from tonight, my logs from progress were more shiny but they've expired:

Guild History
Ive been in a number of guilds since TBC, I've either left because of guilds disbanding, or not feeling like the guild fit what I wanted from the game.

Raid availability
Should be fine, so long as I don't over do it with school.


About you
I love raiding very much, even though I'm pretty busy nowadays, I like to still have it as a part of my life. I have been described as very patient. I suppose dealing with 11 year olds that act like 6 year olds this is a requirement.

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Re: Echoette- Disc Priest - Hello!

Post by Jimmble » 23 Jan 2014, 23:25

