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Youshyana/Kazearuku - Social App

Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 15:52
by Youshi
I have 11 chars on this server! 4 90's:
Youshi 90 - Original hunter from Woltk/Cata (Realm first guild on The Venture Co during ICC, and my Old PVP char 2.4k+) 516 ilvl
Youshyana 90 - new hunter for the sake of raiding on a ranged char (Was on another server and i didn't want to transfer, Will explain below) 567 ilvl
Desckatt 90 Priest - One of those moments when you go (I really wanna play that class!!) 520 ilvl Shadow/disc
Kazearuku 90 BM Monk - Made this character so we could continue to do progression after our MT bailed. 568 ilvl
Lots of other character between 40-85

My name is Keön Viljoen, 19, Born in SA (South Africa) But I'm pretty British haha. Have lived here a good 16 years. Apologies to any of the Dutch in the guild but I'm incapable of speaking Afrikaans (Half English family, It's pretty embarrassing especially when my English born sisters speak it a 100 times better than me. But they were schooled there, so what can you do!

I have enjoyed every aspect of this game at one point or another (except maybe achievement hunting, i envy those with the dedication). I have had very different raiding experiences from top 700 to not even top 8000, I have enjoyed them both but obviously when your doing heroic the gear allow you to shine much better thanks to class mechanics, which is always nice.

I remember climbing the ladder and learning how all this arena stuff works, being excited to get 1100 and 1200 buying your boots and belt and feeling awesome! And so you should, Learning is one of the best parts! I eventually hit the higher milestones, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200 and 2400. I have played with some big names like Diablous on Stormscale (ITS SO SCARY) Not even close to his level.

All the fun stuff!
what I'm currently interest in and i apologies if your not looking for this. I'm looking really to find somewhere I'm comfortable logging into, having a chat. Doing more relaxed aspects of the games like helping with dungeons (And don't quote me on this, but raids maybe!!!). I just want to log in and have fun. I'm currently trying to find the character i want to settle in with for WoD (currently leveling my third warrior! (One is on Kazzak at 81, the other at Raggy 90, can explain)

Guild history
So 4 years yields a fair few guilds (I say that when some amazing guys/girls dedicate 9 years to a single one!)

The venture Co:
Warcraft Raiders - My first guild <3 remember you always. This is were i learned all the nooby stuff and how to play, we ended up being like 5th best 10man guild on server
Redrum (The Original) - This is were i finished ICC playing my hunter, i quit just before server first LK because of IRL responsibilities and the fact my internet made it impossible to play

Defias Brotherhood:
Bloodwind - cata pvp period Season 10/11

Havana Club - Went there to find all my TVC friends were they had tried to reform RR, did pvp with some friends but it led to inactivity

DO NOTHING AND WIN, DNAW - Carried on my pvp experience, good players left and it got randomly taken over by a weird bunch, left.

Veneficus Ex - Joined here because i raided with them during Dragon soul and helped them clear 8/8HC forgot to mention this above. They were 2/12 way into the patch and i took of RL helped them get 6/12 until we decided to bail due to some higher up issues (Officer/gm lineup were not great).

Defias we return!
The Yawning Dragon - I made the guild so me and my wow friends could raid competently on our own terms (even though officially i didn't actually have GM i gave it someone for fun), it actually got a bit bigger then we had anticipated but were all pretty competitive so it wasn't such a suprise. Recent disband.

A /w after looking for a guild desperately in /2 to apply on your website and it felt pretty appealing.

About you
University student - Im a 3D/2D Artist, although i study games development as a whole.
Im a massive nerd not going to lie
TV - I really like Murder myserties, comedies, sci-fi or fantasy (watching a shwo called Castle atm which is BOTH, its great)
Games - Well... I study them, so im sure you get the idea! (however i do struggle to sit down on a single player games these days, i miss the social/competative atmosphere)
Anime - Well i have seen over 100 titles (which is not bad! although i know some hard-core people) You wanna talkt o me about it! Feel free!
Music - A lot of things but mostly but im prone to: Metal, Any dance/house/DnB/dubstep variation, and anything that sounds epic and makes me feel like i could slay a dragon....or ride
Night life - i mean there isnt much like getting your favorite lads together and going out or staying in for a few/a lot of drinks! Even online! Once a month works for me but i have been with a group of people who made it a weekly ritual!
I find that people can talk to me about anything, even regarding myself. I would SO love for people to come to me about a problem they have with me and give me the time of day to try and fix it, then brush it off. The thought of people not liking me for something i did to offend them gives me this horrible sinking feeling in my stomach.

Interesting gnome fact, gnomes or so small they have to swim through shallow water in WoW. First time i saw it i was in disbelief! The new models look great though right?! Cant wait for the nelf ones!

Re: Youshyana/Kazearuku - Social App

Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 16:31
by Alikh
Thanks for your application. Please, give us some time to review it.

In the meantime, I'd like to know as you're applying as a social, are you interested in mythic raiding in the coming expansion? There is a hunter spot available in our first raiding team even now (with blackfuse heroic being our current target) but definitely for mythic raiding later.

I'm Dutch by the way and don't worry about Afrikaans as I have trouble understanding it anyway :P.

Re: Youshyana/Kazearuku - Social App

Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 16:40
by Youshi
Alikh wrote:In the meantime, I'd like to know as you're applying as a social, are you interested in mythic raiding in the coming expansion? There is a hunter spot available in our first raiding team even now (with blackfuse heroic being our current target) but definitely for mythic raiding later.
Hmm, My problem with wow is the time i have to put into the game kind of works like this due to my university project. If i Raid, there is no garuntee you will ever see me outside of raiding (i mean you most likely will). I was looking for a place to make home and relax, but maaaaaybe. Your next farm raid, so this coming wednesday, you could trial my hunter (im pretty rusty becuase of playing my monk) if you like what you see, maybe we can go from there. If you don't i really won't be offended because in my eyes im not currently performing optimally because im struggle to put the hours into researching and theorycrafting.

Re: Youshyana/Kazearuku - Social App

Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 16:55
by Bowick
Hi Youshi!
tRC is a very social guild IMO, I think you'll be happy if that's what you're after primarily.

As Alikh says we really could use a hunter - particularly for Siegebreaker heroic. BUT, no pressure if that's not the pace you're after at the moment. :)
Our progression team raids Thurs, Sun, Tues - so we have a quick normal mode clear run tonight (last 3 bosses), and then a fresh run doing the heroic farm bosses (usually up to Malkarok/Spoils) on Thursday if you do want to try any of this out. And then yep, we will of course be expanding the team in WoD, so more chances there.

We also have alt runs, and our more casual raid group normally raiding a couple times a week as well. RG1 will be having a bit of a break during Christmas, so I'm sure there'll be other random fun stuff through that period too.

Youshi wrote:About you
University student - Im a 3D/2D Artist, although i study games development as a whole.
I studied game art, industry veteran now apparently! (4.5 years has gone very quick..)

Re: Youshyana/Kazearuku - Social App

Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 17:00
by Jimmble
But, but... that's Siegecrafter!

Re: Youshyana/Kazearuku - Social App

Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 17:16
by Youshi
Your raiding tonight! Well i guess i could hop in if there are people who would rather not kill those last pesky normals. It's an option at least.

Re: Youshyana/Kazearuku - Social App

Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 17:35
by Stukov
Your application has been accepted. Please /w an officer for an invite.

Re: Youshyana/Kazearuku - Social App

Posted: 17 Dec 2013, 17:43
by Stukov