[Raider] Frost Mage LVL 90
Posted: 03 Jan 2014, 23:35
Mage (Frost)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... oby/simple
Who are you?
My Name is Rob (28 years) and currently working and living in Germany (Originally from Amsterdam, the Netherlands). I started playing WoW again after an inactivity of 1,5 years. Since I started again for a couple of weeks I understand that I am undergeared at the moment, will fix this with flex raids and LFR in the next couple of weeks.
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I would like to apply for the RG2 first, and seen my current gear probably as reserve
Raid role
Since my main character is a Mage the only goal is to do damage and more damage. Though this isn’t in my opinion the most important factor, guess that first understand the boss mechanics is most important. In this way you can find out on which times and place you can damage the boss the most, the high dps will come then automatically. To read up what the ‘‘Best’’ spec is for my class I make use of sites like elitistjerks / mmo-champion and noxxic. I have the professions Tailoring and Mining on my main character. Tailoring since it gives me the best dps increase from all professions and Mining as a gold farm profession.
I have got Raiding experience from Karazhan into black temple (as Fury warrior) this was at a time that there where almost no warrior dps’ers, simply because they where not that viable . It was my first character so when I found out I liked dpssing the most I rerolled to mage where I cleared up to Lich king. In MoP I have downed several bosses in Mogu’shan Vaults before I went to inactivity (this was with the guild The new expediditon).
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have currently fire as an offspec, I would not mind to change specs for raids if needed. Unfortunately I have no viable alts, I do have two not viable alts that are still level 85 (Warrior FURY/ Shamen ELE).
I do have a headset and microphone, I do not have any problems with using the microphone during encounters. Got experience with games like Counterstrike and Dota which are quite communication intense
Guild History
Before I have played for various guilds like The New Expedition / Keepers of Mrakness / Animosity, altogether I have got about 4 years Raid experience starting from Karazhan
Raid availability
The Raid times of RG2 are no problem for me.
Raven Council is quite known in the server and I saw on wowprogress that you guys where recruiting. I have spoken to Quickfizzix and he would give me his Gnomestamp
About you
Think I have given quite some info about who I am, if you have any furtherquestions just message me ingame. Hope too see you guys online.
Mage (Frost)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... oby/simple
Who are you?
My Name is Rob (28 years) and currently working and living in Germany (Originally from Amsterdam, the Netherlands). I started playing WoW again after an inactivity of 1,5 years. Since I started again for a couple of weeks I understand that I am undergeared at the moment, will fix this with flex raids and LFR in the next couple of weeks.
Which of our two raid groups are you applying for?
I would like to apply for the RG2 first, and seen my current gear probably as reserve
Raid role
Since my main character is a Mage the only goal is to do damage and more damage. Though this isn’t in my opinion the most important factor, guess that first understand the boss mechanics is most important. In this way you can find out on which times and place you can damage the boss the most, the high dps will come then automatically. To read up what the ‘‘Best’’ spec is for my class I make use of sites like elitistjerks / mmo-champion and noxxic. I have the professions Tailoring and Mining on my main character. Tailoring since it gives me the best dps increase from all professions and Mining as a gold farm profession.
I have got Raiding experience from Karazhan into black temple (as Fury warrior) this was at a time that there where almost no warrior dps’ers, simply because they where not that viable . It was my first character so when I found out I liked dpssing the most I rerolled to mage where I cleared up to Lich king. In MoP I have downed several bosses in Mogu’shan Vaults before I went to inactivity (this was with the guild The new expediditon).
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have currently fire as an offspec, I would not mind to change specs for raids if needed. Unfortunately I have no viable alts, I do have two not viable alts that are still level 85 (Warrior FURY/ Shamen ELE).
I do have a headset and microphone, I do not have any problems with using the microphone during encounters. Got experience with games like Counterstrike and Dota which are quite communication intense
Guild History
Before I have played for various guilds like The New Expedition / Keepers of Mrakness / Animosity, altogether I have got about 4 years Raid experience starting from Karazhan
Raid availability
The Raid times of RG2 are no problem for me.
Raven Council is quite known in the server and I saw on wowprogress that you guys where recruiting. I have spoken to Quickfizzix and he would give me his Gnomestamp
About you
Think I have given quite some info about who I am, if you have any furtherquestions just message me ingame. Hope too see you guys online.